Tioga, PA 1850 Federal Census Po-Rol (INDEX - File 14 of 19) This Census was transcribed by Fred H. Merrick and proofread by Cheryl A. Merrick for the USGenWeb Census Project http://www.usgwarchives.net/census/ Copyright (c) 2000 by Fred H. Merrick ************************************************************************ USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ************************************************************************ Census_Year 1850 Microfilm #M432-830 State PA County Tioga ---------------------Begin Actual Transcription---------------------------------- THIS IS AN INDEX SORTED BY LAST NAME. FOR THE COMPLETE CENSUS INFORMATION, OPEN THE FILE IN THE FILE NAME COLUMN. ============================================================================= PG# LN# LAST NAME FIRST NAME AGE BIRTHPL FILE NAME ============================================================================= 63A 33 Pond Wm. 22 NY pg0058a.txt 75A 27 Porter A. R. 36 NY pg0072b.txt 75A 17 Porter Alex 58 NH pg0072b.txt 75A 30 Porter Angaline 9 PA pg0072b.txt 75A 19 Porter Cha's W. 25 NY pg0072b.txt 75A 18 Porter Clarissa 58 CT pg0072b.txt 18B 25 Porter Daphne A. 43 NH pg0016a.txt 75A 32 Porter Erwin 4 PA pg0072b.txt 75A 29 Porter Frances 12 NY pg0072b.txt 18B 24 Porter John W. 53 VT pg0016a.txt 75A 20 Porter Justus L. 22 NY pg0072b.txt 75A 33 Porter Mary J. 2 PA pg0072b.txt 75A 28 Porter Mary L. 36 France pg0072b.txt 75A 31 Porter Peter 7 PA pg0072b.txt 75A 21 Porter Philena 28 NY pg0072b.txt 10B 6 Porter Wm. 23 England pg0008a.txt 3A 24 Porter Wm. E. 32 England pg0001a.txt 197A 31 Post Elizabeth 21 NY pg0193b.txt 197A 28 Post Garret R. 49 NY pg0193b.txt 197A 34 Post Hannah 11 NY pg0193b.txt 197A 32 Post Henry H. 16 NY pg0193b.txt 197A 33 Post James 14 NY pg0193b.txt 197A 30 Post John J. 23 NY pg0193b.txt 197A 29 Post Phebe 45 NY pg0193b.txt 197A 35 Post Wm. F. 7 NY pg0193b.txt 66B 8 Potter {Mrs.} 28 NY pg0065a.txt 90B 29 Potter A. C. 33 NY pg0086b.txt 244B 35 Potter Adaline 8 NY pg0243b.txt 137A 30 Potter Adeline 46 NY pg0136a.txt 174A 14 Potter Adeline 18 PA pg0172a.txt 173A 42 Potter Alace 5/12 PA pg0172a.txt 173A 41 Potter Albert 5 PA pg0172a.txt 173A 38 Potter Angeline 12 PA pg0172a.txt 90B 31 Potter Ann L. 3 PA pg0086b.txt 289A 35 Potter Archibald 22 PA pg0286b.txt 173A 40 Potter Benjamin 8 PA pg0172a.txt 96B 7 Potter Betsy 16 NY pg0094a.txt 243B 8 Potter Caleb 41 NY pg0243b.txt 289A 37 Potter Catherine 20 NY pg0286b.txt 243B 25 Potter Charles 29 NY pg0243b.txt 90B 32 Potter Cha's W. 2 PA pg0086b.txt 243B 27 Potter Elcy 1 NY pg0243b.txt 243B 11 Potter Eli 16 NY pg0243b.txt 174A 18 Potter Emma 12 PA pg0172a.txt 174A 12 Potter Ezra 50 RI pg0172a.txt 174A 17 Potter Ezra, Jr. 16 PA pg0172a.txt 119B 40 Potter Franklin 13 PA pg0115a.txt 119B 39 Potter George 15 PA pg0115a.txt 173A 37 Potter George 15 PA pg0172a.txt 244B 34 Potter Hannah 28 NY pg0243b.txt 286B 2 Potter Hannah 24 NY pg0286b.txt 173A 35 Potter Harriet 19 PA pg0172a.txt 173A 32 Potter Henry H. 58 NY pg0172a.txt 173A 34 Potter Howard H. 25 NY pg0172a.txt 289A 36 Potter Ira 26 PA pg0286b.txt 286B 4 Potter James F. 1 PA pg0286b.txt 173A 36 Potter Jerome 17 PA pg0172a.txt 119B 38 Potter John 18 PA pg0115a.txt 243B 12 Potter John N. 10/12 PA pg0243b.txt 286B 1 Potter Jonathan 31 PA pg0286b.txt 137A 32 Potter Joseph 6 PA pg0136a.txt 240A 10 Potter Joseph 48 RI pg0236b.txt 173A 39 Potter Julia 10 PA pg0172a.txt 243B 26 Potter Laura 19 NY pg0243b.txt 240A 12 Potter Laura E. 12 NY pg0236b.txt 174A 13 Potter Lydia 53 NY pg0172a.txt 90B 30 Potter M. C. 22 NH pg0086b.txt 173A 33 Potter Malinda 44 VT pg0172a.txt 286B 3 Potter Margaret E. 4 PA pg0286b.txt 289A 38 Potter Mariett 5 PA pg0286b.txt 244B 36 Potter Martin T. 4 NY pg0243b.txt 243B 9 Potter Mary 36 NY pg0243b.txt 90B 33 Potter Mary 1 PA pg0086b.txt 286A 38 Potter Mary M. 7 PA pg0280a.txt 119B 36 Potter Matilda 58 RI pg0115a.txt 289A 34 Potter Mercey 38 NY pg0286b.txt 137A 31 Potter Mortimer 11 PA pg0136a.txt 174A 19 Potter Nancy 10 PA pg0172a.txt 240A 11 Potter Nancy 38 NY pg0236b.txt 243B 10 Potter Newton 18 NY pg0243b.txt 286A 37 Potter Olive 29 NY pg0280a.txt 286A 39 Potter Olive J. 3 PA pg0280a.txt 137A 29 Potter Robert 47 RI pg0136a.txt 243B 12 Potter Sarah 3 NY pg0243b.txt 119B 35 Potter Stephen 62 RI pg0115a.txt 286A 36 Potter Stephen, Jr. 36 RI pg0280a.txt 289A 33 Potter Willard 53 NY pg0286b.txt 119B 37 Potter William 22 PA pg0115a.txt 66B 7 Potter Wm. 36 NY pg0065a.txt 206A 32 Powell Rees 66 Wales pg0201a.txt 206A 33 Powell Sarah 56 Wales pg0201a.txt 159A 21 Power Caroline 23 PA pg0158a.txt 159A 20 Power Dyer 28 PA pg0158a.txt 159A 19 Power Polly 63 PA pg0158a.txt 162A 40 Power Polly 71 VT pg0158a.txt 159A 22 Power Samantha 21 PA pg0158a.txt 159A 18 Power Simeon 66 VT pg0158a.txt 128A 5 Powers Benj'n 21 NY pg0122a.txt 128A 6 Powers Carolin 21 NY pg0122a.txt 159A 36 Powers David 5 PA pg0158a.txt 181B 36 Powers Jane 34 NY pg0179b.txt 181B 41 Powers Jane 1 NY pg0179b.txt 128A 7 Powers John D. 1 PA pg0122a.txt 181B 40 Powers Nichols 4 NY pg0179b.txt 181B 39 Powers Orville 6 NY pg0179b.txt 159A 37 Powers P. 2 PA pg0158a.txt 157A 5 Powers Pierce 22 Ireland pg0150a.txt 159A 34 Powers S. J. 30 PA pg0158a.txt 159A 35 Powers Selinda 30 PA pg0158a.txt 181B 37 Powers Spencer 9 NY pg0179b.txt 181B 38 Powers Veder 7 NY pg0179b.txt 181B 35 Powers William 38 NY pg0179b.txt 205B 32 Pratt Adison 10 PA pg0201a.txt 187A 24 Pratt Almira 38 NY pg0186b.txt 100A 5 Pratt Arad 21 NY pg0094a.txt 205B 31 Pratt Celestia 12 PA pg0201a.txt 205B 33 Pratt Clarissa 8 PA pg0201a.txt 187A 25 Pratt Edwin 21 NY pg0186b.txt 205B 34 Pratt Emery 5 PA pg0201a.txt 187A 27 Pratt Emily 14 PA pg0186b.txt 96A 22 Pratt Henry 24 NY pg0094a.txt 187A 28 Pratt Isabel 4 PA pg0186b.txt 187A 26 Pratt Jane 16 PA pg0186b.txt 205B 29 Pratt Julius 33 VT pg0201a.txt 205B 30 Pratt Rebecca 34 PA pg0201a.txt 161A 20 Pratt Rev. Mr. 59 CT pg0158a.txt 187A 23 Pratt Robert 59 NY pg0186b.txt 187A 29 Pratt Robert V. 2 PA pg0186b.txt 184A 5 Prentice Chas. 36 PA pg0179b.txt 23A 12 Prentice Mary 55 NH pg0023a.txt 92B 34 Preston Abagail 70 MA pg0086b.txt 127B 10 Preston Amos 11 PA pg0122a.txt 127B 5 Preston Asa 46 PA pg0122a.txt 127B 6 Preston Betsy 32 NY pg0122a.txt 127B 14 Preston Calfurna 7 PA pg0122a.txt 208A 20 Preston Daniel 25 PA pg0208a.txt 127B 11 Preston Frederick 9 PA pg0122a.txt 127B 7 Preston James 20 PA pg0122a.txt 127B 8 Preston Norman 16 PA pg0122a.txt 127B 15 