Westmoreland County PA Archives Bibles ..... GAUT-FULLERTON Bibles: Selected entries from the Journals of Josiah V Thompson ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/pa/pafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Lynn Beatty ************************************************ of John Gaut Jr No 29 Pearl St Scottdale Pa Aug 30, 1921 9:47 AM Cousin Geo Lloyd Markle came up here with me & introduced me to Mrs Gaut who is a sister of Saul B. Rotharmel recently deceased. She had brought out their big Bible, but there is no record in it, but produces her marriage certificate which reads as follows: "This certifies that on the 19th day of Jany 1871. John Gaut Jr and Lizzie Rotharmel were by me united in marriage at Uniontown Pa Fayette Co according to the laws of the State of Penna W.W. Ralston, minister of the Gospel. Their Children Mary Eliza Gaut was born June 1, 1872 Olive Amanda Gaut was born Jany 17, 1875. Olive, she died in Jany about the 10th 1883. Marriages Mary Eliza Gaut married George L. Galster when she was abt 25 yrs old. He died about nine years ago & is buried in Scottdale Cem & so is she. She died July 16, 1918. No issue. He died Oct 23, 1912. Back again same day 1:40 PM Margaret Jane Gaut born Feby 19, 1840 John Gaut Jr born Oct 12, 1844 Francis A. Gaut born Nov 12, 1846. ---------- of Miss Anna Clara Fullerton East Huntingdon Tp Westnd Co Pa Aug 30th, 1921 10:30 AM Cousin Geo Lloyd Markle has driven me out here in his auto coming to Mrs Gaut's for me. Clara says her brother in VA has the family Bible of her grandfather Samuel Fullerton, but says there is no record in it, not even the record of his marriage. She has the Family Bible of her father, John Fullerton which was laying alone on the lower shelf of a small stand in the parlor & which is a large sized Bible printed or published by William W. Harding at Phila in 1861 & from which I am copying the family record. Marriages John Fullerton and Margaret Jane Gaut were married Dec 20, 1860 Births 1. Mary Fullerton was born Oct 11, 1861. 2. Margaret H. Fullerton was born Nov 17, 1862. 3. John Fullerton was born Oct 26, 1864. 4. William Fullerton was born Aug 30, 1866. 5. Albert Fullerton was born Sept 22, 1867. 6. Martha Fullerton was born Aug 28, 1869. 7. Samuel Fullerton was born Aug 25, 1871. 8. Anna Clara Fullerton was born Jany 15, 1874. Deaths Mary Fullerton died July 30, 1863. William Fullerton died Nov 10, 1866. Margaret Jane Fullerton died June 9, 1876. Samuel Fullerton died Feby 17, 1895. ----------