Westmoreland County PA Archives Bibles ..... BROWN, Robert Bible: Selected entries from the Journals of Josiah V Thompson ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/pa/pafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Lynn Beatty ************************************************ JVT Volume 3 At Mrs. J.L. Atwell's, No 730 Summerlea St E.E. Pittsburgh, Pa Oct 24, 1919 1 PM I make the following record from her father's family Bible, a large book printed in Phila & no date by D.W. Clarke 806 Spring Garden St. Robert Brown was born February 29th 1832. Mary E. Logan was born July 28th, 1841 Robert Brown was married to Mary E. Logan Tuesday evening, January 14th, 1862. 1. Mary Logan Brown was born October 23d, 1862 2. Anna Eliza Brown was born March 1st, 1865. 3. Samuel Potter Brown was born March 10th, 1867. 4. Hetty Moore Brown was born July 13th, 1869. 5. James Reed Logan Brown was born February 10th, 1872. 6. Kate Millicent Brown was born July 4th, 1874. Anna Eliza Brown died on the 30th of November, 1869 aged four years and nine months from an attack of Malignant Scarlet Fever. Robert Brown died June 23d, 1874. Mary E. Brown died Febuary [sic] 24th, 1885 in the forty fifth year of her age. Eliza H. Logan died on the 7th day of May, 1881 aged eighty one years eleven months & twenty five days from paralysis. ---------- Mary E. BROWN Self W Female W 38 PA Keeping House PA PA Mary L. BROWN Dau S Female W 17 PA PA PA Saml. P. BROWN Son S Male W 13 PA PA PA Hetty M. BROWN Dau S Female W 11 PA PA PA James L. BROWN Son S Male W 8 PA PA PA Kate M. BROWN Dau S Female W 5 PA PA PA Eliza H. LOGAN Mother W Female W 79 PA IRE PA 1880 Census Place Greensburgh, Westmoreland, Pennsylvania ----------