Preston Polly 4/12 PA pg0122a.txt 126B 20 Preston T. 62 NJ pg0122a.txt 127B 12 Preston Watrus 7 PA pg0122a.txt 127B 13 Preston Zenas 5 PA pg0122a.txt 15A 36 Price A. 14 PA pg0008a.txt 20B 27 Price Agness 13 PA pg0016a.txt 297A 38 Price Amelia 7 PA pg0293a.txt 15A 33 Price Charles 50 CT pg0008a.txt 20B 23 Price Charles 55 NY pg0016a.txt 20B 30 Price Charles 5 PA pg0016a.txt 15A 38 Price Charles 7 PA pg0008a.txt 15A 39 Price Emily 5 PA pg0008a.txt 20B 31 Price Emily 3 PA pg0016a.txt 297A 37 Price Emily 9 PA pg0293a.txt 20B 25 Price Harriet 23 NY pg0016a.txt 15A 40 Price James 2 PA pg0008a.txt 297A 39 Price James E. 2 PA pg0293a.txt 20B 32 Price Jane 2 PA pg0016a.txt 15A 34 Price Jemima 46 CT pg0008a.txt 20B 24 Price Jemima 46 CT pg0016a.txt 20B 39 Price Mary 9 PA pg0016a.txt 15A 35 Price Orren 17 PA pg0008a.txt 20B 26 Price Orrin 16 PA pg0016a.txt 297A 34 Price Phineas 34 NY pg0293a.txt 15A 37 Price Ruth 9 PA pg0008a.txt 20B 29 Price Ruth 7 PA pg0016a.txt 235A 6 Price S. B. 31 PA pg0229a.txt 20B 28 Price Sarah 11 PA pg0016a.txt 297A 36 Price Sarah 11 PA pg0293a.txt 235A 7 Price Sophia 27 NY pg0229a.txt 297A 35 Price Sybel 32 OH pg0293a.txt 235A 8 Price Wm. 29 PA pg0229a.txt 288A 35 Prichard Adeline 11 PA pg0286b.txt 288A 36 Prichard Eunice 5 PA pg0286b.txt 288A 37 Prichard Guy 3 PA pg0286b.txt 288A 33 Prichard Harriet 30 PA pg0286b.txt 288A 32 Prichard James 36 PA pg0286b.txt 288A 38 Prichard Mary J. 2 PA pg0286b.txt 288A 34 Prichard Theodore 12 PA pg0286b.txt 2A 41 Pride Agnes 30 Scotland pg0001a.txt 297A 32 Pride Albert 5 PA pg0293a.txt 297A 30 Pride Christopher R. 34 NY pg0293a.txt 2B 1 Pride David 50 Scotland pg0001a.txt 2B 3 Pride David 22 Scotland pg0001a.txt 295A 41 Pride Deborah J. 22 PA pg0293a.txt 2B 2 Pride Elizabeth 55 Scotland pg0001a.txt 296A 41 Pride Emeline 1 PA pg0293a.txt 297A 33 Pride Joseph D. 1 PA pg0293a.txt 294B 41 Pride Martha 57 NY pg0293a.txt 296A 39 Pride Noble 26 PA pg0293a.txt 2A 40 Pride Robert 29 Scotland pg0001a.txt 297A 31 Pride Roxy F. 30 PA pg0293a.txt 296A 40 Pride Sarah A. 24 PA pg0293a.txt 294B 40 Pride Thomas 64 MA pg0293a.txt 295A 40 Pride Tho's, Jr. 27 NY pg0293a.txt 291B 29 Pritchard Amzi 37 PA pg0286b.txt 292A 10 Pritchard Angeline 7 PA pg0286b.txt 292A 7 Pritchard Balfer 15 PA pg0286b.txt 288A 30 Pritchard Cha's 24 PA pg0286b.txt 291B 31 Pritchard Co'l A. 5 PA pg0286b.txt 292A 4 Pritchard Eli 21 PA pg0286b.txt 292A 8 Pritchard Elizabeth 13 PA pg0286b.txt 292A 11 Pritchard Eugene 5 PA pg0286b.txt 288A 31 Pritchard Eunice 20 NY pg0286b.txt 159B 25 Pritchard Experience 21 NY pg0158a.txt 292A 6 Pritchard James 17 PA pg0286b.txt 292A 12 Pritchard Levi 3 PA pg0286b.txt 291B 30 Pritchard Lucretia 39 PA pg0286b.txt 292A 1 Pritchard Lyman 47 PA pg0286b.txt 291B 32 Pritchard Mahetable 1 PA pg0286b.txt 292A 5 Pritchard Maria 19 PA pg0286b.txt 292A 2 Pritchard Mary 45 PA pg0286b.txt 292A 9 Pritchard Matilda 9 PA pg0286b.txt 123B 8 Pritchard Morris 23 PA pg0122a.txt 292A 3 Pritchard Morris 23 PA pg0286b.txt 293B 26 Pritchard Morris 27 PA pg0293a.txt 293B 27 Pritchard Sally 60 NY pg0293a.txt 121B 37 Pritchard Semantha 17 NY pg0115a.txt 159B 24 Pritchard William 28 NY pg0158a.txt 163B 26 Pritchard Zack 2 PA pg0158a.txt 169A 18 Prouty Chester W. 32 NY pg0165a.txt 176A 26 Prouty Elizabeth 32 NY pg0172a.txt 169A 17 Prouty Ezra 62 MA pg0165a.txt 169A 21 Prouty Harmon 9 PA pg0165a.txt 169A 14 Prouty James A. 9 NY pg0165a.txt 169A 16 Prouty Jason L. 5 NY pg0165a.txt 176A 25 Prouty Levi 32 NY pg0172a.txt 176A 27 Prouty Levi 9 NY pg0172a.txt 169A 19 Prouty Minerva 30 NY pg0165a.txt 169A 15 Prouty Patience H. 6 NY pg0165a.txt 169A 13 Prouty Roxany 32 NY pg0165a.txt 169A 12 Prouty Shaderick 35 MA pg0165a.txt 169A 20 Prouty William 11 NY pg0165a.txt 164A 5 Prutsman Abram 25 PA pg0158a.txt 95A 13 Prutsman Abram 48 PA pg0094a.txt 95A 15 Prutsman Adaline 23 PA pg0094a.txt 146B 11 Prutsman Adam 25 NY pg0143a.txt 94A 10 Prutsman Almira 21 PA pg0094a.txt 95A 16 Prutsman Andrew J. 21 PA pg0094a.txt 95A 5 Prutsman Andrew M. 43 PA pg0094a.txt 95A 8 Prutsman C. M. 16 PA pg0094a.txt 104B 30 Prutsman Charlotte 18 PA pg0101a.txt 164A 8 Prutsman Daniel H. 2 PA pg0158a.txt 52A 34 Prutsman Eliza 27 NY pg0051a.txt 95A 19 Prutsman G. E. 13 PA pg0094a.txt 88A 14 Prutsman George 27 PA pg0086b.txt 164B 21 Prutsman Hellen 3 PA pg0158a.txt 95A 11 Prutsman Henrietta M. 8 PA pg0094a.txt 164B 19 Prutsman Jacob 28 PA pg0158a.txt 88A 12 Prutsman Jacob 77 PA pg0086b.txt 52A 33 Prutsman Jefferson 29 PA pg0051a.txt 88A 17 Prutsman Jerome 20 PA pg0086b.txt 94A 8 Prutsman John 54 PA pg0094a.txt 94A 11 Prutsman John, Jr. 16 PA pg0094a.txt 95A 10 Prutsman L. H. 12 PA pg0094a.txt 103B 3 Prutsman Lama 9 PA pg0101a.txt 95A 6 Prutsman M. A. 41 PA pg0094a.txt 95A 9 Prutsman M. A. 13 PA pg0094a.txt 164A 6 Prutsman Mariah 24 NY pg0158a.txt 164B 20 Prutsman Mariah 25 PA pg0158a.txt 95A 14 Prutsman Mariah 41 VT pg0094a.txt 95A 7 Prutsman Martha J. 18 PA pg0094a.txt 164A 7 Prutsman Mary E. 3 PA pg0158a.txt 95A 12 Prutsman Melville 7/12 PA pg0094a.txt 95A 17 Prutsman N.Randall 16 PA pg0094a.txt 94A 9 Prutsman Phebe 55 NY pg0094a.txt 95A 18 Prutsman R. M. 16 PA pg0094a.txt 88A 13 Prutsman Rachel 35 PA pg0086b.txt 297A 1 Purple Ansel 49 NY pg0293a.txt 297A 3 Purple Elisha J. 25 NY pg0293a.txt 297A 7 Purple Isabel L. 11 PA pg0293a.txt 297A 2 Purple Maria 47 NY pg0293a.txt 297A 5 Purple Martin V. 17 PA pg0293a.txt 297A 6 Purple Mary E. 13 PA pg0293a.txt 297A 4 Purple Silas H. 23 NY pg0293a.txt 32B 6 Purvice Betsey 52 VT pg0030a.txt 32B 8 Purvice Caroline F. 12 PA pg0030a.txt 32B 10 Purvice Horace W. 6 PA pg0030a.txt 32B 5 Purvice John 65 Ireland pg0030a.txt 32B 7 Purvice P. M. 15 PA pg0030a.txt 32B 9 Purvice S. B. 7 PA pg0030a.txt 34A 13 Purvis John A. 22 NY pg0030a.txt 34A 15 Purvis R.H. 7/12 PA pg0030a.txt 34A 14 Purvis Ruth A. 18 PA pg0030a.txt 226A 32 Putman Andrew 16 NY pg0222a.txt 80B 31 Putman Calvin 7 NY pg0079b.txt 226A 36 Putman George 6 PA pg0222a.txt 226A 29 Putman John 61 NY pg0222a.txt 226A 30 Putman Maria 50 NY pg0222a.txt 226A 37 Putman Nancy 3 PA pg0222a.txt 226A 35 Putman Neoma 8 PA pg0222a.txt 226A 33 Putman Salley 14 NY pg0222a.txt 226A 34 Putman Solomon 11 NY pg0222a.txt 226A 31 Putman Wm. 20 NY pg0222a.txt 19B 8 Putnam Artemisia 4 PA pg0016a.txt 182A 9 Putnam Cinderella 36 NY pg0179b.txt 182A 8 Putnam Cornelius 38 NY pg0179b.txt 182A 14 Putnam Eliza 5 PA pg0179b.txt 221A 37 Putnam Emiline 22 PA pg0215a.txt 5B 8 Putnam