Wills: Finley McGrew, 1812: Westmoreland Co, PA Contributed for use in the USGENWEB Archives by Peggy pk@teleport.com USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ____________________________________________________________ The following is for the Westmoreland Co., Archives: Wills; submitted by me, Peggy pk@teleport.com Will Book 1-280-1812, Westmoreland County, PA Will of Finley McGrew. Deceased, 439. In considering the uncertainty of this mortal life and being of sound mind and memory, blessed by God for the same, do think fit to establish this to be my last will and testament in manner & form following first I recommend my Soul to the Almighty who gave it me & my body to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors that will be hereafter named, and all my just debts and funeral expenses fully paid and satisfied first I will and bequeath to my wife DINAH MCGREW one bed and beding, one horse (creatures?) and two cows her saddle and (puter?) and use of the clock her life time, and the full benefit of all my real estate during her life. I will and bequeath to my seven children named, JOHN JAMES MARY NATHAN REBECAH MARGARET and JACOB all the residue of all my estate real and personal only MARY ought deduct the price of a piece of land given off my place at 6 (p? p?) this to be taken out of her share and JACOB the clock more than the rest, and my son JACOB to have the Mill his mother's life time as his formerly has had it and at the death of his Mother calls to be sold and equals divides to be made I will and bequest to my Daughter DINAH Hoop, wife of John Hoop fifty pounds to be paid then pounds yearly after this death of her Mother and to be given to her when these executors sees she is in need and as for her other services she acknowledged to be fully paid and satisfied before her brother NATHAN I will and bequeath to my Grand daughter Rachuel that lives with me her bed & bedding and cow this her share and lastly I nominate and appoint my Son JACOB and son in law WILLIAM WILSON my whole and sole executors of this my last will & testament and the orderly accomplishment here of and to pay and settle all back legacies an directed in witness I have set my hand and seal this 28 day of 2 mo in the year 1812. N.B. let it be remembered that Dinahs legacy is to come out of the general stock. Finley McGrew (Seal) Signed in the presence of James B. McGrew, Wm Wilson, Samuel McGrew. Westmoreland County SS Be it remembered that James B. McGrew and Samuel McGrew came before me Robert Dickey Register for the probate of will vs in and for said County and being duly affirmed doth depose and say that they seen Finley McGrew the above Testator who is now deceased sign seal publish prounounce and declare the within instrument of writing to be his last will and testament that at the time of his so doing he was they believe of sound and disposing mind & memory that each signed the said will as witnesses in his presence and at his request that the names James B. McGrew and Samuel McGrew was the proper signatures of deponants respectively and that the name Wm Wilson subscribed thereto as a witness was subscribed to in the presence of the Testator & in their presence affirmed to & subscribed this 11th day of April A.D. 1812. James B. McGrew. Samuel McGrew. Before me Robt. Dickey Reg. Be it remembered that on the day of the date of the above probate this will was proved and approved by me, and Letters Testamentary granted to the Executors therein named they having first been duly sworn to administer the same and to make and return an inventory in thirty days to this office. Robt Dickey Reg. Recorded the 11th day of April A.D. 1812 __________________________________________________________________ Finley McGrew, s/o James McGrew & Mary (Finley?) b. Mar 13, 1735, Menallen Twp., York Co., PA; d. Bef. Apr 11, 1812, North Huntingdon Twp.?, Westmoreland, PA; m. Sep 10, 1759, York Twp., York Co., PA; wife: Dinah Cox, d/o John Cox II & Mary Harlan of Chester Co., PA; b. Apr 27, 1737, Menallen Twp., York Co., PA. __________________________________________________________