Westmoreland County PA Archives Bible Records.....Todd - Marchand Bible Record ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/pa/pafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Katherine Wolfe violettastarr@gmail.com November 4, 2009, 11:38 am [written in first handwriting] Mary E Todds Book Presented by her Grand Father Jany 1859 James Todd ------------------------- FAMILY RECORD BIRTHS [ years are written in the left margin] James Todd Born 1786 25 Decr 1786 York County Penna 1778 Mary Todd (Mary Cornell) born 3d Novr 1778 1812 David Sharrard Todd born 25 Decr 1812 1822 Catharine L Hunt born 3d Feby Washington 1844 Mary Eliza Todd " 11 March Phila 1846 David William Todd " 14 June [Phila above is written large to cover both lines] [written in second handwriting] 1842 John Albert Marchand 8th June Greensburg 1871 Mary Todd Marchand 20 September " ------------------------- FAMILY RECORD BIRTHS [written in second handwriting] Mary Todd Marchand Christened by Bishop Kerfoot in the Episcopal Church Greensburg, Sunday September 29th 1872 ------------------------- FAMILY RECORD DEATHS [written in first handwriting] 1824 Mary (Cornell) Todd died 28 April 1848 April 26 David S Todd Died aged 35 years – 4 months – [written in second handwriting] 1890 April 8 Lydia Catharine Todd at 10-35 A.M. [written in third handwriting] 1896 Susan S. Marchand died February 29th 1896 1896 John Albert Marchand died Wednesday August 5th 1896 at 11.15 aged 54 years 1 month & 27 days 1848 Albert Gallatin Marchand died February 5th 1848 in the 37th year of his age. 1829 William Hunt died February 23rd 1829 in his 46th year at Washington D.C. 1861 Esther ^ Fethian [sp?] Hunt died January 26th 1861 aged 70 1919 William David Todd died October 24th, aged 73. 1930 Mary Eliza Todd Marchand died January 8th aged 85 yrs. 10 mo. ------------------------- FAMILY RECORD MARRIAGES [written in first handwriting] 1810 James Todd & Mary Cornell 30 Oct 1810 at Fayette County Penna 1843 David S Todd & Catherine L Hunt 23 May at Washington D. C [written in second handwriting] 1868 Jno. A. Marchand of Greensburg Penna to Mary E. only daughter of the late David S. Todd of Greensburg on Thursday 15th Oct. at the First Presbyterian Church, Washing- ton D.C. by the Rev. Dr Sunderland [written in third handwriting] 1839 Albert G. Marchand & Susan S. Kirhus were married Tuesday 23rd of April /39 by the Revd S. L. Harrison 1863 Henry G. Marchand & Susan S. Marchand September 1863 by Revd Joseph Smith 1893 Cyrus E. Woods to Mary Todd Marchand (only child of John A and Mary T. Marchand) January 18th 1893 by the Revd Arthur J. Fielder Additional Comments: Mary Todd’s Bible Record, Westmoreland County Historical Society. Loose pages in the Todd Family File, transcribed May 25, 2006 by Katherine Willey Wolfe. There are three different handwritings. The first, because of the dedication, I assume is James Todd’s. The second is probably Mary E Todd’s. The third may be Mary’s daughter Mary Todd Marchand. Items written in all caps are printed headings on the bible pages. Items written in square brackets [ ] are my editorial comments. This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/pafiles/ File size: 3.5 Kb