F. A. 2/12 PA pg0001a.txt 5B 7 Putnam Frank 3 PA pg0001a.txt 182A 15 Putnam George 2 PA pg0179b.txt 221A 38 Putnam George 3 PA pg0215a.txt 92A 34 Putnam George S. 1 PA pg0086b.txt 182A 10 Putnam Gideon 15 NY pg0179b.txt 5B 2 Putnam Harriet, Jr. 19 NY pg0001a.txt 5B 1 Putnam Harriett 42 NY pg0001a.txt 93A 30 Putnam J. 28 VT pg0086b.txt 92A 30 Putnam J. G. 40 VT pg0086b.txt 5B 4 Putnam Jerome 13 NY pg0001a.txt 5A 42 Putnam Jerome 42 NH pg0001a.txt 182A 13 Putnam John 8 PA pg0179b.txt 221A 36 Putnam John 30 NY pg0215a.txt 92A 33 Putnam John H. 3 NY pg0086b.txt 182A 11 Putnam Joseph 13 PA pg0179b.txt 221A 39 Putnam LeRoy 6/12 PA pg0215a.txt 16A 30 Putnam Lucy 61 MA pg0016a.txt 5B 5 Putnam Lyman 7 PA pg0001a.txt 5B 3 Putnam Mary 17 NY pg0001a.txt 182A 12 Putnam Matilda 11 PA pg0179b.txt 92A 32 Putnam P. W. 8 NY pg0086b.txt 19B 7 Putnam Porter 12 PA pg0016a.txt 19B 6 Putnam Portny 14 PA pg0016a.txt 92A 31 Putnam S. H. 40 NY pg0086b.txt 19B 5 Putnam Samuel 16 PA pg0016a.txt 19B 2 Putnam Tho's 60 MA pg0016a.txt 19B 4 Putnam Tho's 20 PA pg0016a.txt 5B 6 Putnam Vial 4 PA pg0001a.txt 19B 3 Putnam Zilpha 51 MA pg0016a.txt 64A 17 Quigley John 25 NY pg0058a.txt 64A 18 Quigley William 17 NY pg0058a.txt 111B 14 Quimby Enos 75 NY pg0108a.txt 107B 30 Quinn Martin 40 Ireland pg0101a.txt 107B 31 Quinn Pat 32 Ireland pg0101a.txt 107B 32 Quinn Pat 45 Ireland pg0101a.txt 68A 31 Racin Maria 26 PA pg0065a.txt 123A 31 Radeker Alfred B. 27 NY pg0122a.txt 123A 34 Radeker Emma L. 1 PA pg0122a.txt 123A 32 Radeker Lucinda M. 25 NY pg0122a.txt 123A 33 Radeker M. M. 3 PA pg0122a.txt 271B 42 Ragor . . . pg0266b.txt 271B 41 Ragor Mary 10 PA pg0266b.txt 148B 6 Rah Gideon 63 PA pg0143a.txt 278B 13 Rahker Eliza J. 12 PA pg0273b.txt 278B 15 Rahker Jacob 8 PA pg0273b.txt 278B 14 Rahker Mary 10 PA pg0273b.txt 278B 11 Rahker Rebeca 37 PA pg0273b.txt 278B 12 Rahker Stephen 14 PA pg0273b.txt 271A 28 Raker Daniel 39 PA pg0266b.txt 271A 31 Raker George 1 PA pg0266b.txt 271A 29 Raker Mary 25 PA pg0266b.txt 271A 30 Raker William 3 PA pg0266b.txt 40A 33 Ralpett Eunice 69 CT pg0037a.txt 180B 23 Ramsdale Cha's H. 6 NH pg0179b.txt 180B 18 Ramsdale James M. 40 NH pg0179b.txt 180B 20 Ramsdale James M., Jr. 15 NH pg0179b.txt 180B 22 Ramsdale Joseph E. 9 NH pg0179b.txt 180B 19 Ramsdale Lucy 36 NH pg0179b.txt 180B 21 Ramsdale Lucy A. 11 NH pg0179b.txt 180B 24 Ramsdale Lydia E. 3 PA pg0179b.txt 39A 24 Ramsdall Deborah 54 VT pg0037a.txt 39A 25 Ramsdall R. J. 27 PA pg0037a.txt 57B 3 Ranck Adam 59 NY pg0051a.txt 57B 4 Ranck Sally 50 CT pg0051a.txt 200A 22 Randal Arabella 23 DE pg0193b.txt 200A 21 Randal Geo. 24 NY pg0193b.txt 8A 28 Randall Dolly 9 PA pg0008a.txt 154A 16 Randall Jared 19 NY pg0150a.txt 209B 11 Randall John 4 PA pg0208a.txt 8A 27 Randall L. 38 NY pg0008a.txt 209B 6 Randall Lewis 35 NY pg0208a.txt 209B 7 Randall Marg't 30 NY pg0208a.txt 209B 12 Randall Sarah 2 PA pg0208a.txt 209B 8 Randall Stephen 10 PA pg0208a.txt 209B 9 Randall Sylvia A. 8 PA pg0208a.txt 8A 29 Randall Tho's W. 40 Canada pg0008a.txt 8A 26 Randall Wilson 19 NY pg0008a.txt 209B 10 Randall Wm. 6 PA pg0208a.txt 23A 28 Randolph Charles 19 NY pg0023a.txt 77A 20 Ranley Alzena 15 PA pg0072b.txt 158A 35 Ransom Almira S. 1/12 PA pg0158a.txt 158A 34 Ransom Betsey 28 NY pg0158a.txt 121A 11 Ransom Catherine 2 NY pg0115a.txt 158A 33 Ransom George S. 30 NY pg0158a.txt 121A 12 Ransom Ira 42 NY pg0115a.txt 61A 33 Ransom Jno. 40 NY pg0058a.txt 121A 9 Ransom John 30 NY pg0115a.txt 61A 34 Ransom Lucy 18 PA pg0058a.txt 123A 4 Ransom Sally 69 VT pg0122a.txt 121A 10 Ransom Sarah 24 PA pg0115a.txt 61A 35 Ransom Sarah 2 PA pg0058a.txt 61A 36 Ransom Thomas 7/12 PA pg0058a.txt 146B 21 Rarick Catharine 59 NY pg0143a.txt 27B 9 Rarick James 2 PA pg0023a.txt 146B 20 Rarick John N. 78 NY pg0143a.txt 27B 7 Rarick L. D. 28 NY pg0023a.txt 27B 8 Rarick Lydia 22 PA pg0023a.txt 27B 10 Rarick S. S. 1 PA pg0023a.txt 8B 4 Rathbone Angela 6 PA pg0008a.txt 8A 40 Rathbone C. 52 MA pg0008a.txt 65A 26 Rathbone Dallas 5 PA pg0065a.txt 8A 42 Rathbone David 17 PA pg0008a.txt 65A 14 Rathbone Diantha 3 PA pg0065a.txt 65A 20 Rathbone Elizabeth 20 NY pg0065a.txt 8B 5 Rathbone Eunice 3 PA pg0008a.txt 65A 9 Rathbone Henry 34 PA pg0065a.txt 65A 15 Rathbone Henry 1 PA pg0065a.txt 65A 13 Rathbone Jane 4 PA pg0065a.txt 65A 23 Rathbone Jane 55 NY pg0065a.txt 65A 25 Rathbone Job 10 PA pg0065a.txt 65A 19 Rathbone John 29 PA pg0065a.txt 8B 1 Rathbone Lydia N. 12 PA pg0008a.txt 8B 6 Rathbone Maria 19 PA pg0008a.txt 65A 10 Rathbone Mary Ann 26 NY pg0065a.txt 8B 3 Rathbone Mary J. 8 PA pg0008a.txt 8A 41 Rathbone Mary L. 40 PA pg0008a.txt 65A 21 Rathbone Osamus 19 PA pg0065a.txt 65A 12 Rathbone Rozetta 6 PA pg0065a.txt 65A 22 Rathbone Samuel 17 PA pg0065a.txt 65A 17 Rathbone Thomas 14 NY pg0065a.txt 65A 24 Rathbone Thomas 12 PA pg0065a.txt 162A 24 Rathbone Wales 46 NY pg0158a.txt 8B 2 Rathbone Wilson 10 PA pg0008a.txt 28A 30 Ratin David M. 1 PA pg0023a.txt 285A 14 Raymond Ellen M. 19 NY pg0280a.txt 67B 9 Read Mary A. 23 PA pg0065a.txt 67B 7 Read Richard 66 NY pg0065a.txt 67B 8 Read Susan 66 NY pg0065a.txt 61B 19 Reagle Mary 17 NY pg0058a.txt 73A 10 Reas Allex C. 12 NY pg0072b.txt 77A 27 Reas Betsey 9 Wales pg0072b.txt 77A 28 Reas Catherine 6 PA pg0072b.txt 73A 4 Reas Christian 79 NY pg0072b.txt 87A 41 Reas David D. 51 Wales pg0086b.txt 73A 13 Reas George 2 PA pg0072b.txt 77A 26 Reas Hannah 10 Wales pg0072b.txt 73A 12 Reas Harvey 7 PA pg0072b.txt 73A 9 Reas James 14 NY pg0072b.txt 77A 25 Reas Jane 15 Wales pg0072b.txt 78A 22 Reas John 11 Wales pg0072b.txt 73A 7 Reas Josiah 37 NY pg0072b.txt 73A 6 Reas Josiah C. 11 NY pg0072b.txt 87A 42 Reas Margaret 58 Wales pg0086b.txt 73A 5 Reas Mary 79 NY pg0072b.txt 77A 24 Reas Mary 35 Wales pg0072b.txt 78A 23 Reas Mary 9 Wales pg0072b.txt 73A 8 Reas Matilda 35 NY pg0072b.txt 78A 21 Reas Nancy 15 Wales pg0072b.txt 78A 20 Reas P. 42 Wales pg0072b.txt 78A 25 Reas Tho's 4 PA pg0072b.txt 77A 29 Reas William 4 PA pg0072b.txt 78A 19 Reas William 48 Wales pg0072b.txt 78A 24 Reas William 7 PA pg0072b.txt 73A 11 Reas Wm. 10 PA pg0072b.txt 76A 26 Rease David 60 Wales pg0072b.txt 76A 28 Rease Eliza 23 PA pg0072b.txt 76A 27 Rease Margrett 60 Wales pg0072b.txt 76A 29 Rease Margrett 20 PA pg0072b.txt 230B 15 Reddington Emily 13 NY pg0229a.txt 230B 13 Reddington Festus 38 PA pg0229a.txt 230B 17 Reddington John 6 PA pg0229a.txt 12B 42 Reddington Keziah 41 MA pg0008a.txt 13A 3 Reddington Louisa 8 PA pg0008a.txt 230B 18 Reddington Mary