Westmoreland County PA Archives History .....David KILGORE Family History 1920 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/pa/pafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Lynn Beatty klbeatty@npgcable.com February 2, 2007, 7:18 am Mrs Kezia C. Kirker. Mrs Kirker in listing the children of her grandfather Col David Kilgore said she wasn't sure whether her Uncle Ezekiel her Uncle David or Uncle Dan, was second so I list in the order she named them until I can get further or record proof. She said her grandfather Col David Kilgore was a volunteer to War of 1812, but only got as far as Baltimore Md & was discharged. When I asked Mrs Kirker about Joshua, the son of her Uncle Daniel, she said she knew nothing about him & said "he must have died before my time". Thought he must have been married as "some people living about Greensburgh strikes me are his children". This might too refer to Daniel, his brother, as noticing I had reference to ten children, I did not ask her about Daniel, as I find now there were eleven children. Mrs Kirker said her grandfather Col David Kilgore had 18 brothers & one sister & they all raised families & lived in Cumberland Co Pa. Said Grandmother Jack (Nancy, 1764 1858, mother of Col Wm Jack of Hollidaysburgh Pa) always said the Kilgores & Jacks were related. (Her husband, John 1747 1815 was first cousin to Col David Kilgore). Mrs Kirker said she was a "dear old lady" & spoke of the help she gave Mrs Kirker in nursing someone that was sick. Said she couldn't get out of her chair, but when the patient needed attention, she would call to her. I asked Mrs Kirker how she got Elliott in Lizzie's name & she said she was named for her grandmother Kirker & their family physician Dr Thos H. Elliott (1818 1875, see Page 233 No 18) her family physician & "a good one he was" son of Rev Dr David Elliott 1787 1874, a first cousin of mother's mother. If she had been a boy, he would have got the name. Everything was good about him except his marriage. He met a girl at some watering place & became engaged to her & he said to Mrs Kirker: "I was such a confounded fool as to show her letter to my mother or I wouldn't have married her". She, his mother, thought it would be dishonorable to break the engagement, so they were married & later were divorced. They had no children. She said his brother Dr David A. Elliott was a practicing physician in Washington DC. Mrs Kirker's family Bible was printed by E. ST Butler & Co Phila, Pa 1854. The record she says is in the handwriting of her late husband & is so wonderfully legible & as perfect as any writing I ever saw. Mrs K says he was a money messenger for Adms Ex Co for many years until he couldn't see. He was by trade a painter & paper hanger, but not always having work to keep him busy took the other job. She said she was a member of the Sixth Pres Ch for 40 yrs, but is now with the local Homewood Pres Ch. Her husband is buried in the Homewood Cemetery. Mrs Kirker said they lived six yrs in Phila Pa & the balance here (in Pgh). She said her husband had some Uncles one named George Kirker. She is hard of hearing, but I had no difficulty in making her hear by talking close to her right ear. She says her eyesight is getting bad & she fears she may loose [sic] her sight entirely. She is slender & active & not at all feeble & got down on her hunkers, like a young girl to hunt up her family Bible in the shelf or drawer at bottom of the bookcase. She has a keen sense of the ridiculous & amusing & sees the humorous & funny. She has a well chiseled face & head, has had a wonderful memory, which even yet is remarkably good. When I asked if her son was married, she said: "Yes, too much married" & her eyes filled with tears & she said he had gotten a divorce & when I asked if they had any children she said the children had gone with the mother & had taken her name. I read her father's will to her & she said Alex Thompson (who had several very fine sisters) when he learned that her father had sold the farm to his son Jess & Sam Vance was very wroth & came to his father in law in anger & demanded to know why he did it without consulting him about it, when Mr Kilgore told him he didn't know he had to ask him, & they were about to come to blows when when [sic] Mrs Kirker's cousin (Jess Kilgore) who was present took took [sic] her father by the arm & saying: "Come on Uncle Jess" led him away. This probably accounts for the clause in his will about the wife of Alex Thompson. Speaking of the will, she s'd the Exrs Pollen & Fisher refused to act & someone asked her mother who she wanted & she s'd to get someone who was not related. When she spoke of what was left to her, she s'd her brother in law told the Exr to give her only what the will said she should have. Asking her if it was Alex Thompson she said: "No, Thomas Latta". She said by reason of her mother being stepmother to two sets of children, the feeling between them was rather strained & that was the reason she didn't know much about the families of her half brothers & sisters. Mrs Livingston was laying on the sofa in the room adjoining & I noticed her right foot & shin were bandaged & she s'd she had an ulcer on her shin bone & couldn't get it to heal. Capt & then Col David Kilgore of the Revolutionary War Born Jany 30, 1745 See Record Book 2 Page 200 lines 31 & 32. Died June 11, 1814 aged 69 yrs 4 mos & 12 days. Buried at Middle Church near Mt Pleas Co Pa. Married Sarah Mickey of Cumberland Co, who was born say in 1745 as she died Dec 14th, 1830 in her 86t year & is (K.C.K. said some people sd her name was Mickey, but her mother always s'd it was McKee). Buried at Middle Church near Mt Pleas. Co Pa. [Their Children] 1. Sarah Kilgore, oldest, says K.C.K. married Gershom Hull. Lived & died in Youngstown Westnd, Pa where they kept a little hotel. Both died there. She is buried at Middle Church near her father. He is buried at Unity. After her death he married Jane Baxter who after Hull's death married Jesse Kilgore. Sarah had two children by Hull mentioned in her father's will see Page 195 line 17. 1.1. John Hull, He was a saddler. He went to Findlay O & died there, married a Quaker lady there later & had several children of whom K.C.K. only recalls the names of three as given below. 1.1.1. Edward Hull, heard he had gone to California 1.1.2. Hiram Hull 1.1.3. Sarah Hull 1.2. David Hull, went to Stark Co Ohio & married there & raised a large family & died there. He was a weaver. K.C.K. has a coverlet that he wove. 2. James Kilgore, K.C.K. dont remember at all. Did not know she had an Uncle James. She sd there was a time she could have given me the dates of everything as she s'd she remembered things that occurred 75 yrs ago better than what occurred more recently. 3. Elizabeth Kilgore, called "Betsy" Married James Gaff. K.C.K. says they lived in Ohio somewhere. She thinks near Massilon. Believes her Aunt Betsy was dead before she was born. Thinks they had children. Dont know of any of them ever being back to Penna a visit. 4. William Kilgore, K.C.K. said: "I surely didn't have an Uncle William did I?" I said "yes, he is named in yr grandfather's will". 5. Daniel Kilgore. He stayed in Westnd Co Pa Born say 1768 or 1769. Died Apr 22d, 1850 in the 82d yr of his age. See Record Book 2, Page 199 line 28 & is buried in Middle Church graveyard. He married Rachel (K.C.K. thinks it was Reynolds of abt Mt Pleasant 2 or 3 miles from where he lived "never liked her". She was born say in 1778 or 1779 as she died June 16, 1853 in the 75th year of her age. See line 29 Page 199 Book 2 & is buried at Middle Church. They had 10 children & daughters & 3 sons. He died on the farm he was born on. He & his wife buried at Middle Church & also 8 or their children. Mrs Robertson is buried at Sewickly Church. His will Pages 196 & 197 this Book gives 4 sons & 7 daus. 5.1. Polly Kilgore, oldest married Samuel Fullerton & lived in Westnd Co & thinks were buried at Middle Church. Had sons. She was born say Oct 5, 1799 & died Aug 2, 1843 See Book 2 Page 199 No 191. Kate says they had but two children & gives the record below. 