Church: Communicants, 1843 - 1853, Fairfield and Union Presbyterian Churches: Fairfield Twp, Westmoreland Co Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Michael Caldwell. USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ____________________________________________________________ Following is a list of communicants received to the churches of Fairfield & Union under the pastoral care of Rev. J. Fleming (list from 1843-1845) and Rev. O.H. Miller (list from 1846-1853). These churches were in West Fairfield, Fairfield Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. The list is provided from the churches' original records which I had photocopied in 1995. Surnames have been given in all capital letters for ease of visual scanning. Spelling has been preserved as per the original except for obvious errors which I have corrected in brackets. Uncertain names are marked with an asterisk (*). Repeated dates are indicated by quotation marks: " To eliminate excessive typing, I have chosen to abbreviate certain phrases as follows: oe = "on examination" oc = "on certificate" oeb = "on examination & baptism" Occasional notes written in a differend hand are given in parentheses. ----------------------------------- LIST OF COMMUNICANTS RECEIVED TO THE CHURCHES OF FAIRFIELD & UNION UNDER THE PA[S]TORAL CARE OF REV. J. FLEMING. John KENNEDY & wife - oe - June 18: 1843 Archd. KENNEDY & wife - oe - " William ROBB - oeb - " Elizabeth TOSH - oe - " A.S. BEANS - oe - " Mrs. BEANS - oc - " Mrs. HAMILTON - oc - " Miss HAMILTON - oc - " George SHRUM - oe - Oct 8. 1843 Mrs. Margaret SHRUM - oeb - " Miss Nancy ROBB (left) - oeb - " John McCURDY & wife (left) - oe - " David LOUTHER - oe - " James CALDWELL - oe - Dec 1. 1843 Wm. SNODGRASS (was baptised) & wife - oe - " Isaac GARRISON - oeb - " Margaret BROWN - oe - " Robert BLACK & wife - oc - Oct 8. 1843 Thos. McJENKINS - oe - March 14. 1844 Jane McJENKINS - oe - " James ROBB (left) - oeb - " Catharine ROBB (left) - oe - " James JOHNSTON - oe - " Rachel JOHNSTON - oeb - " Saml. HARTMAN - oe - " Elizabeth HARTMAN - oe - " Sarah MOORHEAD (died Jany 1850) - oe - " Jane MOORHEAD (died Feb 1852) - oe - " Margaret MOORHEAD - oe - " Margaret GALBREATH - oe - " George RHIEL & wife - oe - June 15. 1844 Elizabeth WAGONER - oe - " Susan SHRUM - oe - " Jane PEEPLES - oc - " David BANKS (left) - oc - August 31. 1844 Maria BANKS (left) - oc - " Peter STANDS (left) - oe - " Hariet Newel STANDS (left) - oeb - " Sarah HILL (died) - oc - " Jas. KIRKPATRICK - oe - April 13. 1845 Jane KIRKPATRICK - oe - " Nancy UNDERWOOD - oe - " Eliza BLAIR (left) - oe - " Susanna BLAIR - oe - " Thomas NORRIS - oe - June 14. 1845 Isaac BENNET - oe - " Wm. PEEPLES - oe - " Maria PEEPLES - oe - " David LUTHER - oe - Aug. 29. 