CHURCH: Part 1: CANADOCHLY CHURCH BAPTISM REGISTER, Lower Windsor Twp, York County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Bruce Nicholas Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. ________________________________________________ CONEJOHELA OR CANADOCHLY CHURCH REGISTER Introduction Through the cooperation of Dr. E. C. Ruby the Register of the Conejohela or "Canadochly" Church in Windsor Township [now Lower Windsor Township] was secured by The Historical Society of York County in 1944, in order that a translation and transcription might be made for historic preservation and public reference. The following copy of the records is literal in every respect except the form of record. This is changed in the interestof uniformity and conciseness. The spelling of the personal names is entirely unchanged. The original register, used continuously for almost a century and a quarter, measures approximately eight and one-fourth by twelve and one-fourth by one and three-fourth inches. It is bound in much-worn brown leather. York: Edith Beard Cannon May 1st, 1945 NOTE: Additions made by the contributor or archivist added in [ ]. Birth Baptism Year Mo Da Year Mo Da Child_Given Surname Father's Given Mother Given's Sponsors / Comments Line Page 1754 9 17 1755 3 16 Maria Barbara Gohn Adam Maria Catharina Maria Barbara Schmelzer, Veit Behner & wife Sophia 1 1 1756 5 24 1756 6 22 Maria Margaretha Gohn Adam Maria Catharina Maria Sophia Behner, Ludwig Meyer & wife Margaretha 2 1 1757 8 14 1757 10 9 Johann Philipp Gohn Adam Maria Catharina Johann Philipp Gohn & Maria Barbara Dietz 3 1 1755 3 5 1755 3 31 Johann Peter Dritt Peter Maria Barbara Dellinger Paul Michel & his wife Christina 4 1 1757 6 27 1757 7 10 Maria Margaretha Dritt Peter Maria Barbara Dellinger Josua Dellinger & Maria Margaretha Michel 5 1 1762 10 1 1762 10 8 Josua Dritt Peter Maria Barbara Dellinger Josua Dellinger & his wife Anna Barbara 6 1 1755 12 26 1756 4 18 Maria Elisabetha Liebharth Heinrich Maria Catharina Maria Elisabetha Amend 7 1 1755 8 2 1755 8 31 Maria Barbara Muhlhof Philipp Luise Catharina Johann Adam Gartner & Maria Barbara Amend 8 1 1757 9 6 1757 10 9 Anna Margaretha Muhlhof Philipp Luise Catharina Philipp Lantz & his wife Anna Margaretha 9 1 1754 10 19 1755 4 27 Heinrich Bentz Philipp Maria Magdalena Heinrich Liebharth & his wirfe Maria Catharina 10 1 1755 8 26 1755 10 5 Johann Jacob Imschwiller Peter Maria Eva Christoph Toll & Eva Margaretha 11 1 1757 11 13 1757 12 9 Maria Magdalena Bannix Heinrich wife Philipp Gohn & Maria Magdalena Paules 12 1 1755 9 30 1755 10 19 Christina Deh Johann Nicolaus Anna Margaretha Abel Peter Attich & Christina 13 1 1758 3 8 1758 4 2 Johann Jacob Deh Johann Nicolaus Anna Margaretha Abel Johann Jacob Riemann & Christina 14 1 1760 4 12 1760 5 3 Johann Nicolaus Deh Johann Nicolaus Anna Margaretha Abel Johann Melcher Lorei & Catarina Liesabeta 15 1 1762 10 14 1762 10 31 Anna Margreta Deh Johann Nicolaus Anna Margaretha Abel Ernst Stoffel Heltzel & Anna Christina 16 1 1755 9 27 1755 10 26 Julianna Wallendin Michael Maria Eliesabetha Dietenhofer Johann Adam Paules & Juliana Dietenhofer 17 1 1757 7 28 1757 8 14 Johan Jacob Wallendin Michael Maria Eliesabetha Dietenhofer Johan Jacob Hauble & Luise Sophia 18 1 1748 4 24 1748 6 4 Johann Michael Kauffelt Nicolaus Barbara Johann Michael Rausch & wife Maria Eliesabetha 19 1 1749 12 25 1750 2 2 Johan Jacob Kauffelt Nicolaus Barbara Johann Jacob Wolff & Maria Salome Rausch 20 1 1770 11 12 Johann Michael Kauffelt Jacob Catrina Johann Michael Kauffelt 21 1 1756 3 30 1756 4 4 Heinrich Geipp Joh Nicolaus Sen Anna Scharlotta Conrad Dietz & Sussana Catharina 22 1 1756 5 7 1756 5 29 Maria Catharina Riemann Jacob Christina Heinrich Liebharth & Maria Catharina 23 1 1755 9 30 1755 12 1 Johannes Stoll Heinrich Sussana Johannes Beyer & Anna Margaretha 24 2 1756 7 29 1756 9 19 Johann Nickolaus Leber Jacob Anna Maria Johann Nicolaus Reisinger & Eva 25 2 1757 11 30 1758 1 1 Johannes Leber Jacob Anna Maria Johannes Attich & Maria Magdalena Paulus 26 2 1774 4 3 Friedrich Cron Johannes Maria 27 2 1775 10 22 Catharina Cron Johannes Maria 28 2 1756 5 21 1756 7 4 Johann Jacob Cron Johannes Anna Maria Johann Jacob Leber & Anna Maria 29 2 1757 6 12 1757 7 3 Anna Maria Cron Johannes Anna Maria Peter Attich & Anna Christina 30 2 1759 1 11 Johannes Cron Johannes Anna Maria 31 2 1760 4 4 Christina Cron Johannes Anna Maria 32 2 1762 5 13 Lorentz Cron Johannes Anna Maria 33 2 1764 4 16 Heinrich Cron Johannes Anna Maria 34 2 1766 3 10 Conrath Cron Johannes Anna Maria 35 2 1768 11 23 Michael Cron Johannes Anna Maria 36 2 1770 6 18 Heinrich Cron Johannes Anna Maria 37 2 1772 4 28 Maria Cron Johannes Anna Maria 38 3 1754 9 1756 9 26 Anna Margaretha Imenhauser Adam Anna Margaretha Michael Wallendin & Maria Eliesabetha, in York Twp 39 3 1756 8 3 1756 9 26 Anna Maria Imenhauser Adam Anna Margaretha Heinrich Wolff & Anna Maria, from York Twp 40 3 1755 12 1 1755 12 6 