Westmoreland County PA Archives Bibles ..... Squire FINLEY Bible: From the Journals of Josiah V Thompson ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/pa/pafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Lynn Beatty ************************************************ V4 Page 98 at William L. Scholl's in South Huntingdon Tp, Westnd Co Pa Wednesday night, Oct 27th, 1920, his wife brought out some penciled records of birth which she s'd had been copied from an old Bible or commentary that had been found in the attic of one of the Finley houses when the lawsuit was on & which was the Bible evidently of Squire Andrew Finley & bequeathed by him to his oldest son, John. This book, the Scholls say, is now in the hands of Erastus McMichael, school teacher of McKeesport Pa, a great great grandson, see Page 65. I think Mrs Scholl said she had copied probably in 1904 as on the back of the April 1904 sheet of a "Vulcanite" Calendar is written: "John Finley, his book bequeathed by his Father" & dated "Edinburgh 18th March 1729 by Robert Wightman. Works of the late Reverend and Learned Mr Thomas Boston Bought April first 1774." & on the back of the four page note sheet on which the record is copies is written: "Printed by John Gray & Gavin Alston Edinburgh". After the record of Andrew Finley's family comes that of John Finley & then of a Bennett family who married into the Finley family, & a letter from John H. Smith, who had married Polly Stoakley Bennett, written Jany 19, 1892. The records follow. I am to have these typewritten by Mary E. Shepler & return with a copy or two. V4 Page 99 Record of Squire Finley 1. John Finley was born May the 6th, 1782 about two o'clock in the morning. 2. Martha Finley was born Jany the 31st, 1784 about eight o'clock in the afternoon. 3. Eleoner [sic] Finley was born May the 8th, 1786 at Five o'clock in the morning. 4. Jenny Finley was born Oct the 20th, 1788 about eight o'clock in the morning. 5. James B. Finley was born April the 8th, 1791 about five o'clock & 30 minutes in the morning. 6. Polly Finley was born August the 5th, 1793 about eight or nine o'clock in the morning. 7. Andrew Finley was born July the 29th, 1797 about eight or nine o'clock in the evening. 8. Nancy Finley was born Oct the 31, 1799 about one o'clock in the morning. James Barkley Finley departed this life the 21st day of February 1793 between three & four o'clock in the afternoon aged one year ten months and twelve days. Record of John Finley 1. Jane Bennett born Feby 17, 1803. 2. Susan Patterson March 17, 1804. 3. John Andrew Finley 4. Nellie Budd 5. Polly Sampson born May 16, 1811 6. Stoakely Finley born Feby 4, 1813 7. Nancy Pollock born July 18, 1814 8. James Finley 9. John Finley 10. Nehemiah Finley born Jany 6, 1821 11. Joanna Simeral born May 1823 V4 Page 100 Record of Ephraim Bennett Ephraim Bennett born May the 11, 1806 in Westnd Co Pa. Jane Bennett born Jany the 30, 1803 Penna Their Children 1. Elenor Bennett born Aug 9, 1824 in Penna 2. George Bennet born May 30, 1827 in Ohio 3. Polly Stoakly Bennett born Sept 25, 1830 in Ohio 4. Nehemiah Finley Bennett born May 9, 1837 in Indiana Marriages Ephraim Bennett was married to Jane Finley April 23, 1823 in Westmoreland Co Penna. Elenor Bennett was married to Samuel Ringle Dec 23, 1845 Indiana Polly Stoakley Bennett was married to John H. Smith Oct 5, 1848 Indiana George Bennett was married to Margaret Haslet Jany 17, 1849, Indiana Nehemiah Finley Bennett was married to Elisa Burns June 16, 1859, Iowa The foregoing Bennett record on this page is copied from a letter dated "Leighton Jany 19, 1892 to J.H. Smith" & after giving the above record of births & marriages, each on an inside page, the 4th last page is signed "From your grandson, Frank C. Ryan". & below he has written: "I press toward the mark of the most high calling Christ Jesus. Yours ever in Jesus" & on the first page of the sheets, note size is written in very faint pencil marks: evidently to some of the relatives in Westnd Co, the following following [sic] receipt of the dates from his grandson Probably written to Jacob Mason. ----------