Westmoreland County PA Archives History .....Theodore CAMPBELL Family History 1928 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/pa/pafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Lynn Beatty klbeatty@npgcable.com February 2, 2007, 6:20 am At Theodore Campbell's at Cowansburgh Westnd Co Pa.: He says he was born on July 2, 1836 on the farm of Andrew Biggs, his grandfather. His father, John Campbell died, he thought in 1847 (it was Apr 21, 1848. See No 36, Page 71) when he was 12 yrs old. Thinks he was born in 1800, Straight. His mother Sarah was 83 he thought & died in 1890 (She died on Jany 9, 1890 & was 87 past see No 36, Page 71). He thinks his father had brothers. 1. Robert & James, Robert is buried at Mars Hill, James Lived at Jacksonville 2. Dont know where he is buried. His father also had sisters, Margaret, Elizabeth 3. & Susan. Susan married Benjamin Boyd who lived at Elizabethtown. Susan left 3 boys & 1 girl who are scattered round. (There are several Benj Boyds buried at Dick Graveyard where I was today) Joe one of the boys was a boatman. 4. Elizabeth, married William Reed. She left 3 girls & abt 3 boys. Lived at New Alexandria Pa. Thinks one or two of her children are living. 5. Margaret married a Brown, thinks it was John Brown, but wouldn't be sure. Wasn't married until an old woman. Also lived at New Alexandria. Had no children. Says his father was a carpenter & barn builder & built some houses. His grandfather's name was also John Campbell, but he could not recall any knowledge of him or what his wife's name was or who she was. I think John Campbell at No 35 Page 71 & his wife Margaret were his grandparents as they are buried in adjoining lots with his father & mother. See genealogical tree on next pages. His own brother, Andrew was killed at Gettysburgh Pa. Four of the brothers, John, Theodore, Andrew & Joseph served in the Civil War. Mathew, the only other brother was drafted, but old Cyrus Markle told the authorities they would have to leave one at home to take care of the family, so Mathew did not go in to the service. Mr Campbell says he himself was a farmer before he went into the army & followed that avocation for a good while after he came back. Col. John Campbell Born say 1768, died Jany 31, 1821. His wife Margaret Campbell born say in 1773 & died July 5, 1817. Buried at "Dick" Church U.P. graveyard, Sewickly Tp Westnd Co Pa. [Their Children] 1. John Cambell, [sic] Born in 1800 say Dec 31, Died Apr 21, 1848 aged 47 yrs 3 mos 21 days. married Sarah Biggs who was born say Apr 1, 1802 & died Jany 9, 1890 aged 87 yrs, 9 mos & 8 days. 1.1. Margaret Campbell, 10 yrs older than Theodore. Married James Marsh. Lived at & owned place where Biggs lived. He died there & she died at Bill Pore's. Buried at Wylands M.E. Church, which we passed near Herminie. 1.1.1. Lavina Marsh only child who married Will Pore. Lola Pore, oldest Wilma Pore Mary Pore 1.2. Matthew Campbell Born 1828 Died 1898 or 1899. Buried at Wylands M.E. Ch. Married Jane McWilliams who also is dead. 1.2.1. Homer Campbell, only child unmarried. He is a bachelor. Is a carpenter by trade & also a painter. Lives at Milville Pa. 1.3. John Marshall Campbell, Born abt 1830. Served through the Civil War & then moved to Kansas where he married. Both dead. Theo was never out there & he never came back. He was a carpenter. 1.3.1. Albert Campbell 1.3.2. William Campbell 1.3.3. 3 Campbell Daughters 1.4. Hetty Campbell, Born say in 1832. She got the Bible from her mother. Married James McKeown a farmer & moved to near New Alexandria. They are dead but the children live on the farm & wd have the old Family Bible with the record. 1.4.1. George McKeown 1.4.2. Horace McKeown 1.4.3. Margaret McKeown 1.4.4. Mary McKeown 1.4.5. Sarah McKeown 1.4.6. A McKeown Son 1.4.7. a McKeown Daughter? 1.5. Theodore Harrison Campbell, born July 2, 1836. Married Elizabeth Metsch, a native of West Newton where she was born Sept 2, say 1860. Married on July 5, 1888. Both living at Cowansburgh, Pa. Mr. Theo H. Campbell was in the Civil War 4 yrs, was 1st in 43rd Penna, then in 12th Pa Reserves & finished in the 1905h Reg. Was in the Battle of Gettysburgh, Pa & in 25 battles in all, was in until war closed & saw them stack arms. 1.5.1. Sarah Campbell, born 1889, married Quay Jordan who runs the coal works at Lowber, being outside Supt. They live at Cowansburgh, Pa. Donald Jordan William Jordan 1.5.2. Irma Campbell, born 1891? Single 1.5.3. Annetta Campbell, born 1893? Single 1.5.4. Theodore Campbell, born 1902, single 1.6. Jane Campbell, unmarried Died Aug 19, 1918 aged up in the 80s. Buried at Dick Church Graveyard. (I did not find a marker) over on lower side where the Biggs are buried. 1.7. Andrew McKinney Campbell, Born say 1840 to 1842 was killed at Battle of Gettysburgh Pa & was unmarried. Theo says he hunted all over the battlefield without avail to find his grave. Thinks his is one of the graves marked unknown. He was called "Mack". 1.8. Joseph Llewellen Campbell named for his Uncle Joseph Llewellen Biggs. Born in 1844. He was in Civil War. He went to Kansas in 1867 & he wrote to Theodore once or twice. He was working on a RR bridge which fell & a newspaper sent Theo reported 5 killed, one being J.M. Campbell which was John's initials & Joe L. boarded with him & Theo thinks it was Joe who was killed. The place he thinks was Toma, Wisconsin. He was a carpenter & was unmarried. 2. James Campbell, died at Jacksonville. 3. Robert Campbell, Buried at Mars Hill Married a Simeral. 4. Margaret Campbell, married John? Brown Lived at New Alexandria. No issue. 5. Elizabeth Campbell, married William Reed. Lived at New Alexandria. Left 3 girls & abt 3 boys. Thinks one or two of her children are living. 6. Susan Campbell, married Benjamin Boyd & lived at Elizabethtown. 6.1. Joe Boyd, a boatman 6.2. Son Boyd 6.3. Son Boyd 6.4. Daughter Boyd Additional Comments: Extracted from Josiah V. Thompson Journals, Vol. 4, pg 78-79 This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/pafiles/ File size: 6.4 Kb