Samuel Hahn Johannes Eliesabetha Margaretha Johann Samuel Schwerdtfeger & Anna Maria Bentz 41 3 1756 12 12 1756 12 12 Rebecca Hahn Johannes Eliesabetha Margaretha Maria Barbara Dellinger & Samuel Schwerdtfeger 42 3 1758 4 21 1758 4 30 Maria Barbara Hahn Johannes Agnes Legnier Peter Dritt & Maria Barbara 43 3 1757 1757 4 10 Maria Barbara Hirschener Lorentz Maria Salome Jacob Schultz & Maria Barbara Ament 44 3 1757 9 6 1757 9 11 Catharina Zimermann Michael Maria Magdalena Michael Paules & Catharina 45 3 1757 3 4 1757 4 10 Heinrich Bayer Johannes Anna Margaretha Heinrich Stohl & Sussanna 46 3 1766 1 3 1766 4 27 Johan Peter Bayer Johannes Anna Margaretha Peter Dritt & Maria Barbara 47 3 1756 10 11 1757 9 25 Jacobus or James Bord-Jou William Rebecca Veit Behner & wife Maria Sophia, & Maria Barbara Dellin 48 3 1756 2 17 1756 3 9 Maria Margaretha Michel Johann Wilhelm Anna Barbara Schonberger Balthaser Schonberger & Maria Margaretha Michel 49 3 1757 7 12 1757 7 31 Johannes Michel Johann Wilhelm Anna Barbara Schonberger Johannes Schonberger & Maria Margaretha Michel 50 3 1756 3 12 1756 4 25 Heinrich Schafer Christoph Sybilla Christina Bard Heinrich Wolff & Anna Maria 51 3 1765 1 14 1765 2 3 a little son Schafer Christoph Sybilla Christina Bard Johannes Philipp Gohn & Maria Sophia Penner, both singl 52 3 1755 9 8 1755 10 19 Maria Barbara Schafer Paulus Anna Eliesabetha Bard Nickolaus Kauffelt & Maria Barbara 53 3 1755 10 4 1755 11 16 Maria Eliesabetha Lantz Georg Philipp Anna Margaretha Muhlhof Maria Eliesabetha Schmied & Anna Maria Haber 54 3 1757 11 30 1757 12 27 Johann Jacob Demuth Mathias Anna Maria Brehm Johann Jacob Hester & Johannes Demuth (grandfather) 55 4 1757 12 20 1758 3 19 Sophia Christina Grisch Georg Ludwig Maria Catharina Johann Jacob Riemann, his wife Christina & Maria Sophia 56 4 1757 12 29 1758 1 15 Anna Catharina Bennighof Philipp Maria Eliesabetha Schwerd Joshua Dellinger & Anna Catharina Schwerd 57 4 1759 1 3 1759 4 13 Regina Harington Jacob Maria Moses Gooden & Eliesabetha Euen & Maria Sophia Behner 58 4 1756 2 24 1758 1 29 Anna Harington Isaac Jeanne Philipp Bennighoff & Maria Barbara Dellinger 59 4 1757 12 28 1758 1 29 Johann Georg Schonberger Balthaser Anna Margaretha Abel Johan Georg Abel & his mother Anna Margaretha Abel 60 4 1755 6 8 1756 5 30 Johann Peter Michel Jacob Eliesabetha Peter Bentz 61 4 1757 9 17 1758 2 27 Veronica Michel Jacob Eliesabetha Antoni Kirchhard & Veronica 62 4 1758 2 16 1758 3 12 Johannes Schon Jacob Eliesabetha Catharina Jacob Stegner & Christina 63 4 1758 1758 3 12 Johann Jacob Buttner Michael Eliesabetha Jacob Siegrist & Barbara 64 4 1758 1 25 1758 2 12 Anna Margaretha Schwartz Michael Eva Buschung Georg Dietz & Anna Margaretha Schmid 65 4 1760 8 3 1760 8 3 Johann Michael Schwartz Michael Eva Buschung Michael Konig & Catharina 66 4 1763 1 9 1763 1 16 Anna Elisabeta Schwartz Michael Eva Buschung Johann Georg Buschung, Eva's brother & Anna Elisabeta, Jacob Dellinger's youngest single dau. Annah 67 4 1757 12 4 1758 5 14 Maria Barbara Hermann Melchior Agne Schneider Jacob Dellinger & wife Maria Barbara from York Twp 68 4 1758 8 10 1758 8 20 Johann Melchior Cron Simmon Maria Catharina Gohn Johann Melchior Loray & wife Catharina Eliesabetha 69 4 1758 5 29 1758 7 2 Cath Eliesabetha Kirchhard Antonius Veronica Allbrecht Jacob Michel & wife Magdalena Eliesabetha 70 4 1758 2 12 Margaretha Bleymeyer Martin Catharina Johann Philipp Flindspach & wife Margaretha 71 5 1758 4 12 Gottfried Zumwald Balthasar Maria Clara Gottfried Frey, his son Gottfried & Anna Siegrist 72 5 1758 10 2 Anna Maria Schmid Philipp Cathar: Eliesabetha Johannes Cron & Anna Maria 73 5 1758 11 12 1758 12 25 Joh.Jacob Schultz J.Jacob Maria Barbara Amend Johann Jacob Welshofer & Maria Eliesabetha Amend 74 5 1758 10 27 1759 2 11 Anna Catharina Heyger Valendin Anna Catharina Anna Catharina Welshoffer 75 5 1758 10 7 1758 12 24 Johannes Hebeisen Philipp Anna Margaretha Johannes Andreas & Maria Margaretha 76 5 1756 3 31 1756 4 25 Catharina Attich Peter Anna Christina Catharina Eliesabetha Abel 77 5 1758 12 8 1759 3 11 Johannes Wachtel Georg Maria Barbara Breckle Johannes Hahn & Agnes 79 5 1759 3 18 1759 4 13 Eduard Euens (Evans?) Samuel Francisca Viet Behner & Maria Sophia 78 5 1759 1 28 1759 4 15 Catharina Hirschener Johannes Christina Philipp Haber & Catharina 80 5 1759 10 4 Johannes Schonberger Balthasar Maria Margaretha Johanes Schonberger & Anna Barbara Abel 81 5 1759 10 15 Catharina Eliesabetha Zimerman Michael Maria Magdalena Michael Konig & Ana Catharina 82 5 1759 12 10 Simon Kron Simon Maria Catharina Philipp Schmeltzer & Anna Catharina 83 5 1777 3 18 1777 4 13 Johann Adam Zimermann Michael Maria Magdalena Adam Paules 84 5 1739 10 14 Johann Philipp Gohn Johann Philipp* Maria Sophia Michael Rausch & Anna Elies.; Michael Krieger & his wif 85 5 1744 9 16 Catharina Eliesabeth Gohn Johann Philipp Maria Sophia Adam Gohn & wife Maria Catharina, & Anna Eliesabeth Rau 86 5 *The above