Westmoreland County PA Archives Military.....1890 Vet Census by District- North Huntington
Copyright. All rights reserved.
Contributed by: Donald Buncie donaldbuncie@yahoo.com
October 2021
District: 190 Enumerator: Joseph Robbins
House Family Name Rank Co. Regt. Enlistment Discharge Length of Service
No No Yr Mo Da Post Office Remarks
4 4 Thompson Samuel A Pvt 123 Pa Inf 00 Aug 1862 00 Jun 1865 9 Circleville Discharge Lost
17 18 Brooks James W Pvt E 134 Pa Inf 8. Aug. 1862 26. May. 1863 9 18 Emblem, Allegheny Co Pa
60 62 Jones Charles W Pvt C 207 Pa Inf 24. Aug. 1864 6. Jun. 1865 9 13 Emblem, Allegheny Co Pa
74 76 Malin Alexander T Sargt C 4 Pa Cav 21. Aug. 1861 16. Jul. 1865 3 10 25 Robbins Station
87 89 Bankert John G Pvt A 112 Pa HA 9. Jan. 1864 9. Jul. 1865 1 5 Irwin Station
93 95 Ayess Samuel E Pvt F 14 Pa Inf 24 Apr 1861 6 Aug 1861 3 10 13 Circleville Piles & affection of liver
D 15 Pa Cav 8 Aug 1864 21 Jun 1865
140 145 Neptune Francis Pvt B 6 Pa HA 3. Sep. 1864 13. Jun. 1865 9 10 Larimer Station
132 137 McQuaid Joseph 1st Lt M 100 Pa Inf 26 Aug 1861 28 Dec 1863 3 6 25 Larimer Station Gun shot wound thro' left groin
4 Jan 1864 21 Mar 1865
143 149 Mary widow/o Leffler John Pvt B 15 Pa Cav 14. Aug. 1864 21. Jun. 1865 10 7 Circleville
90 93 Irwin John Corp K 193 Pa Inf 19. Jul. 1864 9. Nov. 1865 3 20 Circleville
150 156 Carson Hunphrey Pvt F 12 Pa Res 2. Feb. 1862 5. Aug. 1862 7 3 Circleville
153 159 Osbourn Jacob A Pvt C 105 Pa Inf 29. Jul. 1864 11. Jul. 1865 11 12 Circleville
169 175 McCullough Joseph Pvt K 105 Pa Inf 18 Dec 1860 20 Dec 1863 3 6 23 Circleville Chronic Diareeah
27 Dec 1863 11 Jul 1865
176 182 Hursh Joseph Pvt H 136 Pa Inf 9 Aug 1862 18 Jan 1863 5 10 14 Circleville
B 15 Pa Cav 16 Aug 1864 30 Jun 1865
189 195 Price Thomas Pvt F 11 Pa Inf 27. Feb. 1864 7. Jun. 1865 1 3 10 Circleville
194 201 Sykes John C Corp F 12 Pa Res 25. Jun. 1861 11. Jun. 1864 2 11 16 Circleville
207 214 Brown Joseph M Pvt B 15 Pa Cav 14. Aug. 1864 21. Jun. 1865 10 6 Circleville
218 225 Shaner Henry Pvt F 5 Pa HA 20. Aug. 1864 13. Jun. 1865 9 23 Circleville
225 233 Keihl William Pvt E 206 Pa Inf 13. Aug. 1864 16. May. 1865 9 3 Irwin Station
226 234 Marks William Pvt E 6 Pa HA 7. Sep. 1864 13. Jun. 1865 9 6 Irwin Station
231 239 Ray Thomas 1st Sgt H 9 Pa Inf 24. Apr. 1861 27. Jul. 1861 3 3 Irwin Station
245 253 Frederick John C Pvt C 4 Pa Cav 3. Feb. 1864 13. Jul. 1865 1 5 10 Irwin Station
249 257 Taylor Jacob P Sargt H 168 Pa Inf Irwin Station Discharge Burned
252 260 Kunkle Jacob W Pvt H 136 Pa Inf 9. Aug. 1862 29. May. 1863 9 20 Larimer Station
274 284 Fry Adam Pvt H 136 Pa Inf 9. Aug. 1862 29. May. 1863 9 20 Irwin Station
281 294 Decker William Pvt A 5 Pa HA 8. Aug. 1864 13. Jun. 1865 10 3 Irwin Station
331 325 McGuire Robert R Pvt G 11 Pa Inf 28. Apr. 1861 28. Jun. 1865 4 2 Irwin Station
334 349 Warren John G Pvt A 155 Pa Inf 14. Aug. 1862 2. Jun. 1865 2 9 18 Irwin Station
335 350 Walker John B Corp F 89 Ind Inf 9. Aug. 1862 7. Feb. 1905 Irwin Station Discharge Lost
361 376 Melissa widow/o Dermer Robert Pvt I W VA Cav 5 Aug 1863 7 May 1864 6 2 Irwin Station
H4 17 W VA Inf 17 Feb 1865 30 Jun 1865
362 377 Long Andrew Pvt C Independent light Arty Pa 4. Mar. 1863 13. Jun. 1865 Stewartville
365 380 Thompson Joseph Pvt F 14 Pa Inf Circleville Discharge Lost
Corp I 101 Pa Inf
193 Pa Inf
157 163 Smith Stewart Pvt E 4 Pa Cav 23. Apr. 1864 1. Jul. 1865 1 2 8 Circleville
288 403 Mattox William H Pvt H Independent light Arty Pa 6. Aug. 1864 18. Jun. 1865 9 12 Irwin Station
391 406 Robbins Joseph Pvt A 155 Pa Inf 14. Aug. 1862 31. May. 1865 2 9 16 Circleville
The Veteran Census was ordered to enumerate Union veterans and the widows of
Union veterans, but some Confederate veterans and widows made it into the
schedules, as well. There are almost 75,000 names in this schedule.
This enumeration was requested by the US Pension Office to assist Union veterans
and their widows in locating people who had served with the veterans and who
could help pension claims go through by testifying on behalf of the veteran or
widow who was applying for the pension. Other, less publicized uses for this
census was to allow the government to determine the number of Civil War veterans
and widows for pension legislation purposes, and also for members of Congress to
conduct an informal study into the effect of different types of military service
on the longevity of the veterans.