Westmoreland County PA Archives Bibles ..... BAIRD, Jeremiah Bible: Selected entries from the Journals of Josiah V Thompson ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/pa/pafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Lynn Beatty ************************************************ V3 Page 177 Dr. Frank B. Hess's 59 Nassau St Uniontown, Pa S.W. Corner Nassau & Stockton Sts Nov 26, 1919 6:55 PM Cousin Winona C. Baird is giving me the record from her father & mother's Bible: Jeremiah Baird, Born October 9th, 1828. Margery Finley, Born October 25, 1835. They were married Jany 15, 1857 by the Rev Samuel Wilson D.D. of Dunlaps Creek Pres Ch of which he was pastor abt 30 yrs. He baptized Margery when she was an infant & performed the marriage ceremony on a very cold winter day when there was good sleighing snow & then baptized her first eight children. Births 1. Winona Catharine Baird, Dec 21, 1857. 2. Margaret Ann Baird, Dec 30, 1858. 3. Robert Baird, Nov 8, 1860. 4. William Finley Baird, Feby 26, 1862. 5. Moses Alexander Baird, Aug 28, 1863. 6. Elliott Jerome Baird, Apr 23, 1865. 7. Edward Lincoln Baird, Jany 3, 1867. 8. Mary Margery Baird, July 14, 1868. 9. George Hayden Baird, Aug 21, 1870. 10. Edward Jerome Baird, July 13, 1872. 11. James Fulton Baird, Jany 25, 1875. 12. Anna Florence Baird, Aug 3, 1876. 13. Benjamin Beal Baird, Mch 6, 1879. 14. Leila Ada Baird, Dec 20, 1883. Marriages William Finley Baird & Almina Abbey Smith Jany 27, 1886 by Rev Penhallegon of Streator Ill. Robert Baird & Rachel Emma Shannon at Homestead Beaver Co near Beaver Falls, Pa. V3 Page 178 Margaret Ann Baird & William McClure M.D. of Montreal Canada, in Canton, Ohio at the home of Dr. Swan, who was killed in Pgh by an Auto a week or two ago. Anna Florence Baird & Frank Brown Hess, June 29, 1904 by Rev Harry H. Ryland. Moses A. Baird & Lametha Anton Vorhees at Streator, Ills, Oct 7, 1891. George H. Baird & Sarah Ella Morgan Sept 14, 1899 at Bridgeville by Rev Anthony Mealy. Edward J. Baird & Caldonia Lister on Sept 16, 1903 at Willsville, Kansas. Benjamin B. Baird & Anna Maria Guseman Oct 26, 1905 at Carmichaels Pa by Rev H.O. McDonald. James F. Baird & Sarah Moser, daughter of Nathaniel H. Moser on March 30, 1916 by Rev R. Ivan Wilson. Deaths Elliott Jerome Baird, Sept 19, 1866. Edward Lincoln Baird, Sept 26, 1868 of Diptheria Leila Ada Baird, Sept 13, 1890 of Diptheria William Finley Baird, May 10, 1916. Almina Abbey Baird, Nov 5, 1903. Jeremiah Baird, May 26, 1901. Mary Margery Baird, Mch 26, 1902. Moses Baird was born Dec 1, 1794 & died Dec 7, 1873 & his wife Rachel Beal daughter of Benjamin Beal, was born Oct 9th, 1796 & died Nov 10, 1880. They were the parents of Jeremiah Baird. Pasted in the Bible is the following record copied by Winnie from the family Bible of her grandfather Robert Finley Robert Finley, born Apr 4, 1809. Catharine Carothers, Jany 1812. They were married Jany 23, 1833. She died June 9, 1842 (Their children were) 1. Ruth Finley, born Mch 19, 1834 Died Nov 2, 1834. 2. Mary Margery Finley, born Oct 25, 1835. 3. Samuel Elliott Finley, born May 15, 1838. 4. Ebenezer Finley, born Sept 6, 1841 Died Oct 31, 1842. Ann Hunford, Born Nov 20, 1814, married to Robert Finley May 13, 1845 (Their Children): 5. William Husford Finley, Born Aug 22, 1846 Died Oct 10, 1855. 6. Thomas Wilson Finley, born June 18, 1848. 7. John Evans Finley, born Sept 23, 1849 Died Aug 11, 1919. 8. Margaret Ann Finley, born Mch 29, 1851. Died She married Sept 13, 1871 to James Gibson Wilson. 9. Naomi Catharine Finley, Born Feby 17, 1852 died Aug 1852. [Footnote reads: "This is added Jany 22, 1920 from original Bible Record loaned to me by Thos. W. Finley."] Robert Finley died Oct 7, 1874. Ann Finley died June 10, 1895. ----------