mentioned Johann Philipp Gohn dying, the named Maria Sophia was married to Vitus Behner & with him begat the following children [3] still living: 87 5 1747 10 30 Maria Eliesabetha Behner Vitus Maria Sophia Christoph Kauffelt & wife Maria Margaretha, & Anna Elie 88 5 1750 1 18 Maria Sophia Behner Vitus Maria Sophia Georg Amend & Wife Maria Catharina, & Anna Maria Kalckk 89 6 1753 5 5 Johann Georg Behner Vitus Maria Sophia Georg Amend & Maria Catharina 90 6 1759 1 28 1759 2 10 Gorg Ludwig Infeld Joseph Christina Ludwig Mayer & Anna Margaretha Wicker 91 6 1759 1 28 1759 2 10 Anna Margaretha Infeld Joseph Christina Balthasar Wicker & Anna Margaretha Mayer 92 6 1762 3 10 1762 4 15 Thomas Infeld Joseph Christina Thomas Zigler & Margaretha 93 6 1758 9 3 1758 9 11 Schmelzer Jacob Anna Margaretha Wacker Anna Margaretha Schmidt, the then unmarried daughter of Heinrich Schmidt, "living on Creuz Grick" 94 6 1761 1 8 1761 3 29 Maria Elisabeta Schmelzer Jacob Anna Margaretha Wacker Johannes Kumfort, living "on the Creuz Grick,' and wife Maria Elisabeta 95 6 1763 5 30 1763 6 5 Johann Jacob Schmelzer Jacob Anna Margaretha Wacker David Wacker, the then unmarried son of Ulrich Wacker, & Maria Elisabeta Penner, yet single middle daughter of Veit Penner, resident here 96 6 1762 1 4 1762 8 8 Johann Jacob Brubacher Isaac Anna Maria Tiefenddorffer Conrad Brubacher & his wife Eva 97 6 1761 3 20 1761 3 20 Anna Elisabeta Ament Antonius Anna Elisabet Paulis, the then unmarried daughter of Michell Pauls, living here 98 6 1762 8 29 Joh: Adam Ament Antonius Joh. Adam Paulus,then unmarried son of Michell Paul, living here, & Juliana Wolff, the then unmarried daughter of Henry Wolff, living here 99 6 1765 1 6 1765 2 3 Johann Lorenz Ament Antonius Johann Lorenz Paulus (Michell Paul's middle at the time unmarried son), & Anna Schmuckmann (Jacob Schuckman's youngest at the time unmarried daughter 1763 1 20 1763 2 6 Anna Catharina Wolff Heinrich Anna Maria Kramer Philipp Schmelzer & Anna Catharina, his wife 101 7 1763 1 1 1763 3 20 Anna Barbara Seiler Ulrich Maria Elisabeta Giese Jacob Sincke & wife Anna of Winsor Twp 102 7 1762 1 14 1762 2 3 Anna Elisabeta Lafeber Georg Anna Barbara Schleyermacher Anna Elisabeta Paulis, Michell Paul's then youngest as yet unmarried single daughter 103 7 1765 1 29 1765 2 4 Johann Adam Ament Johannes Maria Apollonia Paulis Johann Adam Paul & Ana Catharina Elisabeta 104 7 1765 1 29 1765 2 4 Johann Lorentz Ament Johannes Maria Apollonia Paulis Johann Lorenz Paul, Michel Paul's then unmarried son, & Anna Christina Michell, Paul Michell's then 105 7 1766 2 25 1766 3 27 Johan Georg Willd Johan Henric Catharina Johan Georg The[Deh] & Anna Margaretha 106 7 1768 1 2 1768 1 16 Anna Catharina Deh Johan Georg Anna Marg. Anna Margaretha Deh 107 7 1766 4 25 1766 Maria Catharina Deh Johann Nicolaus Ulrich Seyler & wife Maria Elisabetha 108 7 1766 4 25 1766 Petter Deh Johann Nicolaus Jacob Schuckman & wife Maria Elisabetha 109 7 1768 11 12 1768 12 27 Johannes Deh Joh. Nicolaus Anna Marg. Johannes Attich & mother Christina 110 7 1771 12 14 1772 6 2 Georg Deh Joh. Nicolaus Anna Marg. Jorg Adich & wife Liesabeth 111 7 1774 11 6 1775 3 26 Johan Fridrich Deh Joh. Nicolaus Anna Marg. Fridrich Liebenknecht & wife Catharina 112 7 1766 1 26 1766 1 10 Christoffel Lieberknecht JohannFriederich Ernst Christoffel Heltzel & wife Anna Christina 113 7 Baptism date is listed as before Birth [Sic!] in source 1770 2 14 Johan Jacob Lieberknecht Johann Friederich [Source lists month as Ja(?)] 114 7 1768 1 31 Johan Georg Lieberknecht Johann Friederich 115 7 1772 5 21 Johannes Lieberknecht Johann Friederich 116 7 1781 12 29 Friederich Lieberknecht Johann Friederich 117 7 1765 12 9 1766 4 18 Andreas Strehr Johann Nicolaus Mirick Catrina Andreas Gohn & with him Liesabeta Dellinger 118 8 1765 12 22 1765 12 26 Johann Jacob Meyer Johann Georg Liesabeta Paul Traut & Catarina Margret; Jacob Schuckman & Liesab 119 8 1767 4 28 1767 5 3 Johan Nicolaus Schweytzer Johan Niclas Vendelina Gertraude Schafmann Johan Nicolaus Thee [Deh] & wife Anna Margaretha 120 8 1767 5 17 1767 10 25 Maria Margaretha Gering Jacob Margareta Niclas Straer & Maria Catharina 121 8 1767 3 29 1767 4 1 Johannes Gohn Phiellieb Anna Liesbeta Johannes Dellinger & Feit Behner's dau Maria Liesabeta 122 8 1769 11 12 Johan Jacob Gohn Phiellieb Anna Liesbeta Johan Jacob Dellinger & Maria Sophia Behner 123 8 1772 5 3 Johan Gorg Gohn Phiellieb Anna Liesbeta Gorg Schitt [Schmitt] & Caterina Eliesabetha 124 8 1777 5 25 1777 6 8 Johan Gorg Gohn Phiellieb Anna Liesbeta Josua Dellinger & wife 125 8 1780 5 14 1780 6 28 Maria Eliesabetha Gohn Phiellieb Anna Liesbeta Heinrich Schaffer & Ana Elisabetha Dellinger 127 8 1768 5 4 Efa Groff Hannes Anna Madlinna Jacob Stahle & Efa 128 8 1768 10 29 1768 11 21 Maria Sophia Schmitt Georg Catharina Henrich Gohn & Sophia Behner 129 8 1769 1 28 1769 2 7 Anna Christina Paulus Lorentz Anna Christina Maria Elisabetha Seiler & Cath. Paulus 130 