5.1.1. John Fullerton, married a Gaut & bought a place on the "Uncle Ben's" part of the Rothermel farm. He is buried at Markle's as is his wife & two or three children that died. Mrs Gaut died giving birth to her 9th child or just after it was born. Laura Fullerton, got the farm & $10,000. Married & lives up by Scottdale Pa. Has a natural son aged 12. A dau Fullerton, married a Blackburn A daughter Fullerton, married a Painter 4 other Fullerton children 5.1.2. William Fullterton never married. Died at his bro John's Thinks is buried at Markle Cemetery. 5.2. Sarah Kilgore, never married K.C.K. gave her as second & both she & Joshua evidently come in between Polly & James. 5.3. Joshua Kilgore, was given half of a 1/4 section of land in Ohio Page 197 lines 3 to 6 of this book. K.C.K. had never heard of him. 5.4. James Kilgore, Born Aug 8, 1805, died Dec 18, 1878. See will page 204 this book No 92 "Never Married. He was a good old bachelor, only bad thing he did was to snore & he did that royally". When he was up in his 30s, he fell in the barn & nearly all his bones were broken, but he lived many yrs thereafter & was subject to epileptic fits & died in one of them. 5.5. Rachel Kilgore, Born June 9, 1807 died Sept 11, 1890 See Book 2 Page 199 No 196. See will Page 204 this book No 93 Never married. 5.6. Daniel Kilgore, got no record. See Page 197 this book 6th clause of his brother's will. 5.7. William Kilgore, See book to page 250. B. April 13, 1811 ob May 23, 1891. See Book 2 Page 189 No 187. He married Ann Fisher dau of Wm Fisher of Mt P. Tp had 2 sons & 2 daus. Oldest son, she thinks was married, but died soon after without issue, other son died young. Daughters were very nice women. She was born May 24, 1817, Died June 15, 1897 See Book 2 Page 199 No 188. 5.7.1. Son Daniel Kilgore married & died early No issue. Born Feby 25, 1839. ob Sept 14, 1876. See Book 2 Page 199 No 189. 5.7.2. Son William Fisher Kilgore, Died Apr 19, 1850 in his 6th yr. Born say 1844 or 1845 See Book 2 Page 199 No 190. 5.7.3. Ann Jane Kilgore, married David G. Andrew 5.7.4. Sarah Margaret Kilgore, married Jacob L.? McGiffen See will Page 205 No 95 of this book. 5.8. Violet Kilgore, Born Mch 13, 1813 ob July 3, 1895 Book 2 Page 199 No 197 Died unmarried. See her will Page 206 this book No 96. 5.9. Rebecca Kilgore, married a Thompson fr abt Mt Pleasant. His sons live in Greensburgh Pa. Hire out carriages & things of that kind "Providence was very good to her, didn't give her any daughters". Had two or three sons. 5.10. Jane Kilgore, Born June 27, 1817 ob Nov 30, 1895 Never married See Book 2 Page 199 No 198 See will this Book page 207 No 97. 5.11. Nancy Kilgore Born Jany 12, 1822, Died Aug 12, 1865 married Wm Jack Robertson See Page 30 this book No 221 line 28 See Book 3 Pages 389 & 388 for record of her descendants. 6. Ezekiel Kilgore, He moved to the State of Indiana when he married & had quite a large family. He built a home near a creek where there had never been any record of a rise to indicate that it was dangerous. He, with his oldest son, had gone to mill one day when a wonderful freshet came & the flood of waters swept the house from off its foundation with the family in it & all the family remaining were drowned except one little boy who was found alive up in a tree when the father with the oldest son returned. The oldest son made a visit back to Penna while her father was living & told him about it. 7. David Kilgore, married Hannah______ from about Mt Pleasant, not a Reynolds, but related to them. He went to Stark Co O. Was a farmer. He had sons & daughters & died there. She never saw but one son Gershom whom she thinks was the oldest. 7.1. Gershom Kilgore, whom K.C.K. thinks was the oldest came back to Westnd Co & got his wife, a Miss Reynolds & went back to Ohio. She had money & he went to dealing in horses. 