A. 3 PA pg0229a.txt 13A 1 Reddington Olive 15 PA pg0008a.txt 230B 16 Reddington Orlando 9 NY pg0229a.txt 195A 35 Reddington Patrick 29 Ireland pg0193b.txt 13A 2 Reddington Sally A. 11 PA pg0008a.txt 230B 14 Reddington Sarah 32 NY pg0229a.txt 13A 4 Reddington Wright 5 PA pg0008a.txt 129B 11 Redfield Albert 8 PA pg0129a.txt 180B 36 Redfield Augustus 23 NY pg0179b.txt 180B 37 Redfield Aurilla 23 NY pg0179b.txt 181A 20 Redfield Charlotte 13 PA pg0179b.txt 106A 5 Redfield Cornelius 15 NY pg0101a.txt 106A 3 Redfield Hannah 39 NY pg0101a.txt 129B 12 Redfield Helen 1 PA pg0129a.txt 106A 4 Redfield Henry 17 NY pg0101a.txt 106A 7 Redfield Hiram 5 NY pg0101a.txt 106A 6 Redfield James 9 NY pg0101a.txt 181A 23 Redfield James 4 PA pg0179b.txt 129B 8 Redfield Joseph R. 33 MA pg0129a.txt 181A 24 Redfield Leonard Lee 3 PA pg0179b.txt 129B 9 Redfield Martha 34 NY pg0129a.txt 129B 10 Redfield Mary 11 NY pg0129a.txt 181A 21 Redfield Oliver 10 PA pg0179b.txt 181A 22 Redfield Rosella P. 7 PA pg0179b.txt 181A 19 Redfield Ruth A. 29 NY pg0179b.txt 106A 2 Redfield Stephen 50 NJ pg0101a.txt 181A 18 Redfield William 47 MA pg0179b.txt 180B 38 Redfield Z. B. 5/12 PA pg0179b.txt 174B 24 Redington Ann 22 PA pg0172a.txt 174B 22 Redington Emily 37 PA pg0172a.txt 174B 20 Redington John 83 MA pg0172a.txt 174B 23 Redington Marius 26 PA pg0172a.txt 121A 8 Redington Patrick 30 Ireland pg0115a.txt 174B 21 Redington Selia 63 VT pg0172a.txt 217A 41 Reed Amanda 2 PA pg0215a.txt 112B 20 Reed Benjamin 2 NY pg0108a.txt 272A 4 Reed Catharine 7 PA pg0266b.txt 272A 10 Reed Charles 1 PA pg0266b.txt 217A 40 Reed Charles F. 4 PA pg0215a.txt 271B 40 Reed Elenor 64 PA pg0266b.txt 112B 15 Reed Eunice 22 NY pg0108a.txt 272A 5 Reed Francis 5 PA pg0266b.txt 272A 6 Reed George 3 PA pg0266b.txt 272A 9 Reed Henry 10 PA pg0266b.txt 272A 7 Reed Isacc 28 PA pg0266b.txt 112B 16 Reed J. B. 55 NY pg0108a.txt 217A 38 Reed Jane 31 PA pg0215a.txt 271B 39 Reed John 67 PA pg0266b.txt 24A 1 Reed Joseph 6 PA pg0023a.txt 272A 1 Reed Joseph 32 PA pg0266b.txt 112B 19 Reed Lucy 7 PA pg0108a.txt 112B 17 Reed Lydia 17 NY pg0108a.txt 272A 3 Reed Magaret 9 PA pg0266b.txt 112B 14 Reed Reuben R. 22 NY pg0108a.txt 217A 37 Reed Roland 32 NY pg0215a.txt 272A 2 Reed Sarah 30 PA pg0266b.txt 272A 8 Reed Sarah 29 PA pg0266b.txt 217A 39 Reed Selena A. 6 PA pg0215a.txt 112B 18 Reed Theodosia 14 PA pg0108a.txt 112B 21 Reed Ypsylanti 20 NY pg0108a.txt 205A 34 Reeder Ambrose 7 PA pg0201a.txt 205A 33 Reeder Betsey 40 PA pg0201a.txt 205A 32 Reeder Isaac 40 PA pg0201a.txt 205A 35 Reeder Nathan 3 PA pg0201a.txt 153B 22 Reep Andrew J. 21 PA pg0150a.txt 153B 26 Reep Arnetta 17 PA pg0150a.txt 153B 19 Reep Catherine 50 PA pg0150a.txt 153B 21 Reep Daniel 27 PA pg0150a.txt 153B 23 Reep George 25 PA pg0150a.txt 153B 29 Reep Horace 10 PA pg0150a.txt 153B 20 Reep Leonard 31 PA pg0150a.txt 153B 25 Reep Mary 23 PA pg0150a.txt 153B 18 Reep Peter 58 PA pg0150a.txt 153B 27 Reep Peter 14 PA pg0150a.txt 153B 24 Reep Valentine 19 PA pg0150a.txt 153B 28 Reep William 12 PA pg0150a.txt 201A 32 Rees Edmund 84 Wales pg0201a.txt 200A 17 Rees John N. 3 PA pg0193b.txt 200A 14 Rees Josiah C. 11 PA pg0193b.txt 194A 10 Rees Margaret 19 Wales pg0193b.txt 200A 13 Rees Martha 38 PA pg0193b.txt 200A 16 Rees Mary J. 5 PA pg0193b.txt 200A 12 Rees Michael 40 NY pg0193b.txt 200A 15 Rees Wm. B. 8 PA pg0193b.txt 99B 23 Reese Ann 3 PA pg0094a.txt 99B 20 Reese Arvin 11 NY pg0094a.txt 4B 35 Reese David 21 Wales pg0001a.txt 99B 19 Reese Eliza 13 NY pg0094a.txt 13B 23 Reese Eliza 25 Wales pg0008a.txt 99B 18 Reese Emily 16 NY pg0094a.txt 99B 24 Reese Francis 9/12 PA pg0094a.txt 99B 16 Reese Frederick 42 NY pg0094a.txt 118B 37 Reese George 5/12 PA pg0115a.txt 99B 21 Reese Hannah 8 NY pg0094a.txt 99B 22 Reese John 6 NY pg0094a.txt 118B 34 Reese John, Jr. 40 NY pg0115a.txt 118B 35 Reese Louisa 35 PA pg0115a.txt 99B 17 Reese Lucinda 38 NY pg0094a.txt 118B 36 Reese Willard 3 PA pg0115a.txt 61B 10 Reeves Cordelia 22 NY pg0058a.txt 61B 13 Reeves Dora J. 4/12 PA pg0058a.txt 61B 9 Reeves George 30 England pg0058a.txt 61B 12 Reeves Henry 2 PA pg0058a.txt 61B 11 Reeves Maria 4 NY pg0058a.txt 269A 33 Reighart Amanda 1 PA pg0266b.txt 269A 30 Reighart Jacob 27 PA pg0266b.txt 269A 32 Reighart John 3 PA pg0266b.txt 269A 31 Reighart Mary 25 PA pg0266b.txt 184A 38 Reily Horace 17 NY pg0179b.txt 109B 20 Reinhart Amiah 13 PA pg0108a.txt 109B 21 Reinhart C. H. 10 PA pg0108a.txt 109B 18 Reinhart Geo. 28 PA pg0108a.txt 109B 23 Reinhart Gertrude 4 PA pg0108a.txt 109B 19 Reinhart Rachel 36 PA pg0108a.txt 109B 22 Reinhart Wilhelmina 8 PA pg0108a.txt 259B 9 Remington Jesse E. 23 NY pg0259a.txt 282B 39 Rennels Betsey 1 PA pg0280a.txt 282B 38 Rennels Dessella 4 PA pg0280a.txt 282B 35 Rennels Hiram 32 NY pg0280a.txt 282B 36 Rennels Martha 27 NY pg0280a.txt 282B 37 Rennels Sally 8 PA pg0280a.txt 282B 40 Rennels Wm. 36 NY pg0280a.txt 267B 8 Repart Benjamin 7 PA pg0266b.txt 267B 5 Repart Betsey 33 PA pg0266b.txt 267B 7 Repart Elizabeth 10 PA pg0266b.txt 273A 22 Repart George 4 PA pg0266b.txt 267B 9 Repart Jeremiah 5 PA pg0266b.txt 267B 10 Repart John 1 PA pg0266b.txt 273A 19 Repart John 30 PA pg0266b.txt 273A 17 Repart Joseph 62 PA pg0266b.txt 267B 4 Repart Martin 37 PA pg0266b.txt 273A 21 Repart Martin 8 PA pg0266b.txt 267B 6 Repart Mary 12 PA pg0266b.txt 273A 18 Repart Mary 67 PA pg0266b.txt 273A 20 Repart Sarah 27 PA pg0266b.txt 123B 35 Repass Albert 19 NY pg0122a.txt 124A 28 Repass Amelia 28 PA pg0122a.txt 119B 2 Repass Eliza 19 NY pg0115a.txt 123B 36 Repass Hellen 12 NY pg0122a.txt 119B 3 Repass J. A. 2 PA pg0115a.txt 119B 1 Repass Joel 25 PA pg0115a.txt 123B 34 Repass Nancy L. 36 NY pg0122a.txt 123B 37 Repass T. J. 6 PA pg0122a.txt 119B 4 Repass Wallace 1 PA pg0115a.txt 123B 33 Repass Wm. 39 PA pg0122a.txt 38A 41 Rew Anna 74 NY pg0037a.txt 38A 37 Rew Benjamin J. 29 PA pg0037a.txt 38A 40 Rew Henry 69 CT pg0037a.txt 38A 39 Rew Rachael 1 PA pg0037a.txt 38A 38 Rew Susan 27 NY pg0037a.txt 231B 35 Rexford Anna 69 NY pg0229a.txt 260A 20 Rexford Betsey 32 NY pg0259a.txt 257A 32 Rexford Catharine 25 PA pg0250b.txt 260A 21 Rexford Charles 12 NY pg0259a.txt 231B 26 Rexford Chloe 28 PA pg0229a.txt 257A 31 Rexford David 31 NY pg0250b.txt 294A 36 Rexford David 51 NH pg0293a.txt 257A 33 Rexford Delos 6 PA pg0250b.txt 294A 37 Rexford Eliza 48 NY pg0293a.txt 260A 25 Rexford Ellen 3 PA pg0259a.txt 260A 23 Rexford George 6 PA pg0259a.txt 257A 35 Rexford Henretta 1 PA pg0250b.txt 43B 38 Rexford