8 1769 1 23 1769 2 19 Joh. Peter Tritt Jacob Elis. Philip Bayer & Anna Elisabeth Tritt 131 8 1768 11 23 1769 2 19 Anna Elisabeth Schonberger Baltzer Mar. Marg. Philip Gohn & wife 132 8 1768 11 22 1769 2 19 Joh. Michael Cron Johannes Anna Maria Johannes Meyer & wife 133 8 1769 1 7 1769 2 19 Maria Magdalena Schleifer Philipp Maria Magd. Johannes Rugert & Elisabeth Schleifer 134 8 1768 12 10 1768 2 19 Anna Catharina Seiler Caspar Mar. Marg. Joh. Adam Paulus & wife 135 8 1769 4 26 Maria Elissabetha Lipphard Hennrich Anna Barbara Maria Elisabetha, daughter of Hennrich Lipphard 136 8 1768 11 24 Margaretha Imschweiller Peter Pfillib Schleiffer & Maria Magdalena 137 8 1770 3 1770 4 1 Johan Philip Hederich Jacob Barbara Pfilib Gohn & Ana Elisabeth 138 9 1770 3 26 1770 4 1 Maria Catharina Dellinger Josua Barbara Johan Weinand & Eva, daughter of John Cron 139 9 1770 2 10 1770 4 1 Johan Beyer Jacob Catharina Johan Beyer & Ana Margretha, grandparents 140 9 1771 1 26 Torman Hanness Anmarkredta Hannes Tormann & Katderein Markreda 141 9 1803 7 12 1803 8 8 Ester Becker Madeis Ester The parents themselves 142 9 1803 11 3 1803 12 11 Cadarina Brubacher Hanes Ester Sigemond Anstein & Cadarina 143 9 1771 3 6 Jacob Lipphard Hennrich 144 9 1771 10 14 --------- Schmit Ludwig Gorg Adich & Caderrina Erford 145 9 1772 5 2 --------- Keller Andony Gorg Behner & Annelis Schaffer 146 9 1777 1 6 1777 2 16 Johannes Eller Georg Ludwig Barbara Johannes Muth & the parents 147 9 1777 2 5 1777 2 9 Johann Martin Fuchs Georg Catharina The father himself 148 9 1819 9 16 1820 3 12 Rebecca Feg Georg Susanna Gareta Dellinger 149 9 1777 2 20 1777 6 8 Johannes Williams Joseph Elisabetha Michael Zimermann & Magdalena 150 9 1772 12 3 1772 12 8 Ana Catharina Dity Peter Anna Maria Michael Konig & Catharina 151 9 1775 2 23 1775 2 28 Ana Maria Dity Peter Anna Maria The parents themselves 152 9 1777 8 9 1777 8 20 Marie Magdalena Dity Peter Anna Maria The parents themselves 153 9 1752 11 30 1752 12 25 Christina Herschner Lorentz wife Johannes Schultz & wife 154 9 1757 3 7 1757 4 10 Barbara Herschner Lorentz wife Jacob Schultz & wife 155 9 1767 6 1 Johann Lorentz Herschner Lorentz wife Johannes Fischer & wife 156 9 1769 3 25 Jacob Herschner Lorentz wife Peter Staly & wife 157 9 1771 4 13 Andreas Herschner Lorentz wife Andreas Bausmann & wife 158 9 1773 11 20 Maria Catharina Herschner Lorentz wife Gorg Wambach & wife 159 9 1776 2 12 Johann Heinrich Herschner Lorentz wife Heinrich Liebhardt & wife 160 9 1778 2 14 1778 5 2 Johannes Gohn Andreas Euphronica Joh. Kuster & Cath. Gohn 161 10 1778 2 28 1778 4 Joh. Stephe[?] Abel Georg Maria Georg Attig & wife 162 10 1783 2 14 1783 3 30 Johannes Abel Georg Joh. Schonberger & wife 163 10 1783 2 12 1783 3 30 Johannes Gohn Philip Anton Keller 164 10 1795 2 5 1795 3 12 Daniel Oberdorff Georg Elisabeth Conrad Brubacher & Christina 165 10 1778 6 18 1778 7 12 Johannes Oberdorff Gorg Elisabetha Johannes Gohn & wife 166 10 1779 8 5 1779 8 9 Christina Oberdorff Georg wife Christoph. Schaeffer & Christina 167 10 1781 9 1 Georg Oberdorff Gorg Elisabetha Jacob Negl (or Neyl) & wife 168 10 1783 7 27 1783 8 17 Johannes Oberdorff Georg wife Phillip Frey & wife 169 10 1785 3 27 1785 4 17 Christina Oberdorff Georg Elisabeth Christina Schafer, of single state 170 10 1787 9 18 1787 10 14 Maria Elisabeth Oberdorff Georg Elisabeth Michel Kauffeld & Soffina 171 10 1791 11 14 1791 12 26 Cataryna Oberdorff Georg Elisabeth Cristina Schoffer 172 10 1778 7 3 1778 8 16 Johann Peter Manges Cartolus wife Friedrich Lieberknecht 173 10 1786 24 1786 4 17 Jacob Manges Carolus his widow Friedrich Lieberknecht 174 10 The above mentioned Carolus & his left behind widow 1781 1 Anna Maria Manges Carl wife 175 10 1783 5 Johan Adam Manges Carl wife Michel Muller & wife 176 10 1781 6 4 (a son) Jung Joh. Wilhelm wife Johannes Schmidt & Elisabetha 177 10 1780 11 5 Johannes Behner Georg Johann Schaffer & Barbara Hamm, then both unmarried 178 10 1784 5 5 1784 6 6 Johann Peter Wolf Heinrich Catharina Heinrich Wolf & An Maria 179 10 1786 7 14 1786 9 3 Johan Georg Weinhold Georg Margaret Michael Stromenger 180 10 1786 8 27 1786 10 1 Daniel Gohn Andreas Feronica Philip Gohn & Elisabet 181 10 1784 12 23 1785 1 30 Salome Klein Peter Elisabetha Salome Puer then unmarried 182 11 1786 8 20 1786 9 17 Catrana Strohmenger Michael Regina Catrina Stromenger 183 11 1786 8 3 Johannes Ruby Johannes Salome Johannes Schonberger & wife Margreta 184 11 1786 9 30 1786 11 5 Miller Michael Susanna Tobias Miller & Catharina (when 5wks. & 1da. Old) 185 11 1785 2 17 1785 5 5 Catharina Dellinger Johannes Barbara Catharina Reuter of single state 186 11 1793 1 14 1795 5 5 Johann Heinrich Dellinger Johannes Barbara Anton Ament 187 11 1794 4 13 1795 5 5 Josua Dellinger Johannes Maria Barbara Josua Dellinger 188 11 1783 2 12 1783 3 30 Johannes Gohn Phillip Elisabeth Anton Keller & Elisabeth 189 11 1786 2 12 1786 4 30 Daniel Gohn Phillip Elisabeth 190 11 1789 1 5 1789 3 1 