8. John Kilgore "Uncle John, he comes next" Born say 1780 died Nov 22, 1847 See Book 2 Page 195 No 68. His will at Page 195 this book No 86. He married Nancy Hunter of Mt Pleasant Tp. She was born Feby 2, 1772 & died Dec 22, 1852. See Book 2 Page 195 No 69 Dau of Alex Hunter. K.C.K. said "Uncle John's Uncle Dan's & our farms all three joined, were gotten from their father, who bought up the land after he was done fighting the battle of the Revolution". John & his wife are buried at Middle Ch & also all their children but Jess & Alex who are buried in Greensburgh, Pa. 8.1. Jesse Kilgore, the oldest that lived married 1st Mary Poorman & after her death, he married 2d Mary Gilchrist from near Pleasant Unity K.C.K. said by her "no children. She didn't have time" by which I think she meant she was too old. Children were all by 1st wife. 8.1.1. Mary Elizabeth Kilgore, oldest J.V. Kilgore s'd she was abt 76 Married Wm Perry. He is dead. She makes her home with her niece. No children. 8.1.2. Nancy Kilgore, Married 1st Christopher Scott Married 2nd Steiner Welty fr Pleasant Unity. Left 2 children by 1st hus. & thinks she had 13 by 2d husband but all are dead but two. Rev Harry Scott, married & left issue. He is dead. He got up a family tree which Mrs Sloan thinks Jack Johnston has. Jennie Scott, lived up near Confluence Pa but died unm Pres Hos Pgh left a will which has never been found. Daughter Scott, Mrs. Barclay Daughter Scott, in Gbg. 8.1.3. Louisa C. Kilgore, married Joseph J. Johnston of Greensburgh Pa a lawyer. He died many yrs ago leaving 4 sons & 4 daughters. She is now living with her daughter in law in Harrisburg Pa. Jack Johnston, m. a Gbg girl Lives Tyrone Co in employ of PRR. Have 3 or 4 children. Anna Johnston, married Wm C. Peoples, a lawyer of Gbg Pa. Thinks have 2 boys & 3 girls & have grandchildren. Jesse Johnston, married a lady fr Conn. where he lived for a time, but is now at Tyrone probably in RR employ. No issue. Minnie Johnston, married Homer Hope a dentist near Old Ladys [sic] home Wilkinsburg Have 5 or 6 sons & 1 daughter. William Johnston, lives in Ohio Have 2 sons who served thru late war & have married since. Gertrude Johnston, married a Gbg man & live in Boston Mass. Have one child, a son. Joseph Barron Johnston named for his father & our [unreadable]. Lives away out west. He has a ranch. He married a Strong Bessie Johnston, married Wm Moore. Live at Harrisburg Pa & have several children. His mother is there with her now . 8.1.4. Alexander Kilgore, died in infancy 8.1.5. Alexander Kilgore, died in infancy 8.1.6. John Poorman Kilgore youngest of the family. Married Miss Long, Dau of Sam Long of near Gbg Pa. Had 2 or 3 children died when babies but only one lived to grow up. Margaret Kilgore married Mr. Laird, a lawyer of Gbg Pa 8.2. David Kilgore Born say 1809 Died Sept 1, 1851 in his 42d yr. See Book 2 Page 195. No 70 See Will Page 198 this book No 88. He married Emily Kirkead of Gbg Pa was a farmer, but sickly & died of consumption. Had one dau & 3 sons. 8.2.1. William Alexander Kilgore, called "Alex". He with wife & 3 children were drowned in the Johnstown Flood. 8.2.2. Anna Burrell Kilgore, named for Judge Burrell's wife. Married Frank Jack of Decatur Ill. Have 2 sons & 2 daughters. I got there [sic] record when there in 1910. 8.2.3. David Hunter Kilgore, m. Miss Borland of Gbg Pa where her father kept the "Borland Hotel". Had only one child live to grow up. Alexander Kilgore. He died not long ago. Unmarried. 8.2.4. Pressly Hurst Kilgore, Probably posthumous & born in 1851 after his father's will was written. He was a brakeman on the PRR & was killed before he was of age at Derry Sta in going fr one car to another, he fell between them & was crushed only living 2 or 3 hours. Was unmarried. 8.3. John Kilgore Born 1810 died 1892. Married Margaret Jamison Dau of Wm Jamison, a farmer near Pleasant Unity. She was born 1824 died 1910. See Book 2 Page 195 No 70. both buried at Middle Ch. He was a farmer. Had 6 children buried 3 inside of 2 wks dying of diptheria oldest a dau was 16 oldest son 12 & a little one died. 8.3.1. Elizabeth Kilgore, married. Lewis Trauger. He died many yrs ago & "She is a good deal deafer than I am". Had a son & daughter both died of consumptions as did their father. 