1845 Mary LUTHER (his wife) - oe - " Rachel MILLER - oe - " Susan Mary OGDEN (removed Armagh) - oe - " Mary Jane TOSH - oe - " Jno. F. LUTHER - oe - " Elizabeth Ann LUTHER - oe - " Rachel SAMPLE - oc - " Eliza BROWN - oe - Nov 22 1845 LIST OF COMMUNICANTS RECEIVED TO THE CHURCHES OF FAIRFIELD & UNION UNDER THE PASTORAL CARE OF REV. O.H. MILLER James DONALDSON (dismissed April 2nd 1850) - oe - Oct 31st 1846 Catharine DONALDSON ([smudged]) - oe - " Margaret DAVIDSON (left) - oe - " Mary MYERS - oc - Aug 29th 1846 Catherine MYERS - oc - " Mary HALFERTY - oe - " Sarah LOVE - oe - " Sophia NORRIS - oe - April 30th 1847 Rosanna HAZLETT - oe - " Samuel KENEDY (left) - oc - June 5th 1847 Rebecca KENEDY (left) - oc - " Margory KENEDY (left) - oc - " Sarah SNYDER (widdow) - oe - " Isabella DAVIDSON - oe - " William DAVIDSON - oe - " Nancy HANNA - oeb - " Mrs. SNYDER - oc - " Nancy SNYDER - oc - " Mary SNYDER - oc - " Polly ROBB - oeb - Oct 23d 1847 Margaret SERENA - oeb - " Ann SERENA - oe - " James TRIMLE - oeb - Nov 13th 1847 Mary TRIMLE (his wife) - oe - " Abraham BENNET - oeb - " Susan BENNET (his wife) - oe - " Margory GILMORE - oe - " Nancy BROWN - oe - " Margaret HALFERTY - oe - " Archibald MATTHEWS - oc - " Jane MATTHEWS (his wife) - oc - " Joseph KENNEDY - oc - " Eliza KENNEDY (his wife) - oc - " William M. LOVE - oe - May 26 1848 Margaret LOVE - oe - " Mary Ann BERRY - oeb - " Robert DONALDSON (of Charles) - oe (dismissed) - " Sarah DONALDSON - oe - " Mary [or May] Catherine McQUADE - oeb (dismissed) - May 27 1848 Dorcas McQUADE - oeb - " John R. WAGGONER - oeb - Aug 20th 1848 N.Y. NIZ (died 1848) oe - " Dr. James TAYLOR (removed to Armagh) - oc - " Geo. ARMSTRONG wife & daughter - oc - " May and Mary KELLY - oc - " Rubin M. McKELVY - oe - Feby 23 1849 Jane McKELVY - oe - " William McKALOP (dismissed) - oe - " Jabez B. COLLEDGE - oe - Augt 26th 1849 Margret KENNEDY - oe - Novm 16 1849 Alexander BLARE - oe - " [note: spelling is actually BLAIR -- ancestor of submitter] Mrs. B.A. BLARE [wife of above] - oc - Feb 18 1850 [Barbara Ann] Mrs. Margret A. COVODE - oc - April 6 1850 Cathrine BISTON* - oc - May 19 1850 James CLARKE - oc - June 14th 1850 Matilda CLARKE - oc - " Elizabeth MILLER - oe - " Agness MILLER - oe - " Sarah LOUTHER - oe - " Agness LOUTHER - oe - " Robert McDOWELL - oe - Augt 11th 1850 Jane McDOWELL - oe - " Sarah Jane KANADAY (dismissed March 11th 1851) - oe - Sept 13th 1850 John McCURDY - oc - Sept 13th 1850 Rachel McCURDY - oc - " Isaac MATHEWS - oc - Novr 22nd 1850 Samuel DUGLESS - oe - " Robert H. LOVE (died Sept 12 1851) - oe - " Martha LOVE - oe - Novr 22nd 1850 Martha F. TAYLOR - oe - " Samuel J. COLLEDGE - oe - May 16 1851 Sarah J. COLLEDGE - oe - " Martha COLLEDGE - oe - June 27 1851 Scroggs HARTMAN - oe - " Susan HARTMAN - oe - " Lucinda TAYLOR - oe - " Caroline McKEE - oe - " Margret JOHNSTON - oe - " Margret ROBB - oc - " Rebecca HORRELL - (not recorded before) - " Isabella LUTHER - oe - July 5th 1851 Hannah LUTHER - oe - " Adelaide CLAY - oe - Novr 14 1851 John SEREONOR* - oe - " Lydia SEREONOR* - oe - " Elizabeth GILVIN* - oc - Sept 17 1853 Lettitia ANDERSON - oe - " John MOOREHEAD - oe - " Lettitia his wife - oe - " Samuel MOOREHEAD - oe - " Maria Lucy MOOREHEAD - oe - " Mary MOOREHEAD - oe - " Sarah BENNETT - oe - " Jane Elizabeth McKELVY - oe - " Rebecca CRAIG - oe - " [end]