Anna Catharina Gohn Phillip Elisabeth 191 11 1782 6 24 Margaretha Zimer Michael 192 11 1784 3 12 Johann Michael Zimer Michael wife 193 11 1785 9 3 1785 12 11 Christina Zimer Michael wife The mother herself 194 11 1786 5 11 1786 7 23 Johannes Herschner Johannes Catharina Heinrich Kaltreuter & wife 195 11 1796 5 23 1796 5 30 Daniel Gohn Philipp Elisabetha The parents themselves 196 11 1798 5 12 David Gohn Philipp Elisabetha Gorg Oberdorf & Anna Elisabetha 197 11 1777 7 8 1777 8 Barbara Muller Michael Susanna Barbara Lantz 198 11 1780 11 23 1780 12 26 Catharina Muller Michael Susanna Catharina Muller of single state 199 11 1784 5 23 1784 8 Friederich Muller Michael Susanna Friedrich Lieberknecht & wife 200 11 1787 1 26 1787 2 4 Johannes Schaub Jacob Maria The parents themselves 201 11 1789 11 23 1789 12 6 Hanss Jacob Schaub Jacob Maria The parents 202 11 1787 2 19 1787 5 30 Anna Margareth Willis Wilhelm wife Anna Margreth Dellinger 203 11 1791 4 7 1791 4 25 Henrich Schaub Jacob Maria The parents themselves 204 12 1779 10 8 Catharina Behmuller Michael 205 12 1781 11 25 Jacob Behmuller Michael 206 12 1783 12 21 Michael Behmuller Michael 207 12 1787 9 21 1788 1 6 Daniel Wolff Heinrich Catharina Peter Geib & Barbara 208 12 1784 2 25 1784 Maria Barbara Geib Peter Barbara Appolonia Liephardt 209 12 1786 3 3 1786 Heinrich Geib Peter Barbara Henry Geib & Catharina 210 12 1788 1 31 1788 3 30 Peter Geib Peter Barbara Peter Klein & Elisabeth 211 12 1787 11 18 1788 3 30 Friedrich Gartner Georg Elisabeth Friedrich Frey 212 12 1786 8 3 1788 6 21 Maria Magdalena Thomson Wilhelm Elisabeth Phillip Bayer & Magdalena 213 12 1788 3 22 1788 6 21 Samuel Thomson Wilhelm Elisabeth Jacob Kron & Margaret 214 12 1788 6 7 1788 6 21 Daniel Voigt Daniel Elisabeth Jacob Dellinger 215 12 1788 3 5 1788 7 20 Rosina Hinds James Susanna Michael Ziegler & Anna Maria 216 12 1788 5 30 1788 7 20 Catharina Petermann Heinrich Anna Maria Elisabeth Strohmenger 217 12 1788 7 31 1788 9 14 Catharina Volck Salomon Catharina Elisabeth Ulrich 218 12 1788 9 6 1788 10 12 Salome Kreley Christian Catharina Salome Gohn 219 12 1788 9 23 1788 10 12 Anna Maria Strohmenger Michael Regina Heinrich Petermann & Anna Maria 220 12 1788 12 7 Johann George Klein Peter Maria Elisabeth George Gartner & Elisabeth 221 12 1788 11 2 1788 12 7 Elisabeth Weinhold Georg Margaret Elisabeth Strohmenger 222 12 1788 10 20 1788 12 7 Catharina Brubacher Conrad Christina Catharina Brubacher 223 12 1788 8 24 1788 12 7 Maria Catharina Imenhauser Jacob Christina Maria Catharina Druck 224 12 1789 12 8 Peter Emschwil Peter Joh. Schaffer 225 12 1789 4 4 Elisabeth Ren Heinrich Elisabeth Schaffer 226 12 1789 3 25 Peter Hildebrand Christian Peter Emschw. 227 13 1785 10 9 1785 11 9 Jacob Holtzlein Philip Ana Maria Christian Holtzlein & Jacob Holtzlein 228 13 1787 3 11 1787 4 12 Johannes Holtzlein Philip Ana Maria Johannes Will & Catharina 229 13 1789 1 12 1789 3 13 Nicolaus Holtzlein Philip Ana Maria Nicolaus Holtzlein 230 13 1791 1 11 1791 2 27 Catharina Holtzlein Philip Ana Maria Ana Christina Jung 231 13 1789 2 27 1789 4 26 Jacob Gohn Andreas Froncia Phillip Gohn & Elisabet 232 13 1789 3 9 1789 4 26 Johann Michael Schlott Adam Catharina Michael Schlott & Catharina 233 13 1788 11 22 1789 4 26 Christian Bayer Phillip Magdalena Adam Amend 234 13 1788 12 1 1789 4 26 Georg Schukley Jacob Rosina Georg Schukley & Margaret 235 13 1789 2 4 1789 5 24 Christina Ruber Phillip Christina Christoph Heindel & wife 236 13 1789 3 28 1789 7 24 Jacob Vollweiler Jacob Anna Maria Friedrich Lieberknecht & Catharina 237 13 1789 8 15 1789 9 13 Anna Barbara Kepler Mathias Maria Lisabeth Anna Barbara Fischer 238 13 1789 11 8 Magdalena Reissinger Johannes Magdalena Michael Kron & Catharina 239 13 1789 9 26 1789 11 8 Susanna Frey Friedrich Dorothea Georg Oberdorf & Elisabeth 240 13 1789 9 17 1789 11 8 Heinrich Gartner Georg Elisabeth Heinrich Kann & Christina 241 13 1789 9 4 1789 11 8 Michael Schenberger Adam Catharina The parents themselves 242 13 1789 9 9 1789 11 8 Maria Elisabeth Wolff Heinrich Catharina Michael Ziegler & Anna Maria 243 13 1789 11 1 1789 12 6 Anna Margaret Schlott Michael Catharina Anna Margaret Abel 244 13 1789 10 3 1789 12 6 Elisabeth Ruby Johannes Salome Magdalena Ruby 245 13 1789 10 24 1789 12 6 Elisabeth Will Johannes Catharina Elisabeth Reinhard 246 13 1789 10 17 1789 11 6 Anna Maria Rupp Johannes Anna Maria Anna Amend 247 13 1787 7 6 1790 1 3 James Clary Dennis Brigitta Friedrich Pfaff 248 13 1789 11 22 1790 1 3 Susanna Immenhauser Jacob Christina Barbara Druck 249 13 1790 1 3 1790 1 31 Phillip Gohn Jacob Barbara Jacob Holzele & Christina 250 14 1790 1 5 1790 1 31 Johannes Spatz Friedrich Catharina Michael Strohmenger & wife Regina 251 14 1790 1 20 1790 2 28 Adam Pahlus Adam Elisabeth Adam Amend 252 14 1789 10 5 1790 2 28 Elisabeth Hammer Friedrich Susanna Elisabeth Liebhardt 253 14 1789 11 26 1790 2 28 Heinrich Abel Georg Margaret Georg Adig & Elisabeth 254 14 1790 2 9 