Westmoreland County PA Archives Wills.....KILGORE, David June 27, 1814 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/pa/pafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Lynn Beatty klbeatty@npgcable.com December 4, 2006, 4:23 pm Source: Josiah V. Thompson Journals Written: June 27, 1814 Will of David Kilgore of Mt Pleasant Tp Will Book No 1 Page 352 No 522 of 1814 recites: I, David Kilgore of Mt Pleasant Tp being sick & weak in body gives to beloved wife Sarah Kilgore her bed, bedding saddle & bridle & free full & undisturbed use & benefit of the house where I now reside during her natural life or while she remains my widow. I give to my son Jesse Kilgore my big Bible & the bay mare & unto my eldest son, James Killgore, I give my watch & wearing apparel. All the remainder of my personal estate, I will that if my son Jesse pay my debts, he shall be the owner of the same or should he put the same to sale & pay the debts, the remainder or one plush [sic] should be his own. I give to my two sons John Killgore & Jesse Killgore the plantation I now live on to John, the tract on which he lives ctg 88 3/4 acres & the remainder on which I now live ctg 147 3/4 Acre to Jesse. John & Jesse each to pay to son James $25 in one year after my decease, & Jesse to keep my wife during life or widowhood. Give & devise to hereafter children all the money arising from the sale of a tract of land in Dunegall Tp Westnd Co Pa adjg lands of John Arch Bold heirs ctg 300 Acres to sell in 1 yr or 2 yrs & money to be divided as follows: To my son James Killgore to my daughter Betsey intermarried with John Goff & to my two grandchildren, John Hull & David Hull (one share equally between them) to be equally divided among them. To my son Daniel Kilgore, I give the sum of one dollar his share in full. If a coal bank be found in the land willed to John or Jesse, they shall be equal sharers in it. Lastly appoint my two trusty friends Daniel Leasure & James Jack both of Mt Pleasant Tp Exrs. Dated June 1, 1814 David Killgore (seal) Proven by James White & John Leasure Junr witnesses June 27, 1814 before James Montgomery Reg. This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/pafiles/ File size: 2.4 Kb