8.3.2. Jennie Kilgore, named for Mrs Kirker's mother Married David Shupe & lives in Gbg, Pa. Both living. He has some position abt the Court House 3 sons & 2 daughters. One dau mar to a Mr Lord. 8.3.3. Wm Gaff Kilgore, called "Gaff" named for my uncle. Married & is now a widower & lives in McKeesport or Glassport. Thinks had one child, but it died. 8.4. Alexander Kilgore, was 3d child to be called Alexander "were bound to have an Alexander". Married Lizzie Fulwood, dau of old Davy Fulwood. He bought & sold horse & took them to Lancaster Pa where he sold them. Was Sheriff of Westnd Co. Both dead. Had 3 daughters & dont know how many boys. Get record from Mrs Nancy K. Sloan one of his daughters. 8.5. Nancy Hunter Kilgore died in infancy before K.C.K. was born. 9. Martila Kilgore, Born 1781 or 1782 Died Mch 14, 1814 in her 33d yr. See Book 2 Page 200 No 210. 10. Jane Kilgore, "Aunt Edgar" She married John Edgar. They lived in Ohio. Mrs Kirker knew one daughter & thinks she had other sisters & brothers but donít know anything about them. 10.1. A daughter Edgar, married a man named Carson, a widower with a lot of children by his first wife. They came to Penna & lived awhile & then went back to Ohio. Asking if they had any children, Mrs K. said: "Mercy no, they were both old enough to go to their graves when they were married". They both died in Ohio. "She was a real nice woman, a lot of Kilgore in her". She & I corresponded 65 yrs ago, but cant remember place in Ohio. 10.2. Other Edgar Children 11. Jesse Kilgore "youngest of David Kilgore's children, Born 1785 Died Sept 30, 1852. So Mrs Kirker said & that he was buried on Oct 1, 1852 which agrees with the tombstone record at Middle Church Book 2 Page 201 No 215 in which it says "in his 68th yr". Although record at Court Hours says he died Sept 1, 1852 which is wrong. See record of his will Page 199 this Book No 89. K.C.K. says his birthday was May 18, which will make the year 1785. He married 1st Martha Ann Neel of Mt P. sister of "old Uncle John Neel" whose farm ran to edge of Mt P. He married 2nd Nancy White. He married 3d Jane Hull, widow of his brother in law Gershom Hull & daughter of Robert Baxter & his wife Elizabeth Murray, a sister of old Gen'l James? Murray of Murrysville, Westnd, Pa. Her grandfather was a cousin of Richard Baxter who wrote "The Saints Everlasting Rest" in 1650 & which she took great delight in often reading. She was born in Ireland Co Monaghan Mch 9, 1791, came to America in 1802 (although K.C.K. says she came when 5 yrs old) & died Aug 10, 1863 in her 73d yr. See Book2 Page 201 No 216. Children by 1st wife were Polly & Sally by 2d wife, David, James & Nancy & by 3d wife Eliza J., Martha A. Kezia C. & Jesse B & some little one that were not named. Jesse Kilgore Born May 18, 1785 Died Sept 30, 1852. See partial record on preceding Page. [Children] 1. Mary or "Polly" Kilgore, by 1st wife, Born Nov 14, 1809 Married Alexander Thompson fr away out by Derry, son of Robert Thompson, a fine man & moved to somewhere near Massillon Ohio & both are buried there. No issue. Didn't hear of their death until some considerable time after it occurred. 2. Sarah or "Sally" Kilgore by 1st wife, Born Nov 29, 1811 married Thomas Latta 3. K.C.K. thinks he was a son of Moses Latta. She knows he had a brother Moses. Both buried at Middle Ch. Had five children. 3.1. Jesse Kilgore Latta, He was a perfect wonder, his head & brain grew faster than his body & bursted & came out his nose, his ears & his mouth. A great many men, many of note came from Pgh around to see him. He read everything he got his hands on, but wouldn't work. Could repeat Bible almost by heart & texts by the hundreds. His father was a Squire & had some law books which Jesse read & could tell where to find anything in them. He was only sixteen yrs old when he died. K.C.K. said "His mother wd send him over to our house abt a mile away on errands & an hour or so later on his not rtg wd find him lying under a tree on the broad of his back with a book in his hand reading not having gone on the errand at all. 3.2. Mary Jane Latta, married a Geo W. Kelly. Both dead They lived near West Newton. Thinks they were taken to Sewickly for burial. Left children, but dont know how many. Dont know where any of them are. Says her nephew's daughter (Vance of Irwin Pa) who was applying for a school met a woman who s'd she was a daughter of Mrs Kelly & wanted her to go home with her because she was a relative. Mrs K. says she never saw her after she was married. 