1790 3 28 Johannes Brubache Conrad Christina Johannes Brubacher 255 14 1789 12 25 1790 3 28 Elisabeth Bebersen Conrad Catharina Georg Adig & Elisabeth 256 14 1790 3 6 1790 4 25 Maria Elisabeth Heindel Lorentz Susanna Adam Heindel & Elisabeth 257 14 1790 2 5 1790 5 24 Thomas Williams Thomas Elisabeth Jacob Mayer & Elisabeth 258 14 1790 2 4 1790 6 19 Friedrich Geiss Johannes Anna Maria Barbara Ohlweiler 259 14 1790 5 11 1790 6 19 Johannes Becker Matheus Hester Adam Schenberger & Catharina 260 14 1789 10 16 1790 6 19 Sarah Dellinger Johannes Barbara Elisabeth Schaeffer 261 14 1790 5 17 1790 6 19 Elisabeth Weibel Jacob Ursula The mother herself 262 14 1790 8 3 1790 8 15 Johannes Kohler Daniel Elisabeth Bernhard Frey & Magdalena 263 14 1790 6 9 1790 8 15 Rebecca Holzel Jacob Christina Elisabeth Reinhardt 264 14 1790 5 15 1790 8 15 Elisabeth Albrecht Abraham Margt. Sarah Williams 265 14 1790 9 26 1790 10 21 Elisabeth Vogt Daniel Elisabeth Josua Dellinger & Barbara 266 14 1790 8 30 1790 10 21 Johannes Behmuller Michael Anna Maria Joh. Adam Paulus & wife 267 14 1790 9 5 1790 10 21 Daniel Kann Heinrich Christina Daniel Kann 268 14 1790 7 23 1790 10 21 Lidia Neff Jacob Magdalena The parents 269 14 1790 6 26 1790 11 7 Joseph Edward Smith Edward Sarah Bernhard Frey & Regina Magdalena 270 14 1790 10 18 1790 11 7 Barbara Wollheim Andreas Margaret Peter Geib & Barbara 271 14 1790 10 10 1790 12 5 Margaret Clary Dennis Brigitta Barbara Pfaff 272 14 1790 11 14 1791 1 30 Johann Georg Schenberger Adam Catharina The parents themselves 273 15 1790 12 1 1791 4 25 Johann Jacob Blaus Georg Magdalena Jacob Muller & Juliana -Twins 274 15 1790 12 1 1791 4 25 Nicholas Blaus Georg Magdalena Kraft Hermann & Elizabeth -Twins 275 15 1790 12 20 1791 4 25 Elisabeth Berckley Jacob Fronica Johannes Arnold & Elisabeth 276 15 1790 3 19 1791 4 25 Johann Jacob Strohmenger Michael Regina The parents themselves 277 15 1791 3 3 1791 6 13 Elisabeth Schlot Adam Catharina Rebecka Holder 278 15 1790 11 29 1791 3 13 Catarina Dellinger Jacob Christina Catharina Schlott 279 15 1791 3 28 1791 6 13 Michael Schlott Gartner Georg Elisabeth Michael Schlott 280 15 1791 6 1 1791 6 13 Christina Rupp Johannes Anna Maria Christina Jung 281 15 1791 3 28 1791 6 13 Georg Abel Georg Margaretha Philip Holtzlein & Ana Maria 282 15 1790 10 8 Catharina Imschwiller Peter Catharina Johannes Wyll & Catharina Will 283 15 1791 7 14 1791 8 21 Jacob Guhn Philip Elisabetha Jacob Hilze & Christina 284 15 1798 2 23 1798 5 6 Sara Abel Gorg Margaretha The parents themselves 285 15 1791 7 17 1791 9 14 Michael Chron Michael Catharina Conradt Chron 286 15 1791 10 24 1791 12 26 Johannes Bebersen Conrath Cattrina Johannes Schonberger & wife Maria Margaretha 287 15 1791 10 6 1791 12 26 Johannes Rauffvon Johannes wife The parents themselves 288 15 1791 11 14 1792 1 8 Susana Weinholt Georg Margaretha Elisabetha Kaffelt 289 15 1791 10 16 1792 1 8 Elisabetha Cron Johannes wife Annamaria Cron 290 15 1793 12 6 1794 2 16 Jacob Bebersen Conrath Catharina Jacob Holtly & Christyna - Pastor Jacob Goringer 291 15 1792 1 27 1792 3 4 Johannes Paules Adam Elisabetha Conrath Klein & Susanna 292 15 1794 11 19 1795 2 1 Adam Paules Adam Elisabetha Andreas Neuman 293 16 1798 6 17 1798 8 19 Lidia Paules Adam Elisabetha Jacob Thritt & Elisabetha 294 16 1803 8 14 1803 -- 12 Lidia Hamer Heinrich Magtalena Conrath Gron & Cadarina 295 16 1810 12 26 1811 2 10 (a daughter) Paulus Heinrich Susanna Christina Keller 296 16 1792 7 14 1792 9 23 Daniel Kauffeld Michael Sophia Georg Lieberknecht & wife Cath. Elise. 297 16 1792 8 13 1792 9 23 Christina Helena Holzel Philip Maria Johannes Will & Christina 298 16 1792 5 28 1792 9 23 Sarah Williams Thomas Maria Elisa. Sarah Williams 299 16 1792 10 3 1792 11 17 Johannes Schlott Adam Catharina Georg Abel & Margaret 300 16 1790 8 8 1792 11 17 Benjamin Williams Benjamin Rosina Georg Pfaff 301 16 1792 12 15 1793 1 13 Catrina Vogt Daniel Elisabeth Caterina Delinger 302 16 1792 11 27 1793 1 13 Daniel Gohn Philipp Eelisabetaha Philipp Holtzel & wife 303 16 1792 7 14 1793 1 13 Jonas Bernats Carl Cristina Georg Gertner 304 16 1794 6 17 Jacob Holtzel Jacob Cristina Hannes Will & Cristina 305 16 1800 1 17 Michael Holtzel Jacob Cristina The parents themselves 306 16 1792 10 3 1793 11 26 (a daughter) Lieberknecht Georg Catarina Elisabeth The parents themselves 307 16 1792 9 21 1792 11 26 (a son) Gehr David Anna Maria The parents 308 16 1792 4 3 1792 11 26 Joseph Etwart Schmitt Etward wife Scham Gohn & wife 309 16 1792 11 1 1792 12 16 Wilhelm Heinrich Rub Johannes wife Stoffel Rub & wife 310 16 1792 10 24 1792 12 16 Susanna Geiss Johannes Anna Marya Susanna Gohn 311 16 1792 11 16 1792 12 16 Barbara Glary Denns Grety Barbara Pfaff 312 16 1792 11 10 1793 2 10 Catarina Reuter Daniel Margreth Marigret Gohn 313 17 1792 11 26 1793 3 10 Josua Behmuller Michael Anna Marrya Adam Schonberger & wife 314 17 1792 10 15 1793 3 10 Johannes Damsen[?] Wiliem Elisabetha Ohlweiler & wife 