Wills: John PHIPPS, 1833: Scrubgrass Twp, Venango Co, PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Jennifer Rader. Araders@aol.com USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: Printing this file within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. http://www.usgwarchives.net/ ____________________________________________________ FHL Film No. 857351, Venango County, PA Wills, Vol 1 pp 133-134. Recorded February 1833. In the Name of God Amen. I John PHIPPS of Scrubgrass Township in the County of Venango, and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, being sound in mind, memory, and understanding (Thanks be to almighty God for the same) being mindful of my mortality do make and constitute this my last will and Testament. First and principally, I recommend my immortal spirit to God who gave it in hopes of a Joyful resurrection, and my body to the earth (when it shall please God to separate my soul & body) to buried decently at the discretion of my executors. And as to such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me, I give and dispose of as follows: First it is my will and I do order appoint & nominate My son David PHIPPS and my son in law Robert RIDDLE both of Scrubgrass Township aforesaid, to be my executors of this will & Testament. It is further my will & I do hereby order that my dear beloved wife Catharine shall have the use occupancy & profits of one third part of the house wherein I now dwell and convenient stable & barn Room to keep a horse & other beasts hereafter mentioned with fuel as necessary provided by my sons Robert & Joseph. Also, one bay mare now in my possession, one womanıs saddle and one bridle, also one good Cow, also six good sheep to be kept well by the said Robert & Joseph also one good bed & bedding and household furniture sufficient to keep her comfortably and also Bread, Meat, Sauce, Coffee, Š. Sugar, and other necessaries to live as usual during her Widowhood, the last mentioned articles to cease to be paid should she cease to be a widow. Furthermore, it is my will and order that the remaining part of my Lands and buildings Š. Deducting twenty acres as hereafter mentioned shall revert & belong to my sons Robert & Joseph Jointly & undivided until the said Joseph shall become of Lawful age under the joint incumbrance of their motherıs support as aforesaid. It is further my will & desire that my son Samuel shall have Ten acres of Land bounded west on David PHIPPS land south on the county Road in a square form. Further it is my desire & will that David PHIPPS my son shall have Ten acres of land adjoining the above Ten acres on the North and running to Samuel EAKINıs land and in width sufficient to include Ten acres. Furthermore it is my will and order that my sons Robert and Joseph shall have all my personal property not otherwise appropriated equally & undivided until the said Joseph shall become of lawful age unless otherwise or sooner divided by agreement or law. And furthermore it is my will and order that the said Robert & Joseph shall pay to my son in law Abraham WITHERUP for my daughter Elizabeth fifty Dollars. Also to Robert RIDDLE for my daughter Catharine fifty Dollars. Also to George McKINLEY for my daughter Nancy fifty dollars. Also to Sarah SLOAN my daughter fifty Dollars. Also to Levi WILLIAMS for my daughter Mary Fifty dollars. Also to my son John PHIPPS fifty dollars. Also to my granddaughter Catharine McDOWELL one horse, one womanıs saddle one bridle, one Cow, and one good bed & beddings, the foregoing bequests in money to be paid severally in four equal annual payments by the said Robert & Joseph. I publish and declare the foregoing and no other to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this seventh day of October in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty eight. John PHIPPS Signed sealed & delivered in presence of the witnesses Chauncey HAMILTON Samuel EAKIN