Henry 3 PA pg0037a.txt 260A 24 Rexford James 4 PA pg0259a.txt 257A 34 Rexford Jesse 3 PA pg0250b.txt 231B 25 Rexford Job 32 NY pg0229a.txt 50B 29 Rexford Martha 19 PA pg0044a.txt 260A 22 Rexford Mary 9 NY pg0259a.txt 231B 28 Rexford Nancy A. 2 PA pg0229a.txt 231B 27 Rexford Percy E. 5 PA pg0229a.txt 43B 36 Rexford Sarah A. 38 NY pg0037a.txt 43B 37 Rexford T. E. 5 PA pg0037a.txt 28B 39 Reynolds A. D. 11 PA pg0023a.txt 119A 29 Reynolds A. H. 28 NY pg0115a.txt 28B 40 Reynolds Abijah 8 PA pg0023a.txt 38A 30 Reynolds Amelia 35 PA pg0037a.txt 141A 6 Reynolds Amos 57 CT pg0136a.txt 141A 11 Reynolds Amos D. 7 NY pg0136a.txt 254A 41 Reynolds Ann E. 24 PA pg0250b.txt 141A 7 Reynolds Anna 50 CT pg0136a.txt 119A 30 Reynolds Anna C. 20 PA pg0115a.txt 38A 36 Reynolds Asa 1 PA pg0037a.txt 47A 24 Reynolds Bennett 43 VT pg0044a.txt 47A 14 Reynolds Bethuel 41 VT pg0044a.txt 28B 37 Reynolds Calvin 31 NY pg0023a.txt 184A 13 Reynolds Celia 5 PA pg0179b.txt 184A 8 Reynolds Clintock 14 PA pg0179b.txt 204B 8 Reynolds Cyrus 6 PA pg0201a.txt 38A 32 Reynolds Cyrus 14 PA pg0037a.txt 92B 8 Reynolds Diadiana 21 NY pg0086b.txt 47A 30 Reynolds Draper 5 PA pg0044a.txt 141A 10 Reynolds E. J. 12 NY pg0136a.txt 28B 42 Reynolds Eunice J. 5 PA pg0023a.txt 47A 26 Reynolds Ezra 17 PA pg0044a.txt 29A 1 Reynolds Fanny 1 PA pg0023a.txt 254A 40 Reynolds Geo. W. 23 PA pg0250b.txt 47A 23 Reynolds George 23 VT pg0044a.txt 92B 7 Reynolds Gilbert 24 NY pg0086b.txt 141A 8 Reynolds H. Eliza 21 NY pg0136a.txt 107B 8 Reynolds Harriet 3 PA pg0101a.txt 47A 16 Reynolds Horace 16 PA pg0044a.txt 28B 38 Reynolds Isabella 29 PA pg0023a.txt 204B 6 Reynolds Ithiel 34 VT pg0201a.txt 141A 9 Reynolds Jane 16 NY pg0136a.txt 184A 10 Reynolds Jane 12 PA pg0179b.txt 47A 29 Reynolds Jane 7 PA pg0044a.txt 204B 5 Reynolds John 19 VT pg0201a.txt 204B 4 Reynolds Joshua 31 VT pg0201a.txt 235B 6 Reynolds L. B. 30 NY pg0229a.txt 29A 2 Reynolds Leyman 52 NY pg0023a.txt 29A 3 Reynolds Lucinda 56 NY pg0023a.txt 38A 33 Reynolds Lyman 11 PA pg0037a.txt 119A 31 Reynolds M. A. 4/12 PA pg0115a.txt 47A 25 Reynolds Margaret 33 NY pg0044a.txt 184A 7 Reynolds Maria 33 NY pg0179b.txt 47A 15 Reynolds Melissa 44 NY pg0044a.txt 28B 41 Reynolds Minerva 6 PA pg0023a.txt 184A 14 Reynolds N. Edgar 2 PA pg0179b.txt 204B 2 Reynolds Nancy 63 CT pg0201a.txt 47A 22 Reynolds Nancy 34 VT pg0044a.txt 184A 11 Reynolds Nancy M. 10 PA pg0179b.txt 107B 7 Reynolds Nancy P. 21 PA pg0101a.txt 38A 34 Reynolds Nelson 8 PA pg0037a.txt 184A 6 Reynolds Norman 39 VT pg0179b.txt 204B 7 Reynolds Ochrand 4 PA pg0201a.txt 47A 27 Reynolds Orrin 15 PA pg0044a.txt 47A 21 Reynolds Roby 63 VT pg0044a.txt 47A 32 Reynolds Sabra 20 PA pg0044a.txt 47A 31 Reynolds Sally 21 PA pg0044a.txt 107B 6 Reynolds Samuel W. 27 NJ pg0101a.txt 204B 3 Reynolds Sarah 38 VT pg0201a.txt 148A 4 Reynolds Sarah Jane 15 NY pg0143a.txt 38A 29 Reynolds Thomas 41 PA pg0037a.txt 47A 28 Reynolds Thomas 12 PA pg0044a.txt 38A 31 Reynolds Van Buren 15 PA pg0037a.txt 204B 1 Reynolds Waldow 63 VT pg0201a.txt 184A 9 Reynolds Washington 13 PA pg0179b.txt 184A 12 Reynolds Westly 6 PA pg0179b.txt 184A 15 Reynolds Wm. H. 3/12 PA pg0179b.txt 100B 39 Rhodes George 40 Germany pg0094a.txt 267B 35 Ribbald Liberty 17 NY pg0266b.txt 267B 31 Ribbald Rachel 55 NY pg0266b.txt 267B 32 Ribbald Rachel 28 NY pg0266b.txt 267B 33 Ribbald Sally 21 NY pg0266b.txt 267B 30 Ribbald Samuel 60 NY pg0266b.txt 267B 34 Ribbald Wm. 19 NY pg0266b.txt 279B 5 Ribble Andrew 30 NJ pg0273b.txt 120A 6 Ribble Catherine 23 NJ pg0115a.txt 193A 40 Riberolle Eugene 8 NY pg0186b.txt 193A 37 Riberolle Joseph 40 France pg0186b.txt 193A 41 Riberolle Josephine 6 NJ pg0186b.txt 193A 38 Riberolle Nancy 52 MD pg0186b.txt 193A 39 Riberolle Sylvia 10 NY pg0186b.txt 47A 5 Riboler Lewis 25 NY pg0044a.txt 74B 38 Rice A. J. 45 MA pg0072b.txt 140B 29 Rice Alvin 39 NY pg0136a.txt 140B 35 Rice Austin 10 NY pg0136a.txt 66B 17 Rice Catherine 30 NY pg0065a.txt 140B 36 Rice Chauncey 7 NY pg0136a.txt 75A 5 Rice Clarissa 3 PA pg0072b.txt 66B 20 Rice Cynthia 6 NY pg0065a.txt 36A 10 Rice Ellen 1 PA pg0030a.txt 140B 34 Rice Erastus 15 NY pg0136a.txt 260B 37 Rice Frances 5 NY pg0259a.txt 258B 31 Rice Frances A. 21 NY pg0250b.txt 75A 2 Rice Geo. 8 PA pg0072b.txt 140B 33 Rice George 17 NY pg0136a.txt 176B 27 Rice George 17 NY pg0172a.txt 79A 26 Rice George 8 PA pg0072b.txt 79A 24 Rice Hanah 34 NY pg0072b.txt 79A 27 Rice Hannah 6 PA pg0072b.txt 66B 19 Rice Henry 8 NY pg0065a.txt 75A 1 Rice Henry 9 PA pg0072b.txt 36A 8 Rice Jackson 27 PA pg0030a.txt 140B 38 Rice James 1 NY pg0136a.txt 36A 9 Rice Jane 22 PA pg0030a.txt 258B 32 Rice Juliet 1 PA pg0250b.txt 79A 25 Rice Kesiah 10 PA pg0072b.txt 74B 41 Rice Lucretia 12 NY pg0072b.txt 140B 31 Rice Luther 21 NY pg0136a.txt 66B 16 Rice Luther 43 MA pg0065a.txt 66B 21 Rice Luther, Jr. 3 PA pg0065a.txt 66B 22 Rice Lydia 1 PA pg0065a.txt 74B 42 Rice Lydia 10 PA pg0072b.txt 74B 39 Rice Mahony 38 MA pg0072b.txt 260B 34 Rice Maria 26 NY pg0259a.txt 260B 38 Rice Maria 2 NY pg0259a.txt 260B 35 Rice Martha 15 NY pg0259a.txt 79A 28 Rice Martha 1 PA pg0072b.txt 75A 3 Rice Miles 7 PA pg0072b.txt 75A 7 Rice Nathan 18 NY pg0072b.txt 140B 32 Rice Orrin 14 NY pg0136a.txt 176B 26 Rice Orrin 19 NY pg0172a.txt 260B 36 Rice Orsemus 8 NY pg0259a.txt 75A 6 Rice Otis 1 PA pg0072b.txt 260B 33 Rice Roswell 56 NY pg0259a.txt 75A 4 Rice Rozetta 5 PA pg0072b.txt 258B 30 Rice Rufus, Jr. 27 NY pg0250b.txt 140B 30 Rice Sally 39 NY pg0136a.txt 74B 40 Rice Solomon 15 NY pg0072b.txt 79A 23 Rice Sylvinus 31 NY pg0072b.txt 140B 37 Rice W. A. 4 NY pg0136a.txt 66B 18 Rice William 13 NY pg0065a.txt 66B 27 Rice William 16 NY pg0065a.txt 285A 26 Rich Geo. 6 PA pg0280a.txt 285A 24 Rich Lydia 20 PA pg0280a.txt 285A 27 Rich Mary 5 PA pg0280a.txt 285A 25 Rich Samuel 7 PA pg0280a.txt 147A 4 Rich Sarah 2 PA pg0143a.txt 285A 23 Rich Wm. B. 42 CT pg0280a.txt 10B 41 Richard Elizabeth 19 PA pg0008a.txt 11A 2 Richard Jacob 6 PA pg0008a.txt 11A 3 Richard Joseph 3 PA pg0008a.txt 10B 42 Richard Lewis 9 PA pg0008a.txt 11A 1 Richard Philip 7 PA pg0008a.txt 10B 38 Richard Phillip 43 PA pg0008a.txt 10B 39 Richard Sarah 40 PA pg0008a.txt 10B 40 Richard Sarah 17 PA pg0008a.txt 70A 40 Richards A. 32 Scotland pg0065a.txt 39B 35 Richards C. J. 14 PA pg0037a.txt 39B 32 Richards Cornelius E. 18 NY pg0037a.txt 70A 39 Richards Elizabeth 75 Scotland pg0065a.txt 33B 1 Richards Emily S. 2 PA pg0030a.txt 33A 41 Richards Hannah M. 22 PA pg0030a.txt 70A 38 Richards James 