315 17 1793 2 7 1793 2 16 Maria Marigetha Rub Marthin Margretha Magdalena Schonberger 316 17 1793 2 1 1793 4 7 Christina Gartner Georg Elisabeth Friedrich Frey & Christina 317 17 1793 1 29 1793 4 7 Heinrich Ruby Johannes Salome The parents themselves 318 17 1793 1 1 1793 6 8 Daniel Dellinger Jacob Christina Jacob Holzel & Christina 319 17 1793 8 23 1793 6 8 Margaret Catharina Mase Johannes Margt. Margaret Abel 320 17 1793 5 5 1793 6 9 Eelisebetahe Becker Mathias wife The parents 321 17 1793 3 30 1793 6 9 Johannes Grovall Antony wife Heinrich Wagner & wife 322 17 1789 6 8 1790 6 14 David Mosy Johannes wife The parents 323 17 1793 5 9 1793 7 7 Susanna Hammer Heinrich Magdalena Friedrich Hammer & Susanna 324 17 1793 5 27 1793 7 7 Catharina Abel Georg Margaret Catharina Abel 325 17 1793 4 5 1793 6 9 Christina Elisabeth Heindel Adam Elisabeth Christina Jung 326 17 1793 6 9 1793 8 4 Heinrich Ziegler Michael Anna Maria The parents themselves 327 17 1793 6 15 1793 8 4 Ana Marya Schonberger Adam Cattarina Michael Dosch & wife 328 17 1793 7 29 1793 9 1 Johannes Optegraf Peter Elisabeth Johannes Liebhardt & Anna Maria 329 17 1793 8 25 1793 9 29 Conrad Brubacher Lorentz Cristina Georg Oberdorf & wife 330 17 1793 7 29 1793 9 29 Heinrich Urberich Heinrich wife Adam Paules & wife 331 17 1791 11 4 1793 9 29 Michael Urberich Heinrich wife Michel Muller & wife 332 17 1793 4 10 1793 9 29 Elisabetha Cron Michael wife Elisabetha Mayer 333 17 1793 8 12 1793 9 29 Johannes Strohmanger Michael wife The parents themselves 334 17 1794 3 14 1794 4 27 Daniel Holtzel Philip An Maria Philip & Elisabeth Gohn 335 18 1794 8 25 1794 Catharina Weinhold Georg Margaret Catharina Attich 336 18 1794 5 8 1794 6 9 Catharina Pfaff Friedrich Anna Margt. Maria Cath. Abel 337 18 1794 4 21 1794 6 9 Sarah Kraft Jacob Anna Maria Maria Behmuller 338 18 1794 5 15 1794 7 6 Sophia Schlott Michael Catharina Georg Abel & Margt. 339 18 1794 5 13 1794 7 6 Elenora Clary Dennis Brigitta Eva Pfaff 340 18 1794 6 8 1794 7 6 Heinrich Dellinger Heinrich Susanna Joseph Dellinger 341 18 1793 10 8 1794 1 5 Helena Lieberknecht Georg Cath. Elisa. Friedrich Lieberknecht & Catharina 342 18 1793 7 25 1794 6 20 Michael Rieser[?] Nicklos Margretha Georg Claus & Maria Machdalena 343 18 1794 4 19 1794 8 23 Imanuel Rapp Mart: Margareteh Schonberg Georg Oberdorf & Elisabeth 344 18 1794 9 1 1794 9 21 Regina Dellinger Jacob Regina Phillip Muhlhof & Regina 345 18 1794 7 20 1794 9 21 Catharina Schlott Adam Catharina Catharina Holder 346 18 1794 9 16 1794 10 25 Johann Peter Vogt Daniel Elisabeth Heinrich Dellinger & Susanna 347 18 1794 2 18 1794 11 23 (a son) Ohlweiler Jacob Anna Maria Georg Oberdorf & wife 348 18 1795 2 16 1795 3 12 Jacob Gohn Phillip Elisabeth Jacob Holzele & Christina 349 18 1795 1 26 1795 3 12 Johannes Gehr David Anna Maria Peter Wanbach & wife 350 18 1794 12 30 1795 Anna Rupp Johannes Anna Maria Jacob Holzele & Christina 351 18 1795 1 18 1795 5 10 Anna Maria Harris Thomas Maria Johannes Rupp & Anna Maria 352 18 1795 3 6 1795 5 10 Johann Georg Wachtel Heinrich Catharina Johann Georg Wambach & Magdalena 353 18 1793 9 5 1795 5 6 Elisabeth Imschwiller Peter Catharina Elisabeth Schaeffer 354 18 1795 5 7 1795 7 7 Heinrich Becker Matheys Ester The parents themselves 355 18 1794 10 13 1795 8 2 Daniel Billotz[?] Peter Margaret Conrad Leber & Margaret Billotz[?]or Billoh[?] 356 18 1794 4 12 1795 7 12 Sarah Smith Edward Sarah Daniel Kohler & Elisabeth 357 19 1795 9 25 1795 10 25 Johann Georg Holzel Phillip Maria Georg Abel & Anna Margaret 358 19 1795 8 27 1795 10 25 Daniel Ottstatt Adam Sophia Friedrich Ottstatt 359 19 1795 11 1 1795 12 3 Conrad Brubacher Johannes Ester Conrad Brubacher & Eva 360 19 1795 11 19 1796 1 14 Michael Dellinger Jacob Rechina Michael Dellinger 361 19 1795 11 5 1796 2 28 Johannes Peterman Jacob Catharina Johannes Petermann 362 19 1795 11 23 1796 2 28 Elisabeth Walliser Nicolaus Margaret Johannes Walliser 363 19 1796 1 16 1796 2 28 Jacob Walliser Johannes Elisabetha Adam Schonberger 364 19 1795 12 16 1796 3 13 Magdalena Bebersen Conrad Catharina Jacob Holzel & Christina 365 19 1795 12 18 1796 3 13 Catharina Allbrecht Georg Magdalena Adam Schenberger & Catharina 366 19 1795 10 10 1796 3 13 Friedrich Schenberger Adam Catharina Matheus Becker & Hester 367 19 1796 1 27 1796 4 10 Peter Lieberknecht Georg Catharina Elisabeth Peter Keller 368 19 1796 4 4 1796 5 8 Catharina Strohmenger Michael Regina Jacob Petermann & Catharina 369 19 1796 3 7 1796 5 8 Catharina Ottstadt Heinrich Catharina Adam Ottstadt & Sophia 370 19 1796 4 15 1796 6 4 Catharina Dellinger Heinrich Susanna Catharina Gilbert 371 19 1796 3 29 1796 6 4 Johannes Krafft Jacob Maria Jacob Ohlweiler 372 19 1796 4 12 1796 6 5 Anna Maria Heintel Adam Elisabetha Christina Jung 373 19 1796 2 21 1796 6 5 Rahel Schmitt Eetward Sara 374 19 1796 5 19 1796 7 10 Johann Georg Jacob Philip Catharina Elisabeth Johann Georg Jacob & Elisabeth 375 19 1796 6 5 1796 7 10 Helena Miller Peter Susanna Barbara Gohn 376 19 1793 12 13 1796 7 31 Catharina Barnes Charles Jane Elisabeth Klein 377 19 1796 1 6 1796 7 31 Johannes Barnes Charles Jane Heinrich Klein 378 19 1796 6 11 1796 7 31 Susanna Schlott Johannes Catharina Susanna Schlott 379 19 1795 12 11 1796 10 23 Elisabetha Pfaff Friederich Anna Margaretha Barbara Pfaff [Born 1795?] 