Wills: Daniel Hill, 1794:, Westmoreland County, PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Tim Conrad. tconrad@lucent.com USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ____________________________________________________________ Daniel Hill of Westmoreland Co, 1794 In the Name of God Amen. I Daniel Hill of the County of Westmoreland and state of Pennsylvania being weak in body but of sound memory blessed be God do this day being the second day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety four, make and publish this, my last Will and Testament in the manner following that is to say, First is my Will that after my death the Land shall be rented until my youngest son George comes to be fourteen years of age and if it should be the Case that he should not be able to make a living for himself, he shall have the Maintainance of the Place as long as he liveth, and if my son Daniel hath a Mind to rent that Place and pay the Rent as my hereafter mentioned Exectutors shall seeme to do to the best Advantage of my ___ Daniel shall have the first right to it. My Wife Barbara shall live on the Place as long as she [___ is not?)] married, but if she marrieth she hath to leave the Place and she takes her thirds according to law. she ____ have a right to take three cows and the shall be kept for her or the Place until the Children are ___ ..... one Good bed and the price of one Good Cow which money shall be put to interest until these my above ... daughter Come to maturity. further is my Will that after ten years from the first day of ___ my son Daniel shall have Possession of this my Land at Appraisement of Fricholders? and the Payment shall be equally divided among my Sons and Daughters; Jacob, Mary Dunkelberger, Cathaerine Gordner, Betty Dunkelberger, Frederick, Susanna, John, Daniel (or John Daniel?), Hanna, Mary, and Molly and if my youngest son George cometh to his strength both in mind and body, he shall have equally Chels? with the rest of my Children, but if not he shall be maintained on the ___ above mentioned. if my son Daniel hath a Mind to rent the Place he shall have the roan Mare and if he doth not rent the Place the said Mare is to be kept on the Place, the remainder of the Horses shall be appraised, the cow creatures are to be apprised and sold at Publick Vendue, six sheep are to be kept on the Place and the rest are to be apprised and sold likewise, the household Furniture is to be kept on the Place untill the Children are grown up, anyone that has the Place hath to give three acres of Meadow ground to my Wife Barbara for the wintering of the Cows and sheep, and she hath full Liberty to take it every year in such a place as she chuseth at one End of the Meadow which Grass she has to cure and he that has the Place hath to mow and to hawl it for her, both first and second Cropp, she has to get Pasture for her creatures where he that rents the place pastures his own cattle, and I make and ordain my beloved Friends Casper Merkel and David Watts my sole Executors of this my last will and Testament in trust for the Intent and purposes in this my will contained the grain which is as yet in the ground is half to be sold and the other part is to be kept for the use of the Family and my wife Barbara shall have yearly one Bushel and a half of salt from him that hass the land in possession. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day year first written. Daniel "DH" Hill (his mark) Signed sealed and Dlivered by the said Daniel Hill as for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who was present at the signing thereof. John Light and William Winkler