82 Scotland pg0065a.txt 5B 14 Richards Jane 50 England pg0001a.txt 5B 17 Richards Jane 14 England pg0001a.txt 70A 41 Richards M. 31 Scotland pg0065a.txt 33A 42 Richards Mary 4 MA pg0030a.txt 5B 16 Richards Mary M. 17 England pg0001a.txt 195A 6 Richards Rebecca J. 19 PA pg0193b.txt 33A 40 Richards S. F. 26 NY pg0030a.txt 39B 29 Richards Solon 51 MA pg0037a.txt 39B 34 Richards Solon, Jr. 20 PA pg0037a.txt 39B 30 Richards Susanna 50 MA pg0037a.txt 39B 36 Richards Susanna A. 12 PA pg0037a.txt 5B 15 Richards Wm. Long 18 England pg0001a.txt 39B 33 Richards Zerenas O. 16 PA pg0037a.txt 199B 4 Richards Elizabeth 19 NY pg0193b.txt 199B 6 Richards Frances S. 13 NY pg0193b.txt 199B 5 Richards Frankin S. 13 NY pg0193b.txt 199B 2 Richards Hannah 59 NY pg0193b.txt 199B 3 Richards Ira D. 22 NY pg0193b.txt 199B 1 Richards Israel 58 CT pg0193b.txt 73A 38 Richardson Agness 3 PA pg0072b.txt 249B 21 Richardson Alfred 13 NY pg0243b.txt 161A 34 Richardson Ann 11 PA pg0158a.txt 161A 37 Richardson Charles 3 PA pg0158a.txt 249B 25 Richardson Elizabeth 16 NY pg0243b.txt 73A 36 Richardson Elizabeth 22 PA pg0072b.txt 161A 38 Richardson Francis 1 PA pg0158a.txt 249B 20 Richardson Francis 17 NY pg0243b.txt 161A 36 Richardson James 5 PA pg0158a.txt 161A 31 Richardson Jane 19 PA pg0158a.txt 13A 17 Richardson John 23 NY pg0008a.txt 161A 29 Richardson John 23 PA pg0158a.txt 249B 24 Richardson John 22 NY pg0243b.txt 249B 18 Richardson John D. 53 NY pg0243b.txt 249B 26 Richardson Lydia A. 1 PA pg0243b.txt 249B 22 Richardson Mahalia 11 NY pg0243b.txt 161A 28 Richardson Mary 44 PA pg0158a.txt 249B 23 Richardson Phebe A. 4 NY pg0243b.txt 198B 19 Richardson Robert 20 Scotland pg0193b.txt 73A 35 Richardson Rob't 40 Scotland pg0072b.txt 73A 37 Richardson Rob't 4 PA pg0072b.txt 249B 19 Richardson Ruth 55 MA pg0243b.txt 161A 32 Richardson Sally 17 PA pg0158a.txt 161A 30 Richardson Samuel 21 PA pg0158a.txt 13A 18 Richardson Sarah A. 22 PA pg0008a.txt 161A 33 Richardson Thomas 13 PA pg0158a.txt 161A 27 Richardson Thos. 62 England pg0158a.txt 161A 35 Richardson William 7 PA pg0158a.txt 27B 37 Richmond A. 26 NY pg0023a.txt 27A 26 Richmond Albert 23 PA pg0023a.txt 29A 6 Richmond Ama 50 NY pg0023a.txt 29A 9 Richmond Betsey 13 PA pg0023a.txt 27A 28 Richmond Isaac 2 PA pg0023a.txt 29A 5 Richmond Isaac 50 NY pg0023a.txt 29A 11 Richmond Lyman 7 PA pg0023a.txt 29A 10 Richmond Malinda 10 PA pg0023a.txt 27B 39 Richmond Mary E. 4 PA pg0023a.txt 29A 8 Richmond Matilda 15 PA pg0023a.txt 47B 7 Richmond Nancy 58 NY pg0044a.txt 29A 7 Richmond Obadiah 17 PA pg0023a.txt 27A 27 Richmond Sally 20 NY pg0023a.txt 27B 38 Richmond Sally A. 24 NY pg0023a.txt 27A 29 Richmond Sperry 8/12 PA pg0023a.txt 27B 40 Richmond V. A. 2 PA pg0023a.txt 47B 6 Richmond William 53 NY pg0044a.txt 1B 28 Richter Adam 7 PA pg0001a.txt 1B 25 Richter Geo. 28 PA pg0001a.txt 1B 26 Richter Jane 28 PA pg0001a.txt 1B 30 Richter Jane 1 PA pg0001a.txt 10B 37 Richter Mary 20 PA pg0008a.txt 1B 29 Richter Rebecca 4 PA pg0001a.txt 10B 36 Richter Samuel 28 PA pg0008a.txt 9B 17 Richter Samuel 28 PA pg0008a.txt 1B 27 Richter Wm. 9 PA pg0001a.txt 148B 10 Rider Samuel 53 MA pg0143a.txt 125A 34 Rifle Hiram 22 PA pg0122a.txt 125A 37 Rifle Infant 3/12 NY pg0122a.txt 125A 36 Rifle Susan Ann 2 PA pg0122a.txt 125A 35 Rifle W. Ann 21 RI pg0122a.txt 5B 23 Rifledaffer J. 23 PA pg0001a.txt 5B 25 Rifledaffer Lloyd 1 PA pg0001a.txt 5B 24 Rifledaffer Mary 23 England pg0001a.txt 197A 13 Riley Jane 16 Ireland pg0193b.txt 43B 29 Riley Jane 31 PA pg0037a.txt 43B 28 Riley Joseph 36 NH pg0037a.txt 43B 32 Riley Lydia L. 6 PA pg0037a.txt 43B 33 Riley Maryann 1/12 PA pg0037a.txt 43B 30 Riley Nancy 11 PA pg0037a.txt 43B 31 Riley Oliver 7 PA pg0037a.txt 264B 14 Rinewert Barbara 17 Germany pg0259a.txt 264B 20 Rinewert Charles 6/12 PA pg0259a.txt 264B 17 Rinewert Elizabeth 7 PA pg0259a.txt 264B 18 Rinewert Frederick 4 PA pg0259a.txt 264B 12 Rinewert Henry 36 Germany pg0259a.txt 264B 19 Rinewert Lucy 2 PA pg0259a.txt 264B 13 Rinewert Margarett 36 Germany pg0259a.txt 264B 16 Rinewert Meva 9 PA pg0259a.txt 264B 15 Rinewert Orgast 15 Germany pg0259a.txt 181A 34 Ripley Charles 2 PA pg0179b.txt 188B 22 Ripley Charles 17 PA pg0186b.txt 189B 29 Ripley Dwight 38 NY pg0186b.txt 189B 26 Ripley Eleanor 42 MA pg0186b.txt 181A 30 Ripley Ezra 9 PA pg0179b.txt 181A 28 Ripley Hobart 11 PA pg0179b.txt 181A 29 Ripley Homer 10 PA pg0179b.txt 189B 28 Ripley Joseph 3 PA pg0186b.txt 183A 24 Ripley Lester 65 MA pg0179b.txt 181A 27 Ripley Lorena 33 PA pg0179b.txt 181A 32 Ripley Lucy A. 5 PA pg0179b.txt 181A 26 Ripley Philip 38 NY pg0179b.txt 181A 33 Ripley Roswell 4 PA pg0179b.txt 32B 22 Ripley Sally 54 MA pg0030a.txt 188B 21 Ripley Sarah 24 PA pg0186b.txt 188B 20 Ripley Sophia 57 CT pg0186b.txt 181A 31 Ripley Volney 7 PA pg0179b.txt 189B 27 Ripley Wm. 20 PA pg0186b.txt 189B 25 Ripley Wm. C. 50 NY pg0186b.txt 183B 33 Riply Lester 21 PA pg0179b.txt 213A 31 Ritter Alta 13 PA pg0208a.txt 213A 27 Ritter Andrew 41 NY pg0208a.txt 213A 29 Ritter Cicely 19 NY pg0208a.txt 216A 35 Ritter Darling G. 11 PA pg0215a.txt 200A 30 Ritter Elizabeth 26 NY pg0193b.txt 213A 28 Ritter Elizabeth 42 NY pg0208a.txt 216A 34 Ritter Frederick 15 NY pg0215a.txt 216A 36 Ritter J. W. 9 PA pg0215a.txt 213A 30 Ritter James 21 NY pg0208a.txt 216A 33 Ritter Ruth 20 NY pg0215a.txt 213A 32 Ritter Samuel 8 PA pg0208a.txt 286B 13 Roach Elizabeth 7 PA pg0286b.txt 1A 30 Roach Ellen 14 PA pg0001a.txt 1A 28 Roach James 36 Ireland pg0001a.txt 1A 32 Roach James 7 PA pg0001a.txt 1A 29 Roach Mary 40 Ireland pg0001a.txt 1A 31 Roach Patrick 9 PA pg0001a.txt 286B 12 Roach Permilla 30 PA pg0286b.txt 130B 25 Robb E. Minerva 9 PA pg0129a.txt 130B 26 Robb James L. 8 PA pg0129a.txt 130B 21 Robb John C. 40 PA pg0129a.txt 130B 24 Robb Levi 11 PA pg0129a.txt 130B 23 Robb Rachel 12 PA pg0129a.txt 130B 22 Robb Susan 32 PA pg0129a.txt 29A 23 Robbins A. 17 PA pg0023a.txt 29A 41 Robbins A. C. 5 PA pg0023a.txt 29A 31 Robbins Ahaz 67 MA pg0023a.txt 25B 13 Robbins Ahaz, Jr. 28 MA pg0023a.txt 29A 28 Robbins Amanda J. 4 PA pg0023a.txt 29A 19 Robbins Amasiah 70 MA pg0023a.txt 29B 37 Robbins Amy E. 5 PA pg0023a.txt 29A 38 Robbins B. T. 18 PA pg0023a.txt 29A 32 Robbins Betsy 50 MA pg0023a.txt 29A 37 Robbins Betsy 40 VT pg0023a.txt 59A 37 Robbins Caroline 10 PA pg0058a.txt 104B 36 Robbins Catherine 31 PA pg0101a.txt 31B 5 Robbins Charles 21 NH pg0030a.txt 31B 3 Robbins Corseah 54 MA pg0030a.txt 104B 35 Robbins David B. 28 NY pg0101a.txt 