Westmoreland County PA Archives Deed.....Hoy, Samuel - Hoy, Ann July 24, 1833 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/pa/pafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Virginia Crilley http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00003.html#0000642 December 25, 2024, 4:28 pm Written: July 24, 1833 Recorded: July 30, 1833 Deed Book: Westmoreland. Deed Books May 1832–Dec 1833 img 363/477 https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSNP-7LY4?i=362&cat=119334 24th July 1833 Deed Ann Hoy to Samuel Hoy pg403 This Indenture made the Sixth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty three by & between ANN HOY of FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP WESTMORELAND Commonwealth of Pennsylvania of the one part and SAMUEL HOY of Township County & State of Page 403 foresaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said Ann Hoy for and in consideration of the sum of one Dollar [$1.00] lawful money of the United States to her in hand paid by the said Samuel Hoy at & before the sealing and Delivery hereof the receipt and payment whereof she do hereby acknowledged and thereof do forever acquit and discharge the said Samuel Hoy his heirs Executors & administrators by these presents have granted bargained and sold and by these presents Do grant bargain and sell unto the said Samuel Hoy and to his heirs and assigns a certain piece or part of a tract of land situate in Franklin Township and County aforesaid bounded as follows to wit Beginning at a dogwood dead thence by land of [Eli]COULTERS heirs north fourteen and a half degrees west thirty five perches to a hickory thence by land of JEREMIAH MURRY South Eighty one degrees west ninety nine three tenths perches to a Chestnut Oak thence by land of ELLINOR [ELEANOR] HOY [wife of deceased James] of which this is a part South ten degrees East two hundred and twenty perches and eight tenth of a perch to Stones thence by land of FRANCIS KERNS of which this is a part North forty four degrees East one hundred and fifteen perches to a Cherry North thirty eight degrees west Eighty one perches and Eight North of a perch to a white oak and North thirty seven degrees East sicy five perches to the place of the Beginning containing NINETY ONE [91]ACRES SEVENTEEN [17] PERCHES AND NINE TENTH OF A PERCH and allowance of six pr cent for Roads & together with all and singular the rights privileges (p403) 20 hereditaments & appurtenances thereunto belonging free & clear from all the Estate right title interest of the said Ann Hoy of in and to the same and is the said Commonwealth by patent dated the thirteenth day of April in the year of our Lord [13 Apr 1829]one thousand Eight hundred and twenty nine did grant the aforesaid tract of land , it being part of a larger tract , to JAMES HOY & ANN HOEY heirs & devises of SAMUEL Hoy of Township County & State aforesaid deceased the have and to hold the premises hereby granted with the appurtenances unto the said Samuel Hoy his heirs & assigns to the only proper use benefit and behoof of him the said Samuel Hoy his heirs and assigns forever and the said Ann Hoy for herself her heirs Executors and Administrators Doth hereby covenant promise grant and agree to and with the said Samuel Hoy his heirs and assigns by these presents that they the said Ann Hoy the above described premises hereby granted and sold with the appurtenances unto the said Samuel Hoy his heirs and assigns against the said Ann Hoy & c. her heirs and against every other person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents In testimony whereof the said Ann Hoy has hereunto respectively set her hand & seal the day & year above first written Sealed & Delivered in presence of us Alexander Baxter, Jacob Dibble Ann x Hoey Received on the day of the date of the foregoing Indenture of and from the within named Samuel Hoy the sum of one Dollar being in full the consideration . money therein mentioned Witness present Alexr Barter . Jacob Dible Anna x Hoy Westmoreland County. On the sixth day of July A. D . 1833 . Before me the subscriber one of the Justices of the Peace in & for said County personally came the above named Ann Hoy & acknowledged the foregoing Indenture to be her act for the purposes therein set forth to the end that the same might be recorded as such she the said Ann being of proper age acknowledged the same to be her voluntary act & Deed desiring the same to be recorded as such In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand the day and year last Jacob Dible above written Recorded 30th July 1833 NOTE: Only place where 91 acres is listed. (Thus 1/2 of 182 acres which Ann and James inherited from their father Samuel] NOTE; Also known as a perch or rod. As a unit of length, equal to 16.5 feet. As a unit of area, equal to a square with sides one pole long. NOTE: Eleanor Hoy is widow of James Hoy, brother to Ann Hoy. Samuel is son of James and Eleanor. 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