3.3. John Calvin Latta After his father & mother died he sold the farm & went west. He married a Baer & her brother married his sister & they all went west together. He had 8 boys & some girls. He sent K.C.K. word that he was coming to stop with me on his way to the west & I did a mean thing & sent word back that I wouldn't be at home. I thought that with that many children, he had better go to a hotel. 3.4. Margaret Martha Latta, married a Baer, a bro of John Cs wife & went west with them. Dont know abt children, if any. 3.5. Sarah Kezia Latta, married a man named Hudson. Both dead. Lived some place about Pleasant Unity. Thinks she saw notice of his death recently. Dont know abt children. 4. David Kilgore by 2d wife, Born Dec 19, 1815. Died Nov 28, 1834. aged 18 yrs 11 mos & 12 days. See book 2 Page 201 No 214 died very suddenly was unmarried. 5. James Kilgore by 2d wife, born Jany 12, 1818. Married Catherine Gardner dau of "Stophel" Gardner of Pleasant Unity. He moved to Illinois where he bought a farm. Had 8 boys & 1 girl. The daughter died when 3 mos? old. He is dead & his wife died not long ago. His oldest son is a Doctor. 6. Nancy Kilgore by 2d wife Born Jany 1st, 1821 "died when a little childyElizabeth Jane Kilgore by 3d wife, "oldest" ie of her mother's children Born July 7, 1826. Married Samuel Vance (son of John Vance who lived & died Mt P). who was a farmer. They had 11 children of whom just two are living. 6.1. Jane Baxter Vance, married Sam'l Neel Shields son of Wilson Shields. She is dead. He is living. Have 4 children. 6.2. Burrell Vance Died recently at Gbg worked abt Court House. 6.3. Jesse Kilgore Vance. Lives at Irwin Pa. 7. Martha Ann Kilgore by 3d wife, Born April 30, 1828. Married Dr Eli Armel in 1848. He died July 21, 1849 & she died Aug 13, 1849. He took the dysentery & died & her 7 mos baby was born & mother & baby both died at a little town New Boston, Mercer Co, Ill & are buried on Banks of the Mississippi 8. An Un named Child Kilgore, by 3d wife or two probably come in her. 9. Kezia Carpenter Kilgore, my informant Born Aug 24, 1832 mar on Apr 11, 1854 to Robert Maxwell Kirker by Rev W.W. McLeon. He was born at Big Springs Juniata Co Pa Oct 9, 1825, a son of James Kirker who was of Westnd Co after he got away from Ireland & he in turn was son of Gilbert Kirker. James was born in Ireland. James Kirker's wife was Elizabeth Kinkead whose parents kept a hotel on the road fr Pgh to Phila at the time Conestoga wagons were plentiful on the road. Roberts mother died when he was 9 days old. His father must have died soon after as his grandmother Kinkead raised him. James Kirker was born in Ireland. The record of their children is from their family Bible. Robt M. Kirker died Aug 11, 1895 at Pgh. 9.1. Edward B. Kirker was born Feby 13, 1855 at 5 o'clock PM. Married & divorced but wife is now dead. She got the children & they took her name. He now lives at Neenah, Wisconsin. 9.2. Martha Jane Kirker was born Nov 4, 1856 4 o'clock AM. She has a position at Children's Home at Greensburgh where she has been 9 yrs. Unmarried 9.3. Lizzie Elliott Kirker was born July 13, 1866 at 3 o'clock PM Married Alexander Hardy Livingston on June 30, 1896 in Pgh by Rev J. Shane Nicholls. He was born Mch 16, 1868 in Jersey City NJ. 9.3.1. Isabella Hubenton Livingston b. July 15, 1897 9.3.2. Martha Kirker Livingston Born Oct 28, 1902. A fine good girl Their home is No 7369 Hamilton Ave (Home Wood Sta) Pgh Pa. Jesse Baxter Kilgore, by 3d wife, born Aug 18, 1834 Mar June 29th, 1858 to Mary E. Barker. This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/pafiles/ File size: 25.1 Kb