Wayne County PA Archives Wills.....TEGELER, William H. May 1, 1871 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/pa/pafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Paul Jenkins jenkinsx4@yahoo.com August 8, 2007, 10:19 am Source: Wayne County Courthouse Will Book Pa-64-2-397 Written: May 1, 1871 Recorded: July 14, 1871 No. 1334 Last Will and Testament of WH Tegeler, deceased. Filed July 14, 1871 In the name of God, amen. I, William H. Tegeler of Damascus Wayne Co. Penna. merchant being in poor health but of sound and disposing mind and memory do make and declare this to be my last will and testament in the manner following that is to say I order all my just debts, funeral expenses and charges of proving this my will, be in the first place fully paid and satisfied. And after the payments there of and every part thereof ñ I give to my son Christopher T. Tegeler the use of my farm situated in Damascus Township which I value at three thousand dollars during his natural life and at his death to be divided equally between his heirs, provided they have all arrived at the age of twenty one years. And if they have not all of them reached the age of twenty one years, then the said farm must remain whole until they have when the division aforesaid must take place. All of my real estate with the above exception, all my notes, bonds, mortgages, judgements, money in the bank or other places where found. I require my executor to collect and convert to cash and then invest in real estate with good and sufficient security for the benefit of my heirs. My executor I require as soon as circumstances will admit after my death to pay over to my son Frederick William Tegeler the sum of one thousand dollars to be collected from the foregoing real estate or personal effects ñ the balance is then to be equally divided between my two sons above mentioned. Frederick to be charged with the one thousand dollars mentioned one half the balance to be paid him when he has arrived at the age of twenty-five and the remainder when he has reached the age of thirty. My son Christopher is to receive the interest whatever it may be on the other half of the monies collected from said real estate and personal property after deducting there from ñ three thousand dollars. I give all the balance of my personal property of whatever kind or wherever situated to my wife Catherine Tegeler for her sole use and benefit ñ and I further require my two sons Christopher T and Frederick Wm. To pay twenty five dollars each annually to my wife Catherine provided she shall so demand it of them. And I do hereby appoint my wife Catherine Tegeler and James Lovelass, of Damascus, father-in-law of my Christopher executors of this my last will. William H. Tegeler May 1, 1871 Signed sealed and declared by the said Testator William H. Tegeler as his last will and testament in the presence of us, who in his presence and at his request have subscribed our names as witnesses thereof. Damascus. Soroy(?) Bonesteel(?) May 1, 1871 Alexander Stewart James Orr Additional Comments: William H. Tegeler died on June 23, 1871 and was 59; he wrote his will seven weeks before he died. Christopher was married to his first wife, Amelia Marie Lovelass and was 25 years old when his father died. Frederick was 21 years old when his father died and was single. Catherine Tegeler lived 22 more years after her husband died. This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/pafiles/ File size: 3.7 Kb