TAX: Effective Supply Tax, 1781, Morgan Township, Washington County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Donna Noel Julian Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. __________________________________________ PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. PROVINCIAL PAPERS. Returns of Taxables for the Counties of...Washington (1786) [sic].... Edited By William Henry Egle, M.D. Wm. Stanley Ray, State Printer of Pennsylvania, 1898. EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX FOR THE COUNTY OF WASHINGTON - 1781 Washington County Supply Tax - 1781, pp. 746-749 MORGAN TOWNSHIP. Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Value. Arnald, Frederick 100 3 3 4 62 Arnald, Daniel 150 3 8 10 96 Benham, Robert 200 4 4 6 94 Beatey, Groombride - 1 2 1 6 Burge, Jacob - 1 1 - 14 Bell, Nathaniel 100 1 2 1 96 Benham, Petter 150 2 4 1 35 Bell, Nathaniel 100 2 3 4 75 Bell, Able 200 2 5 8 98 Brown, Paul 42 2 3 5 32 Brown, Abner 150 2 3 - 49 Bell, James 200 3 5 13 133 Brown, Mary 50 - 1 - 19 Beedle, Francis - 1 1 1 7 Beedle, Joseph 100 1 - - 35 Beedle, Joseph 100 2 4 8 33 Bristoe, James 100 2 2 2 35 Cox, Andrew - - 1 1 2 Call, Samuel - - 2 2 14 Case, Joseph 100 1 2 4 29 Cledesler, Holdredge - 2 2 - 8 Daniels, John - - 1 - 2 Dunn, Sarah 50 - 1 - 42 Dennies, Benjamin 100 2 2 1 37 Enoch, Henry 1,600 4 13 20 544 Fix, Henry 60 2 1 1 29 Fox, Philip - 3 2 2 13 Gragason, Philip 100 2 2 4 30 Grooms, William 100 4 2 6 70 Goodwine, John 150 2 3 8 82 Gray, Archibald 80 2 3 4 45 Griffin, Reacheal 300 1 2 1 50 Gray, Mathew - 2 2 2 38 Gray, Archibald 60 1 1 - 21 Griffin, Reachel 300 1 2 1 50 Groom, Sollomon 80 1 2 2 28 Galloway, Patrick - - 1 - 3 Hill, Thomas 600 5 8 16 243 Hays, William 300 3 2 6 98 Haiden, Miles 200 2 3 8 62 Harley, William 100 1 2 - 30 Harrid, Levie, Esq. 300 2 3 10 99 Hardisty, Richard 100 1 2 - 35 House, Samuel 150 2 4 6 66 Houge, George 150 2 3 2 100 Huffman, Henry - 1 1 - 5 Hathaway, Samuel 100 2 5 6 85 House, Felty 200 2 3 6 76 Hook, James 400 2 3 4 100 Heardsley, Hezekiah - 1 1 1 5 Hathaway, Nathan 300 3 3 6 70 Hurley, Zachariah - - 1 2 5 Hardsley, Frances - - - - - Johnston, Zephan'h 100 1 2 1 60 Jennings, Benj'n 100 2 2 10 77 Jenning, David 100 3 3 8 60 Jackson, Richard 300 3 2 6 96 Johnston, Isaac 100 2 1 2 28 Kelly, Nathan - 3 3 7 76 Kelly, Thomas 150 2 5 10 93 Kelly, Elias - - 1 - 2 Lines, Samuel 100 1 1 2 29 Leonard, Jesse 200 2 5 3 69 Lee, William 300 2 3 12 97 Leonard, William 300 2 3 12 97 Lowry, John 100 2 3 - 37 Leonard, Zila 50 1 2 7 35 McKenny, John - 1 2 2 9 McCray, Samuel 100 2 2 9 55 Miles, Joseph 150 2 2 1 46 Millegan, James 50 2 2 3 63 Miles, Jacob 100 1 1 6 50 Miner, Joshua - 1 - - 4 Mills, John - 3 4 - 28 Morris, Richard 100 2 3 - 76 Meraudex, James 300 2 4 4 99 Millegan, William 100 1 2 - 28 Mecks, Nathan 100 3 2 - 59 Matherny, James 100 1 1 - 37 McCreay, Feenehas - 1 1 1 7 McVau, Benjamin 100 1 2 - 29 Miller, Carneales - 2 3 1 18 Morris, Archibald - 1 2 - 9 Minor, Thomas 100 2 1 - 50 Moor, John - 2 2 2 15 Miles, Elijah 400 1 2 4 81 Morris, James 50 2 2 5 56 Need, Jacob 120 2 1 4 46 Owens, Judith 200 1 2 - 38 Parker, James - 1 4 - 23 Parkens, Elijah 100 1 3 4 65 Perkins, Rubin - 1 - - 3 Ross, John 300 5 5 10 133 Rush, Jacob 150 3 7 5 120 Rush, William - 1 4 - 10 Ross, Tychicus 60 1 3 - 46 Ross, Henry 200 2 6 6 99 Ross, John 80 1 4 6 62 Slator, Thomas 200 2 4 6 92 Stiles, Benjamin 400 3 3 10 109 Stuard, Joseph 100 2 2 2 32 Smith, Ralph 200 2 4 10 101 Seats, James - 1 2 6 14 Sellars, Leonard - 1 1 1 8 Sellors, Jacob 200 2 3 4 69 Steel, Henry 60 1 3 4 69 Steel, John 100 2 1 2 43 Stump, Booth 100 2 1 - 30 Steward, Philip 100 2 3 6 66 Summens, Lazerus 100 1 1 - 36 Veach, John 40 2 3 8 43 Wyley, Joseph 100 1 2 4 52 Wright, James 80 1 2 - 23 Wright, Lewis - 1 1 - 5 Walton, Jacob 80 1 2 - 24 Wolverton, Thom's 200 1 2 - 57 Yeats, John - 2 2 10 35 SINGLE MEN. Arnald, Abraham 200 - 1 - 37 Arnald, Daniel - 1 - - 6 Railey, James - 1 - - 5 Lindsecomb, Cubbas - 1 - - 6 Perkin, Rubin - 1 - - 6 Leonard, Amos 50 1 - - 16 Leonard, David - 1 - - 6 Young, Andrew - 1 - - 6 Kinney, John - 1 - - 6 Ross, Robert 50 1 - - 20 Ross, William 50 1 - - 20 Ross, Rubin - 1 - - 6 Ross, Ignatious 50 1 - - 16 Seats, James - 1 - - 6 Seats, Joseph - 1 - - 6 Taylor, Frances - 1 - - 6 Gaskins, John - 1 1 - 6 Isaiah Hogue 50 1 - - 20