Church: Communicants, 1844, Fairfield and Union Presbyterian Churches: Fairfield Twp, Westmoreland Co Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Michael Caldwell. USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ____________________________________________________________ Following is a transcription of the original 1844 list of communicants in two of the Presbyterian Churches in West Fairfield, Fairfield Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. The two congregations coexisted, less than a mile from each other. One was called Fairfield and the other Union. The original handwriting is arranged in a simple, two-column table format. The second column occasionally contained a death date, dismissal date, or simply the word "left" meaning that the person had departed from the congregation. The only change I made was to capitalize surnames for ease of scanning. Note also that it appears that often when a man and his wife were both members, and both were alive at the time of the creation of the list, that the wife's name immediately follows the husband's. This is useful as the 1840 census only listed the male head of a household unless he was dead, then instead his widow's name was listed. Additionally, Many of these names can be found in the cemetery listings elsewhere on this web site. My editorial comments follow entries in brackets [ ]. LIST OF COMMUNICANTS IN FAIRFIELD AND UNION: MADE MARCH 20TH 1844 Thomas POLLOCK - Died 1847 John OGDEN Robert PIPER John FIPPS Henry HARTMAN [the above five names were bracketed together under the label "Elders"] Jacob TOSH John TOSH William McCURDY - Left Hugh M. SKYLES John WOODEN John MOORHEAD George SHRUM Sarah SHRUM William ROBB Jos SERENA Sarah Jane POLLOCK - Left Elizabeth TOSH Mrs. McCURDY of Wm. - Died Elizabeth McCURDY Jane WOODEN Mrs. WOODEN mother of J** [perhaps Jos.] Elizabeth HILL - Died March 1855 Nancy HILL Deborah HILL Margaret SKYLES - Died Dec 26th 1850 [the above name, "Margaret", was written over the name "Nancy," which had been crossed out.] Margaret SKYLES - Dismissed March 18th 1851 Ann SKYLES Jane SKYLES Mrs. Jane McKELVEY Miss Agnes McKELVEY - Left Ann ROBB Mrs. SERENA of Jos. Sarah BECK Nancy ROBERTS Joseph OGDEN - Died 1847 John LOUTHER David LOUTHER Jr. James LOUTHER John BENNET - Left Johnston LOUTHER Joseph MENOHER James WILSON - Dismissed March 18th 1851 Mary OGDEN Jane Ann OGDEN - Died March 16th 1851 Eliza SNYDER Eliza LOUTHER Mrs. LOUTHER of David Sr. Polly LOUTHER Agness LOUTHER Mrs. LOUTHER of Jas. Hannah BENNET - Left Mrs. LOUTHER of Johnston Mrs. MENOHER of Jos. Margaret LOUTHER M. LOUTHER of Margaret Jane MILLER Sarah WILSON - Died 1846 Elizabeth TOSH Mary TOSH Christiana TOSH Johnathan LOUTHER Margaret LOUTHER Mary Ann MULHOLLIN James OGDEN Hannah OGDEN Alexr. S. BEANS Mrs. BEANS Mrs. HARTMAN Isaac VICROY - Died 1847 Martha VICROY Mary JOHNSTON - Died March 6th 1850 Mary WILEY Nancy WILEY Elizabeth WILEY John HILL Jane HILL - Died Dec 1854 John McCOY - Died April 8 1844 Elizabeth McCOY - Died Feby 19th 1850 James McCOY - Died May 23 1847 Thos McCOY Eliza McCOY - Dismissed Susan McCOY - Left Robert McKEE Sarah McKEE Nancy HAZLETT Margaret HAZLETT Robert HAZLETT James WILEY - Left Elizabeth WILEY Elizabeth McCURDY Amos OGDEN - Dismissed April 2nd 1850 Elizabeth OGDEN - " " " Nancy Jane GRAHAM Margaret FIPPS Samuel DAVISON - Left Robt DONALDSON - Dismissed April 2nd 1850 Ann DONALDSON - " " " Jane DONALDSON - " " " Charles DONALDSON Dorcas DONALDSON Sarah McQUADE John BLAIR Mrs. BLAIR of Jno. John BLAIR Jr. Mrs. BLAIR Jr. Alexr. BLAIR Sr. - Died Mrs. BLAIR of A. Alex BLAIR Jr. John LOVE Mrs. LOVE Ruben LILLEY Mrs. LILLEY Thos. BROWN - Left Mrs. BROWN - Left Robert HUSTON Thomas JOHNSTON Mrs. JOHNSTON Edward HALFERTY Mrs. HALFERTY Mrs. HALFERTY of Robt. John CALDWELL Mary CALDWELL Eliza CALDWELL John GILMORE Elizabeth GILMORE Alexr. GILMORE - Left Mary GILMORE - Left Saml. KENNEDY Margary KENNEDY Margaret KENNEDY Wm. KENNEDY - Dismissed March 11th 1851 Rachel KENNEDY - " " " Wm. HUSTON - Left - Returned again Mary HUSTON George HUSTON - Left Elizabeth HUSTON - Left Mrs. HUSTON of Jno. - Left Joseph MARTIN - Left Mrs. MARTIN - Left Robert PEEPLES - Died June 12th 1850 Hannah PEEPLES John PEEPLES Rachel PEEPLES Rebecca PEEPLES Eliza PEEPLES - Left Elizabeth PEEPLES George PEEPLES Hester PEEPLES - Left Eliza PEEPLES Mary PEEPLES - Left Margaret PEEPLES - Died Nov 1854 Mary NORIS Paul CLARK - died 1849 Isabella CLARK William BARREN - Died July 1845 Sarah BARREN - Left Isaac DAVISON - Left William CALDWELL Elizabeth CALDWELL Archd. MATTHEWS Jane MATTHEWS John KIRKER Margaret KIRKER Thos HENDERSON Isabella HENDERSON William BENNET Elizabeth BENNET Thos TRIMBLE Mrs. TRIMBLE Jane TRIMBLE Elizabeth TRIMBLE Mary CLARK Rachel CLARK - Left Margaret HYSE James McCUNE Mrs. McCUNE Wm TRINDLE - Left Mrs. TRINDLE - Left Elizabeth STEEL Mary BROWN N. BROWN - Died Robert BROWN Mrs. BROWN Mary BROWN of W. [end]