41A 41 Robbins Dexter 41 MA pg0037a.txt 107A 31 Robbins E. J. 21 NY pg0101a.txt 23A 30 Robbins Edson 19 NH pg0023a.txt 41B 3 Robbins Emily 6 PA pg0037a.txt 188A 9 Robbins Frances E. 22 NY pg0186b.txt 31B 2 Robbins Frederick 61 NH pg0030a.txt 110A 10 Robbins Geo. 21 NY pg0108a.txt 104B 38 Robbins Geo. H 6/12 PA pg0101a.txt 59B 18 Robbins George 36 NY pg0058a.txt 59B 22 Robbins George E. 11 NY pg0058a.txt 183A 26 Robbins H. E. 23 PA pg0179b.txt 110A 11 Robbins Harriet A. 1 PA pg0108a.txt 183A 27 Robbins Huldah 3/12 PA pg0179b.txt 59B 20 Robbins Huldah 15 NY pg0058a.txt 29B 36 Robbins Jane 8 PA pg0023a.txt 41B 2 Robbins Jersuha 8 PA pg0037a.txt 59A 34 Robbins Jno. 28 NY pg0058a.txt 59B 21 Robbins Jno. K. 13 NY pg0058a.txt 29A 24 Robbins Joel 12 PA pg0023a.txt 29A 21 Robbins Joseph 43 MA pg0023a.txt 29A 29 Robbins Joseph A. 8/12 PA pg0023a.txt 107A 30 Robbins Joseph J. 25 PA pg0101a.txt 29A 25 Robbins Joseph W. 30 MA pg0023a.txt 107A 32 Robbins Julia 1 PA pg0101a.txt 59B 23 Robbins Julia M. 8 NY pg0058a.txt 188A 8 Robbins Leveret H. 22 NY pg0186b.txt 31B 7 Robbins Lois 12 NH pg0030a.txt 41B 5 Robbins Lois 2 PA pg0037a.txt 29B 39 Robbins Louisa 8/12 PA pg0023a.txt 25B 14 Robbins Louiza 24 PA pg0023a.txt 29A 27 Robbins Lucinda N. 6 PA pg0023a.txt 29A 26 Robbins Lucy A. 25 PA pg0023a.txt 183A 25 Robbins M. E. 29 NH pg0179b.txt 59A 36 Robbins Martha 7 NY pg0058a.txt 41A 42 Robbins Mary 26 PA pg0037a.txt 59B 19 Robbins Mary 30 NY pg0058a.txt 59B 24 Robbins Mary 2 PA pg0058a.txt 59A 35 Robbins Mary A. 23 PA pg0058a.txt 41B 1 Robbins Milo 13 PA pg0037a.txt 29A 40 Robbins O. A. 8 PA pg0023a.txt 41B 4 Robbins Otis F. 4 PA pg0037a.txt 29A 22 Robbins Pemma 40 NY pg0023a.txt 29A 20 Robbins Polly 59 VT pg0023a.txt 29A 42 Robbins R. O. 9/12 PA pg0023a.txt 29B 35 Robbins Saphronia 26 PA pg0023a.txt 29B 38 Robbins Sarah 3 PA pg0023a.txt 31B 6 Robbins Sarah 17 NH pg0030a.txt 104B 37 Robbins Susan J. 4 NY pg0101a.txt 29A 36 Robbins William 45 MA pg0023a.txt 31B 4 Robbins William 31 NH pg0030a.txt 29A 39 Robbins William A. 14 PA pg0023a.txt 29B 34 Robbins William E. 32 MA pg0023a.txt 25B 21 Robert Henry 20 NY pg0023a.txt 282B 4 Roberts Adaline C. 9 PA pg0280a.txt 92B 10 Roberts Barnabus M. 44 PA pg0086b.txt 284A 32 Roberts Barney 9/12 PA pg0280a.txt 92B 12 Roberts Caroline L. 15 NY pg0086b.txt 284A 24 Roberts Dan'l P 16 NY pg0280a.txt 282B 1 Roberts Dennis B. 36 PA pg0280a.txt 108A 34 Roberts E. A. 4 PA pg0108a.txt 108A 25 Roberts E. D. 42 MA pg0108a.txt 108A 35 Roberts E. D. 1 PA pg0108a.txt 92B 16 Roberts E. T. 7 PA pg0086b.txt 106B 2 Roberts Elizabeth 66 MA pg0101a.txt 108A 27 Roberts Elizabeth 17 PA pg0108a.txt 284A 31 Roberts Ellen 3 PA pg0280a.txt 125A 18 Roberts Elvira 18 NY pg0122a.txt 282B 5 Roberts Emily 7 PA pg0280a.txt 92B 17 Roberts Emily 5 PA pg0086b.txt 92B 15 Roberts F. M. 9 PA pg0086b.txt 108A 29 Roberts Fanny 14 PA pg0108a.txt 108A 31 Roberts G. W. 10 PA pg0108a.txt 282B 3 Roberts Geo. A. 11 PA pg0280a.txt 108A 30 Roberts H. C. 12 PA pg0108a.txt 125A 19 Roberts H. L. 8 NY pg0122a.txt 108A 26 Roberts Hannah 39 NY pg0108a.txt 284A 25 Roberts Henry B. 11 NY pg0280a.txt 284A 26 Roberts Jemima 13 NY pg0280a.txt 284A 29 Roberts John 7 NY pg0280a.txt 284A 22 Roberts John J. 38 NY pg0280a.txt 108A 32 Roberts Louisa 7 PA pg0108a.txt 282B 6 Roberts Lydia 5 PA pg0280a.txt 92B 11 Roberts M. 42 CT pg0086b.txt 108A 33 Roberts M. M. 6 PA pg0108a.txt 282B 2 Roberts Mary A. 23 PA pg0280a.txt 92B 13 Roberts Mary E. 12 PA pg0086b.txt 92B 14 Roberts N. B. 11 PA pg0086b.txt 284A 23 Roberts Phebe 37 NY pg0280a.txt 284A 30 Roberts Polly 5 PA pg0280a.txt 282B 8 Roberts Rosetta 1 PA pg0280a.txt 284A 28 Roberts Sally 9 NY pg0280a.txt 108A 28 Roberts Sally Ann 15 PA pg0108a.txt 125A 17 Roberts Samuel P. 23 NY pg0122a.txt 284A 27 Roberts Susan 11 NY pg0280a.txt 282B 7 Roberts Violetta 3 PA pg0280a.txt 92B 18 Roberts Wilmot 3 PA pg0086b.txt 106B 1 Roberts Zenas 68 MA pg0101a.txt 143A 4 Robertson George 6 NY pg0143a.txt 143A 2 Robertson Hannah 45 NY pg0143a.txt 143A 1 Robertson Silas 69 MA pg0143a.txt 143A 3 Robertson Sylvester 9 NY pg0143a.txt 232B 25 Robins Dwight 6 PA pg0229a.txt 232B 24 Robins Ellen 12 PA pg0229a.txt 232B 26 Robins John 4 PA pg0229a.txt 242A 22 Robins Mary A. 1 NY pg0236b.txt 232B 27 Robins Noah 3 PA pg0229a.txt 242A 20 Robins Olive 11 NY pg0236b.txt 232B 22 Robins Rich'd 36 PA pg0229a.txt 242A 18 Robins Sarah 40 NY pg0236b.txt 242A 19 Robins Sarah M. 15 NY pg0236b.txt 242A 21 Robins Sylva 9 NY pg0236b.txt 242A 17 Robins Van Reanisler 40 NY pg0236b.txt 232B 23 Robins Wife 33 PA pg0229a.txt 228A 33 Robinson Agnes 51 Scotland pg0222a.txt 228A 35 Robinson Agnes 17 PA pg0222a.txt 142B 41 Robinson Ann 21 NY pg0136a.txt 57A 1 Robinson Ann 56 NY pg0051a.txt 202A 16 Robinson Anna 2 PA pg0201a.txt 286B 8 Robinson Aseneth 12 PA pg0286b.txt 198B 4 Robinson Azubah 40 NY pg0193b.txt 198B 6 Robinson Azubah 15 PA pg0193b.txt 206B 17 Robinson B. F. 35 PA pg0201a.txt 57A 5 Robinson Benjamin 19 NY pg0051a.txt 181A 9 Robinson Benj'm. F. 5 PA pg0179b.txt 181A 4 Robinson C. J. 36 NY pg0179b.txt 142B 40 Robinson Calvin 27 NY pg0136a.txt 183B 18 Robinson Caroline 12 PA pg0179b.txt 181A 5 Robinson Catherine 12 PA pg0179b.txt 206B 18 Robinson Celinda 33 PA pg0201a.txt 57A 2 Robinson Charles 30 NY pg0051a.txt 198B 10 Robinson Chester 42 NY pg0193b.txt 183B 17 Robinson Dewitt C. 14 PA pg0179b.txt 183B 15 Robinson Dorcas 44 VT pg0179b.txt 181A 8 Robinson Edwin 7 PA pg0179b.txt 206B 19 Robinson Eliza A. 7 PA pg0201a.txt 183B 14 Robinson Erastus 56 VT pg0179b.txt 198B 7 Robinson Eugene H. 4 PA pg0193b.txt 286B 10 Robinson Frances 5 PA pg0286b.txt 57A 4 Robinson Francis M. 3/12 PA pg0051a.txt 202A 15 Robinson Geo. 7 PA pg0201a.txt 181A 10 Robinson Geo. W. 2 PA pg0179b.txt 198B 12 Robinson George C. 17 NY pg0193b.txt 286B 9 Robinson Hannah 7 PA pg0286b.txt 222B 16 Robinson Hannah M. 35 MA pg0222a.txt 181A 6 Robinson Helen A. 11 NY pg0179b.txt 228A 34 Robinson Isabel 19 PA pg0222a.txt 56B 42 Robinson Jacob 60 NY pg0051a.txt 296B 3 Robinson James 20 PA pg0293a.txt 113B 22 Robinson James M. 32 VT pg0108a.txt 228A 37 Robinson Jane 11 PA pg0222a.txt 198B 5 Robinson John F. 16 NY pg0193b.txt 198B 3 Robinson John L. 37 NY pg0193b.txt 57A 6 Robinson John M. 13 PA pg0051a.txt 206B 21 Robinson Josephine 4 PA pg0201a.txt 181A 3 Robinson Joshua 35 NY pg0179b.txt 286B 7 Robinson Lalmon 15 PA pg0286b.txt 142B 42 Robinson Lauretta 2/12 PA pg0136a.txt 57A 3 Robinson