380 20 1796 11 23 1797 2 5 Sara Imschwiller Peter Catarina Johannes Rup & Anna Maria 381 20 1796 9 5 1797 2 5 Catarina Rup Johannes Anna Maria Peter Imschwiller & Catharina 382 20 1796 12 24 1797 4 2 Elisabeth Brubacher MichaeL Magdalena Elisabeth Gohn 383 20 1797 6 9 1797 7 30 Rebecca Kauffeld Joh. Michael Sophia Magdalena Keller 384 20 1772 1 9 Maria Elisabeth Kauffeld Joh. Michael Sophia Phillip Gohn & Elisabeth 385 20 1774 3 7 Michael Kauffeld Joh. Michael Sophia Phillip Gohn & Elisabeth 386 20 1776 8 17 Anna Catharina Kauffeld Joh. Michael Sophia Elisabeth Gohn 387 20 1778 9 25 Joh. Jacob Kauffeld Joh. Michael Sophia Jacob Kauffeld & Eva Catharina 388 20 1781 1 26 Johannes Kauffeld Joh. Michael Sophia 389 20 1783 5 22 Maria Catharina Kauffeld Joh. Michael Sophia Heinrich Schaeffer & Anna Maria 390 20 1785 8 23 Susanna Kauffeld Joh. Michael Sophia The parents themselves 391 20 1787 3 25 Susanna Kauffeld Joh. Michael Sophia The parents themselves 392 20 1790 12 28 Helena Kauffeld Joh. Michael Sophia The parents themselves 393 20 1792 7 14 Daniel Kauffeld Joh. Michael Sophia The parents themselves 394 20 1795 6 1 Georg Kauffeld Joh. Michael Sophia Andreas Billmeyer & Barbara 395 20 1797 3 8 1797 4 30 Anna Maria Gehr David Anna Maria Peter Wanbach & Catharina 396 20 1797 2 16 1797 3 7 Michael Petermann Johannes Barbara Michael Strohmenger & Regina 397 20 1797 3 26 1797 5 28 Barbara Schlott Adam Catharina The parents themselves 398 20 1797 3 27 1797 5 28 Georg Wanbach Peter Anna Maria Georg Weinhold & Anna Maria 399 20 1797 8 7 1797 9 24 Johannes Wenner Frantz Catharina Johannes Brubacher & Hester 400 20 1796 11 6 1797 9 24 Johann Jacob Erlenkieser Johannes Peter Anna Maria Joh. Jacob Ihmenhauser & wife 401 20 1797 7 25 1797 8 27 Elisabet Klein Heinrich Catharina Elisabeth Klein 402 21 1797 8 11 1797 9 24 Catharina Schonberger Adam Catharina The parents themselves 403 21 1797 8 28 1797 9 24 Leonhard Barns Charles Johanna Leonhard Rathfon & Johanna 404 21 1797 3 12 1797 4 17 Anna Maria Gohn Philipp Elisabetha Anna Maria Herschner 405 21 1797 8 25 1797 10 21 Magdalena Vogt Daniel Elisabeth Christina Pfaff 406 21 1797 8 27 1797 10 22 Maria Magdalena Keller Johannes Susanna Magdalena Keller 407 21 1797 10 11 1797 10 20 Johann Daniel Rauss Johann Daniel Anna Barbara The parents themselves 408 21 1797 11 2 1797 12 17 Johann Georg Lieberknecht Johann Georg Catharina Elisabetha Jacob Liberknecht 409 21 1797 11 18 1797 12 25 Catharina Othstadt Adam Sovia Elisabetha Othstadt, yet unmarried 410 21 1797 11 22 1797 12 17 Johann Adam Heltzel Philipp Anna Maria Adam Heintel & Catharina Elisabetha 411 21 1797 8 18 1798 1 14 Johann Georg Dellinger Jacob Christin Gorg Abel & Margaretha 412 21 1797 12 29 1798 2 4 Anna Maria Brubacher Conrad Christina Gorg Oberndorf & Elisabetha 413 21 1797 12 31 1798 2 11 Peter Pfaff Friederich Margaretha The parents themselves 414 21 1797 11 15 1798 3 11 Rebeca Becker Mathias Esther Rebeca Holder, single 415 21 1798 2 6 1798 4 6 Johanes Ruby Christof Regina Johannes Ruby & Anna Maria [Ruby, Rupp?] 416 21 1798 2 19 1798 4 6 Friederich Amend Andon Barbara Gorg Pfaff & Eva 417 21 1798 3 23 1798 5 6 Elisabetha Jacob Philip Catharina Elisabetha Attig 418 21 1798 3 16 1798 5 6 Johannes Schlott Johannes Catharina Michael Schlott & Catharina 419 21 1798 2 23 1798 6 31 Heinrich Bebersen Conrad Catharina The parents themselves 420 21 1798 5 9 1798 6 31 Maria Catharina Heibele Georg Maria Elisabeth Adam Schonberger & Catharina 1798 421 21 1798 6 6 1798 7 29 Michael Schlott Michael Catharina Georg Abel & Margaret 422 21 1798 3 29 1798 7 29 Peter Wambach Peter Anna Maria Peter Wambach & Catharina 423 21 1798 8 17 1798 9 23 Elisabeth Schaeffer Johannes Anna Margaret Frantz Wohlleber & Catharina 424 22 1799 1 18 1799 3 10 Susanna Keller Samuel Magdalena Johannes Keller & Susanna 425 22 1798 12 15 1799 3 10 Gorg Klein Heinrich Catharina The parents themselves 426 22 1798 12 13 1799 3 31 Conrad Werner Frantz Catharina Conrad Brubacher & Eva 427 22 1799 1 16 1799 4 7 Michael Garten [Gordon] Joseph Catharin Michael Schlott & Catharina 428 22 1799 3 18 1799 5 5 Catharina Gehr David Anna Maria Michael Wanbach & Barbara 429 22 1799 4 2 1799 5 5 Johannes Pfaff Friederich Anna Margaretha Gorg Abel & Anna Margaretha 430 22 1799 5 5 1799 6 2 Michael Strohnmenger Michael Regina Henrich Lanss & Margaretha 431 22 1799 4 25 1799 6 2 Daniel Jacob Philipp Catharina Jacob Heltzel & Christina 432 22 1799 4 29 1799 6 30 Rebeca Schlott Adam Catharina The parents themselves 433 22 1799 5 27 1799 6 30 Rebecca Brubacher Conrad Christina The parents themselves 434 22