Westmoreland County PA Archives Military.....1890 Vet Census by District- Bolivar
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Contributed by: Donald Buncie donaldbuncie@yahoo.com
October 2021
District: 146, Enumerator: E R Hammond
House Family Name Rank Co. Regt. Enlistment Discharge Length of Service Remarks
No No Yr Mo DA
6 6 Dumer, Susan S, widow of Frederick Pvt F 50 Pa Inf 21. Sep. 1864 26. Jan. 1865 4 5 Discharged on account of P? P?
11 11 Reed, Thomas Drummer Boy K 177 Pa Inf 5. Nov. 1863 5. Aug. 1864 9
12 12 Snyder, William R Pvt G 101 Pa Vol 18. Aug. 1864 28. Jun. 1865 10 10
13 13 Hammond, Clarisa widow of James Pvt L 6 Pa H A 28. Sep. 1864 13. Jun. 1865 8 15
17 17 Mundorff, James P Pvt 83 Widow don't remember date or particulars of entry. Died
23 23 Cunningham, William Sgt I 211 Pa Inf 1. Sep. 1864 2. Jun. 1865 9 1
27 27 Kennedy, Samuel Pvt K 11 Pa Inf 2. Sep. 1861 9. Jun. 1865 3 9 7 Shot in side. In Andersonville Prison of ?4 Mos
30 30 Lushane, Caroline widow of Andrew P Corp L 6 Pa H A 1. Sep. 1864 13. Jun. 1865 8 15
36 38 Campion, Patrick Pvt F 5 Pa H A 27. Sep. 1864 30. Jun. 1865 9 3
38 40 Butt, James Pvt K 211 Pa Inf 00 Aug 1864 0 Jun 1865 9 Lost Discharge. Can't remember exact dates.
41 43 Foust, Daniel Pvt E Never got discharge & forgot dates etc
60 64 Long, James
48 51 McClanahan, Samuel W
56 60 Coulter, Jane widow of John Captain D 4 Pa Cav 0 May 1861 0 Aug 1865 4 3
61 65 Coulter, Jane W, widow of William Pvt C 155 Pa Inf
31 31 France, Wilson P Corp D 4 Pa Cav 12. Aug. 1863 1. Jul. 1865 2 2 15 Prisons 16 mos 10 days
65 70 Robertson, James Pvt D 11 Pa Inf 15. Feb. 1864 5. Jul. 1865 1 4 20
106 71 McHaie(?), Thomas Pvt H 3 1
67 73 Reese, Benjamin F Hospital Stewart 6 US Cav 6. Jul. 1861 6 Jul 1864 3
71 78 Hammond, William M Pvt L 6 Pa H A 28. Sep. 1864 13. Jun. 1865 8 15
55 59 McDowell, Jane widow of Robert Saddler D 4 Pa Cav 26. Aug. 1861 15. Sep. 1864 3 0 19
63 67 Harvey, David P Sgt B 110 Pa Inf 24. Sep. 1861 0 Dec 1865 2 8
50 54 Seaton, Thomas A Corp 11 Pa Inf
63 67 Cunningham, William H Pvt H 206 Pa Inf 26. Aug. 1864 0 May 1865 9
The Veteran Census was ordered to enumerate Union veterans and the widows of
Union veterans, but some Confederate veterans and widows made it into the
schedules, as well. There are almost 75,000 names in this schedule.
This enumeration was requested by the US Pension Office to assist Union veterans
and their widows in locating people who had served with the veterans and who
could help pension claims go through by testifying on behalf of the veteran or
widow who was applying for the pension. Other, less publicized uses for this
census was to allow the government to determine the number of Civil War veterans
and widows for pension legislation purposes, and also for members of Congress to
conduct an informal study into the effect of different types of military service
on the longevity of the veterans.