Lucy Ann 21 PA pg0051a.txt 206B 20 Robinson Lydia 6 PA pg0201a.txt 286B 6 Robinson Lydia 35 NY pg0286b.txt 228A 31 Robinson Margaret 9/12 PA pg0222a.txt 286B 11 Robinson Mariett 2 PA pg0286b.txt 206B 23 Robinson Martin 66 NY pg0201a.txt 206B 25 Robinson Martin, Jr. 21 PA pg0201a.txt 228A 30 Robinson Mary A. 24 PA pg0222a.txt 198B 11 Robinson Mary E. 23 PA pg0193b.txt 181A 7 Robinson Matilda 8 PA pg0179b.txt 183B 16 Robinson Merit 16 NY pg0179b.txt 182B 32 Robinson Nehemiah 23 NY pg0179b.txt 286B 5 Robinson Obidiah 40 NY pg0286b.txt 206B 22 Robinson Otis L. 3 PA pg0201a.txt 296B 1 Robinson Parnel 66 NY pg0293a.txt 206B 24 Robinson Polly 56 PA pg0201a.txt 183B 20 Robinson Rollin 7 PA pg0179b.txt 296B 4 Robinson Silas 16 PA pg0293a.txt 113B 23 Robinson Susan M. 19 NY pg0108a.txt 296B 2 Robinson Sylvia 58 NH pg0293a.txt 228A 29 Robinson Thomas 26 Scotland pg0222a.txt 183B 19 Robinson Warren 10 PA pg0179b.txt 101A 10 Robinson William 26 NY pg0101a.txt 228A 32 Robinson William 53 Scotland pg0222a.txt 228A 36 Robinson William 14 PA pg0222a.txt 222B 15 Robinson Wm. F. 35 MA pg0222a.txt 182B 14 Robison John 28 NY pg0179b.txt 49A 8 Roblyer Andrew J. 42 NY pg0044a.txt 28A 31 Roblyer David S. 38 NY pg0023a.txt 28A 35 Roblyer E. G. 2 PA pg0023a.txt 50A 14 Roblyer Hiram 75 NY pg0044a.txt 49A 13 Roblyer Hiram L. 1 PA pg0044a.txt 28A 33 Roblyer Hiram M. 6 PA pg0023a.txt 49A 12 Roblyer Jacob H. 4 PA pg0044a.txt 49A 9 Roblyer M. E. 41 NY pg0044a.txt 28A 32 Roblyer Mary A. 28 NJ pg0023a.txt 50A 15 Roblyer Rhoda 70 NY pg0044a.txt 28A 34 Roblyer S. D. 5 PA pg0023a.txt 49A 10 Roblyer Sarah A. 14 NY pg0044a.txt 49A 11 Roblyer Stephen D. 8 PA pg0044a.txt 49A 19 Roblyn Ira 2 PA pg0044a.txt 49A 18 Roblyn Rhoda J. 5 PA pg0044a.txt 270A 39 Rochtenbrough Joseph 72 Germany pg0266b.txt 270A 40 Rochtenbrough Rosanna 72 Germany pg0266b.txt 91A 29 Rockstrak John 21 Germany pg0086b.txt 152B 21 Rockwell Amanda 63 CT pg0150a.txt 14A 23 Rockwell Amy 10 PA pg0008a.txt 152B 26 Rockwell Anna 6 PA pg0150a.txt 154A 12 Rockwell Calvin 34 NY pg0150a.txt 152B 25 Rockwell Edward 9 PA pg0150a.txt 154A 14 Rockwell Ellen T. 7 NY pg0150a.txt 36B 26 Rockwell Emma J. 11 PA pg0030a.txt 154A 13 Rockwell Harriet 30 NY pg0150a.txt 36B 24 Rockwell Horace W. 16 PA pg0030a.txt 152B 24 Rockwell Hosea 10 PA pg0150a.txt 152B 23 Rockwell Joanna 35 NY pg0150a.txt 152B 27 Rockwell John 4 PA pg0150a.txt 152B 20 Rockwell John T. 67 CT pg0150a.txt 154A 15 Rockwell Joseph 22 NY pg0150a.txt 152B 28 Rockwell Julia 2 PA pg0150a.txt 14A 21 Rockwell Levi 15 PA pg0008a.txt 36B 22 Rockwell Mary A. 41 RI pg0030a.txt 36B 25 Rockwell Mary E. 14 PA pg0030a.txt 36B 21 Rockwell Myron 46 PA pg0030a.txt 14A 19 Rockwell Norman 41 VT pg0008a.txt 36B 27 Rockwell Oscar H 5 PA pg0030a.txt 152B 22 Rockwell Samuel 35 CT pg0150a.txt 152B 29 Rockwell Sarah 1 PA pg0150a.txt 14A 22 Rockwell Silas 13 PA pg0008a.txt 14A 20 Rockwell Sophia 38 PA pg0008a.txt 36B 23 Rockwell Warren A. 18 PA pg0030a.txt 19B 26 Rodgers Anis 11 PA pg0016a.txt 19B 23 Rodgers Ann 48 England pg0016a.txt 19B 24 Rodgers Ellis 15 PA pg0016a.txt 149A 36 Rodgers Margaret 5 NY pg0143a.txt 19B 28 Rodgers Phebe A. 7 PA pg0016a.txt 19B 25 Rodgers Phineas 13 PA pg0016a.txt 19B 22 Rodgers Samuel 49 England pg0016a.txt 19B 27 Rodgers Samuel, Jr. 9 PA pg0016a.txt 19B 29 Rodgers Sarah 5 PA pg0016a.txt 266A 17 Rodolphe Philip 31 France pg0259a.txt 98B 5 Roe Candice 1 PA pg0094a.txt 98B 3 Roe Catharine 15 NY pg0094a.txt 101A 35 Roe Charles 18 NY pg0101a.txt 129B 22 Roe Cornelius 22 PA pg0129a.txt 165B 10 Roe Cornelius 56 NY pg0165a.txt 98B 2 Roe Emma 22 VT pg0094a.txt 98B 1 Roe Frederick 23 NY pg0094a.txt 98B 4 Roe Hariet 13 NY pg0094a.txt 165B 18 Roe Harriett 24 NY pg0165a.txt 165B 17 Roe James 27 NY pg0165a.txt 165B 11 Roe John 20 NY pg0165a.txt 89B 33 Roe Jonathan B. 38 NY pg0086b.txt 165B 19 Roe Julia 2 PA pg0165a.txt 89B 34 Roe Lavina 36 PA pg0086b.txt 141A 33 Roe Lemuel 18 PA pg0136a.txt 165B 20 Roe Lewis 6/12 PA pg0165a.txt 89B 36 Roe Martha 17 PA pg0086b.txt 89B 40 Roe Mary 1 PA pg0086b.txt 42A 14 Roe Mary A. 19 NY pg0037a.txt 165B 14 Roe Mary Ann 10 PA pg0165a.txt 165B 13 Roe Mercy 14 PA pg0165a.txt 42A 13 Roe Nathan 69 NY pg0037a.txt 89B 39 Roe P. M. 4 PA pg0086b.txt 89B 35 Roe Philina 19 PA pg0086b.txt 139A 40 Roe Rosana 23 PA pg0136a.txt 89B 38 Roe Ruth 10 PA pg0086b.txt 89B 37 Roe Samuel 14 PA pg0086b.txt 165B 12 Roe Thomas 18 NY pg0165a.txt 165B 9 Roe W. M. 14 PA pg0165a.txt 157B 35 Roff Christopher 21 NY pg0150a.txt 157B 33 Roff Elodia 3 PA pg0150a.txt 157B 34 Roff Gertrude 1 PA pg0150a.txt 157B 18 Roff Henry 58 NY pg0150a.txt 157B 30 Roff Hester 30 NY pg0150a.txt 157B 20 Roff Horace 18 NY pg0150a.txt 157B 29 Roff James 30 NY pg0150a.txt 157B 31 Roff Josaphine 7 NY pg0150a.txt 157B 21 Roff Julius 13 PA pg0150a.txt 157B 23 Roff Louisa 8 PA pg0150a.txt 157B 32 Roff M. 5 PA pg0150a.txt 157B 22 Roff Maria 11 PA pg0150a.txt 157B 19 Roff Sabrina 54 NY pg0150a.txt 261A 31 Rogers Alden 3 PA pg0259a.txt 261A 30 Rogers Atwater 8 PA pg0259a.txt 129A 4 Rogers Britania 23 PA pg0129a.txt 129A 3 Rogers Calvin 29 NY pg0129a.txt 261A 28 Rogers Elisha 13 PA pg0259a.txt 126B 12 Rogers Elizabeth 43 NY pg0122a.txt 26A 16 Rogers George 30 NY pg0023a.txt 254B 14 Rogers Harriett 22 PA pg0250b.txt 126B 11 Rogers Henry 48 NY pg0122a.txt 261A 29 Rogers Jerom 11 PA pg0259a.txt 126B 13 Rogers Jerome 8 PA pg0122a.txt 261A 27 Rogers Lavanson 19 NY pg0259a.txt 254B 15 Rogers Lorenzo 1 PA pg0250b.txt 261A 16 Rogers Martha 30 NY pg0259a.txt 254B 13 Rogers Ogden 29 PA pg0250b.txt 261A 26 Rogers Permelia 47 NY pg0259a.txt 26A 17 Rogers Rosana 24 PA pg0023a.txt 261A 15 Rogers Roswell 40 CT pg0259a.txt 261A 25 Rogers Wm. 48 CT pg0259a.txt 228A 39 Roland Agnes 24 PA pg0222a.txt 228A 40 Roland Henry 1 PA pg0222a.txt 283A 23 Roland Henry 18 NY pg0280a.txt 283A 20 Roland Mary A. 32 NY pg0280a.txt 228A 38 Roland Rob't 26 PA pg0222a.txt 283A 19 Roland Wm. 30 NY pg0280a.txt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Starting Page# Township - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1A Bloss 12A Covington 25A Sullivan 46A Rutland 58A Elkland 70A Charleston 88A Tioga 102A Jackson 119A Lawrenceville 125A Farmington 136A Chatham 151A Lawrence 164A Middlebury 178A Richmond 193A Wellsborough 201A Union 211A Delmar 230A Shippen 234A Deerfield 243A Brookfield 253A Morris 257A Gaines 264A Liberty 282A Westfield ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~