AREA HISTORY: Airville, York County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Kathy Francis Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ History of York County, Pennsylvania. John Gibson, Historical Editor. Chicago: F. A. Battey Publishing Co., 1886. _______________________________________________ AIRVILLE – Page 745 Airville, formerly called McSherrysville, is a pleasantly located village in Lower Chanceford, twenty two miles from York. Joseph McSherry came to the vicinity in 1796, at the age of four years, and grew to manhood with a Frenchman who was a nail- maker, and lived near the site of the United Brethren parsonage. He married when nineteen, and started a blacksmith shop, near the site of Joseph Pearce’s store. He kept tavern for thirty-five years. The second house of the town was built by Aquila Montgomery, a colored man. Of this race there are now quite a number in the vicinity. Jackson McSherry built the next house, and afterward moved to Warrensburg, Mo. Frederick McSherry built a store house in 1846, on the site of Mr. Pearce’s property, where he conducted the mercantile business until 1872, when he moved to his present stand. John Manifold conducted a store at an early period, and Robert McCollins opened one a short distance up the York road. The first postoffice of the vicinity was called Lower Chanceford. William Cowan, now ninety-five years old, was postmaster in 1828 and for several years later. The office was then a mile from the site of the present town. The mail for many years was carried on horse back by a dwarf called “Little Philie Cole,” over a route extending from York to Bel Air, Md. It took him one week to make the trip. “Little Philie” was a brave boy, and was afraid of nothing but thunder. If he saw an approaching storm, he would go into the nearest house and at once conceal himself in a feather bed, till it subsided. Joseph McSherry succeeded Mr. Cowan as postmaster, and moved the postoffice to the new village. A change in the national administration made James McCall postmaster who moved the office near to McCall’s Ferry. The other postmasters since have been E. P. Skelton, Frederick McSherry in 1865. Since 1869 Joseph Pearce has held the office. William F. Smith is the physician of the village. Drs. McDonald and Gordon, attended the sick of the community at an earlier date. Airville cornet band, consisting of sixteen pieces, was organized in 1874. N. B. McSherry is leader. Coplin Hall was built, a number of years ago, for the meeting of literary societies, and for other public occasions. It contains a public library. S. B. McSherry was appointed postmaster in 1885. Orson’s Mill, erected three-fourths of a century ago, is now owned by D. W. Grove. In 1820, and later, John Patterson manufactured wooden chairs in large quantities near Airville.