WILLS:Administration Papers for Andrew HEASLET (HASLET), Account 3 OC 15, File 34, M1841. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Kathleen Brown. Kathlee141@adelphia.net USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ------------------------------------------------------------- The Administration Account of James HORRELL & John HILL Esquires, Executors of Andrew HASLET, late of Fairfield Township, Westmoreland County, Deceased, So far as the goods & chattles of said testator have come to the knowledge of ? of this Accountants: No. The Accountants pay credit as follows, viz. $ 1 by cash Register for Probate & Letters Test. 3.50 2 " Dr. A H. RUSSEL, medical attendance 8.25 3 " Archibald MCCLELLAND in right of his wife legacy25.00 4 " Joseph MENOHER acc't 12.32 5 " George HASLET Legacy 25.00 6 " William MCCLELLAND do 50.00 7 " Nath'l MCKELVEY coffin 5.00 8 " Ann MCCLELLAND Proving will 1.00 9 " John LUTHER do do 2.50 10 " Jonathan LUTHER appraising .50 11 " Jas HASLET Legacy 35.00 12 " Richard HASLET do 35.00 13 " Henry MCBRIDE Note 2.26 14 " Isaac TALBOTT Legacy 25.00 15 " Jonathan LUTHER Acc't 3.675 16 " Jas MENOHER do 2.74 17 " John HASLET Legacy 25.00 18 " James BRADY Note 17.00 19 " Dr. S. P. CUMMINGS Medical Attendance 10.25 20 " John PHIPPS Surveying 3.00 21 " Joseph RUSSEL Advertizing 2.00 22 " Thomas GARDNER Acc't 9.365 23 " Treasurers of Fairfield Congregation 1.50 24 " J. D. MCELROY Calling sale of land 4.50 25 " David MCCLELLAND Legacy 25.00 26 " Francis LITTLE Note 7.465 27 " Widow HASLET(personal property as per will) 388.24 28 Accountant charge for time, expenses etc, viz. Jas HORRELL $29.25 John HILL 21.50 50.75 29 Register for stating duplicate accounts & certificate $2.50 30 " " examining & ? account 2.50 31 " " advertizing 1.75 Clerk Orphans Court, for copy of acc't 1.00---7.75 788.56 By loss on sale of real estate sold agreeably to will 41.00 $829.56 The Accountants charge themselves as follows, viz: To amount of property, as per inventory filed $726.42 To amount of cash rec'd of Robert PIPER $20 - Chas. STEWART $24.94 Balance due accountants 58.20 829.56 This account has been examined and ? this 24th day of May A.D. 1841 Before me Jacob STECK James HORRELL John HILL