Area History: Diary of John Stoner Beidler, 1862: York County, PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Chuck Wilcox. USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ____________________________________________________________ This material is available in html format with pictures at John Stoner Beidler 1862 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1, 1862 Clear, warm, like spring. Taught school. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1862 To-day I am twenty-six years old. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1862 Bot. this book, pd .62. Came to town in the evening train, paid carfare .30. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1862 Paid Flurer Tailor $12.00 for making some clothes. Owe him $5.50 yet, to be paid in March. Snowed today, was in town all day. Got a suit of new clothes. Cost $17.50, paid $12.00, due Flurer $5.50. Paid Flurer $4.00, balance due $1.50, Paid balance $1.50. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1862 Was in town all day. News came in the evening that Fort Donald soon was taken by our troops on land & fleet. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1862 Went to school house in the morning. Paid fare, 30 cts. Rained & snowed all day. Was in the mill in the evening. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1862 Taught school. Rec'd official news that Fort Donaldson was taken or is taken. Was cloudy in forenoon, got clear in afternoon, warm. Was in the mill in the evening. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1862 Today it is a year since Annie died. Rained & snowed all day. Taught school, was at home in the evening. From today I have 22 days to teach yet. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1862 Taught school. It was cool & windy today. Was in the mill in the evening. Received ten dollars from Grandmother as present. One year today since Annie died. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1862 Taught school. Was in the mill in the evening. Was cloudy all day. Rudolph Sloat came in from the west today at 12 o'clock train, got out at Strickler's. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1862 Was in Wrightsville at Upp's Sale. Commenced at one o'clock, went to York in the evening. Rude went along. Paid cars 30 cts. Was cloudy all day. Dan'l was at Upp's Sale too. Bot. rain barrel. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1862 Was at home in town all day. Rude was there. Had tea at Stine's. Was cloudy all day. Dave was over most all day. We were talking most all day about moving. Stines & Stricklers were here in the evening. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1862 Went down to schoolhouse in the morning. Paid fare 30 cts. Dan went to Wrightsville this morning to see about my horse. Was in the schoolhouse in the evening. Was cloudy & rained early in the morning, got awful windy and stormy in the afternoon and very cold. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1862 Taught school all day. Was very cold this morning, cold and windy today. Was in the mill in the evening. The Wrightsville Post Office was robbed last night, eight o'clock at night. Grandmother has just fetched me some apples from the cellar. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1862 Taught school. Was cloudy all day, mild, snowed a little and rained in the afternoon. Was in the mill in the evening. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1862 Taught school. Was in the mill this evening. Asked Levi Strickler to haul my flitter from York. He promised to do so. Was clear today, clear and middlen cold. Windy. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1862 Taught school. Was cold and stormy all day. Dan'l was in York today to see if there are any judgments against Upp. I was down at the mill this evening. I missed the cars, the first time this winter they went up before the usual time. SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1862 Went to York in the morning in the cars, paid 30 cts. Was cold & windy all day. Dosch & his wife came up in the afternoon train. They were here all afternoon and night. Jno Stoner & two girls were here for dinner, were here till four o'clock. He said he didn't have anything of Jacob Stoner for some time. Paid George Leber for one quarter ton coal. He was here too in the evening. Paid Dr. Ness today $5.00 in full for all demands to date. SUNDAY, MARCH 2, 1862 Was at home all day. Jno Dosch wife & child were here all day. They were out a few hours or over dinner at Mike Dosch. Mary was along & Harry. Sarah Dosch came too in the afternoon. She came from home, she said, is going to stay down a whole week. Sam'l Wile was there in afternoon to look at my watch. Was a middlen nice day. MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1862 Came down to schoolhouse this morning in the cars. Dosch came along down too. Paid 30 cts. Rained this morning & nearly all day. Taught school, was at home in the evening, were speaking about moving. TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1862 Taught school. Was cloudy. Was in the mill this evening. Dan'l was in Wrightsville. Heard that Upp has left for the west. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1862 Taught school. Snowed in the afternoon, was not very cold. Dan'l was in Wrightsville this morning to get some coal in the house for me. Intend to move next Tuesday. Was in the mill this evening. Was asked to clerk old Sam'l Keller's sale. Declined. THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1862 Taught school all day, went to York in the evening. Was clear all day. Told () & Dave Strickler to teach school tomorrow. Paid cars 30 cts. FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1862 Was in town all day at home making ready to move. Was at Sam'l Spangle's in the evening & bot. a hat, paid $2.12 1/2 for it. Clear most all day. We tore up carpets & packed most everything today. Most ready to move. SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1862 Was in town all day. Was making ready to move. Bot. 1 gallon post wine, 1 keg beer, paid () mess for medicine. Paid $2.56 for shoes. Women were baking cakes. Mrs. Stine helped. Got grate and brick for in cooking stove, paid $1.25. Was pleasant all day. Shutze girls & Miss Glessner were here in evening. SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 1862 Was at home in the forenoon. After noon Stine, Dave & me took a walk up the codorus. Was at home in the evening. Drank beer. Was very pleasant all day. George Dosch & a few others were here in the evening. MONDAY, MARCH 10, 1862 Was cloudy in morning. Commenced to rain about 9 o'clock. Father & Dosch came up with Dosch's wagon to fetch the stove (tubs) & c. It commenced to rain soon after they were here. It quit raining about 12 o'clock when they left in the eve. Stoner girls came up & Jo Smith, Jno Stoner, & Reede also came. Mary, girls, & boys from town. They danced into the evening till 12 o'clock when I stopped them. Was starlight at 12 o'clock. TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1862 Moved Today Got to bed about 1 o'clock last night. Slept at Stine's. Me & Mary and children. Jno Stoner, Jo Smith, & Rude were at Dave's. Jno Gehley wasn't in bed all night. Wagons came at 8 o'clock. Levi Strickler first offered. Strickler came last with his team, got loaded after ten o'clock. Sol Rupp took Mrs. Stine, Mary, & children down. Jo Smith took girls & boys. Jno Stoner had girls. Jno Gehley, George Dosch, & me came down in the cars. Got down about 3 o'clock with wagons. Was very pleasant all day. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1862 Last night was the first that I slept in Wrightsville. Geo. Dosch stayed all night. (Jest) went all house. Stoners, girls, & Smith left about 8 o'clock. Rude & Jno & Gehley soon after. Nobody here from Wrightsville in eve except Mrs. Hubly didn't know that we moved the most of eve. My moving cost (about $20.00 March 11th). Paid for Mrs. Stine & children to go in the cars in eve. Paid for G. Dosch & Gehley to coming down. In eve Sol Rupp drove past without saying anything, was tight. March 12th was pleasant all day. THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1862 Morgan (Bukie) was here last night. I was at Oberdorff a few minutes last eve. Taught school today. Came out in the (). Was cloudy all day. Went to town again in the evening. Told (Barge) to count his lumber. FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1862 Taught school today, the last day. Told them to take their books home today as I hadn't time to teach longer. I would have seven days to make up five months yet but have to leave them for next session. Came to town in eve. Was cloudy all day. Received Interest, $3.00. SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1862 Was in town all day, rained all day. Was at auction in evening. Got a letter from Miss Annie Reich. SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 1862 Went out home in morning. Creek was high. Was cloudy all day, rained in evening. Got dinner at home, supper at Dosch's. Rude came to town with me in the evening. MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1862 Was in town all day. Was cold and cloudy all day, was snowing part of day. Dan was down. Bot. Post Office Box No 26. TUESDAY, MARCH 18, 1862 Was in town all day. Was clear cool air all day. Burg was counting lumber. I and Jno Gohn helped piling. Father was in town awhile. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1862 Was in town all day. Was clear, mild. Were counting Burg's lumber. Mirt went to York. Owe Sloat & Gohn for Fork Hatchet & pencil. Owe Oberdorff for Rule & nails. Bot of Mike Gohn some sausage, paid for 33 cts. Was at auction in eve. Bot hand saw, hatchet, and Fork & Rule today. Mrs. Fitz was here. Received a letter from Jacob Stoner, the first one he ever wrote to me. THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1862 Left Wrightsville at 11 o'clock, went to Columbia. Took the cars for Williamsport, arrived Northumberland at about 4 o'clock. Got out at Northumberland & took supper with Mrs. Burg. Christ Burg was with me. My expenses from Columbia to Williamsport or car fare from Columbia to Harrisburg, $1.00; from Harrisburg to Williamsport, $2.95. Was cloudy all day. Got to Williamsport about 1 o'clock, stopped at the United States Hotel. Got to Hotel 1 o'clock at night. FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1862 Left Williamsport at 10 o'clock last night, arrived at York about five this morning. Was in cars all night. Paid Boarding at U.S. Hotel, $1.50. Paid car fare from Williamsport to York, $3.90. Was snowing whole forenoon. Burg bot 2 boat loads of lumber for me and Gohn. Was in York till noon. SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1862 Got to York this morning between 5 & 6 o'clock. Rained. Got breakfast at Metzel's Hotel. Paid Sol Rupp for his expenses at my flitter. Paid Fluerer $4.00 on account, owe him $1.50 yet. Paid Billy Wagner for pr boats made by Myers. Wrightsville in noon train, paid 40 cts. Dan'l was here in afternoon. Rude & Christ Dosch were here for supper. Paid Sloat & Gohn in eve for things got a few days ago. SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 1862 Was out in the country in afternoon. Was playing ball at Levi's. Got supper at old folks'. Got $25.00 of Dan'l. Rained in evening. MONDAY, MARCH 24, 1862 Was in town all day. Sold the first lumber today, hauled first load to saw mill. Paid Burg $25.00. Had lent it of him for giving up the river. Was cool and cloudy all day. Owe Alex Thompson for hauling one load of panels to saw mill. TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 1862 Was in town all day. Was working at lumber yard. Sold some to (Dation). Mary was at Oberdorff's auction today this evening. Dan'l was here in evening. Was cool and cloudy all day. Christ Burg moved. Jno Gohn wants (Sorbaugh) to go in as partner on his side. Paid (Jack) Leber for goods bot at auction. Wrote a letter to Stoner. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1862 W. H. Waters of Harford County, Md was here today for some lumber. Sold some to Jno Forry, C. Stoner, Jno Daron, & Kerr. Was in town all day. Bot all Burg's lumber except some few poles today. THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1862 W. H. Waters of Harford Co, Md was here today for some lumber. Sold some to Jno Forry, C. Stoner, Jno Daron. Was nice and clear all day. Was in town all day. Bot all Burg's lumber except some poles today. Sold some lumber to Kerrs today. Was in town all day till 3 o'clock when I went out home. Sold no lumber. Father brot a load of wood in. Was pleasant all day. SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1862 Was in town all. Was cloudy in afternoon. Father took Mary out home in carriage today. Rude Sloat was here in evening, took supper here. Nobody here but myself & Rude Sloat. Was a alone all night. SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 1862 Went out home in morning. Was cloudy all day, rained in afternoon. Was at Christ in evening. Walk to town after dark. Was alone all night. MONDAY, MARCH 31, 1862 Was in town all day. Mary came home today. Father fetched her in in afternoon. Was cloudy all day. TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 1862 Was in town all day. Rec'd of D. Beidler $950.00. Paid Sam'l (Homer) $8.00 for 1 pr boots. Paid Post Office Box $1.00. Was warm and nice. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 1862 Was in town all day. Was cloudy. Christ Burg went up the river this evening after lumber, gave him $100.00. Father was here today. THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1862 Went to York in morning train. Father just came in when I left for Dr. Lloyed. Grammother is sick. She fell and bruised her ribs. Was there this eve. Got out of the cars at Strickler on my way down. Grammother is a little this eve. Put six hundred dollars in York County Bank. Paid J. A. (Weiser) in full. Paid D. Strickler in full. Paid Sam'l Neil in full. Paid Fleurer in full. Got dinner at Dave Strickler. Was all day nice, warm all day. Got to town at dusk. Gave Mirt 7 dollars. FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1862 Was in town all day Making Garden. Very warm & pleasant all day. SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 1862 Was in town all day. Was cloudy, rained. Bot a pair of pants of Sloat & Gohn. SUNDAY, APRIL 6, 1862 Went out home in morning. Took a few cakes out for Grandmother. She gave me $10.00 present. Was out till after supper. Was clear & windy all day. Morgan Bahn was here in evening & (Jeck) Leber. MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1862 Rec'd of R. W. Kerr for lumber 1.10. Was working at an office today. Bot old Kerr's kitchen and moved it down to shore in afternoon. Sorbaugh helped. Burg left this evening for some lumber. Was clear all day forenoon, afternoon cloudy, look for snow. TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1862 Was in town all day. Snowed all day. Jno Gehley left for the west. Was working at putting up our office in morning. Subscribed for the Philadelphia Press. Paid for 1 month. Was at Sloat's & Gohn Store in eve. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1862 Was in town all day. Snowed very near all day. Levi Strickler and wife were here in afternoon, father was here in morning. THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1862 Was in town all day. It was clear, warm. Snow was melting fast. Wrote a letter to Theo Bahn. Old (Hiddleson) was here scrapeing walls. Got a letter from D. Strickler of (Reifsnider) & Dell. Rec'd an order of (Hauser) for school money. Was sleighing about 15 minutes. Wrote a letter to Reifsnider & Dell. FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1862 Was in town all day. Worked at my house and at my office. Old (Hiddleson) was here scrapeing wall. The carpenters Minnich & Harris were here too, fixing up the house. Bot some socks of Sam'l (Smith) at Oberdorff's. Paid those at Smith $1.12. Was nice and clear all day. Bot six locks at Oberdorff's at 75 cts apiece. Rec'd of Hubly $2.65 for Insurance. SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1862 Was in town all day. Work at office and at house. Minnich & Harris were working at house, & Hiddleson, Sorbaugh, & me were working at lumber office. Was clear all day. Dan'l was here in evening. Mary was at auction in evening. Paid David Strickler 75 cts for Teaching school. SUNDAY, APRIL 13, 1862 Was out home today. Went out in morning, came home in afternoon. Was Moderate all day. MONDAY, APRIL 14, 1862 Was in town forenoon Making office. Went with Sol Sorbaugh to (Marriata) in afternoon to see after lumber. Were in Columbia too. Went from (Marrieda) to Columbia in cars, paid 15 cts apiece. I paid for both. Did get no lumber. Hiddleson was plastering at the house. Was out home in evening. Grammother gave me $5.00 present. Talked about lumber business. TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 1862 Was in town all day. Bot 1 1/2 rafts of lumber. Sold lumber to (Mon.) Bahn, To Jno Gohn. Father was in town in morning. Paid off my bill at Oberdorff's Store for locks & $4.90. Asked Jacob Hans abot painting the house. He said he would commence on Monday next. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1862 Was in town all day working at lumber yard. Got 1st boat load of lumber, commenced drawing. Father was in town in morning. Was pleasant all day. Bot 1 raft today. THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1862 Was in town all day. Was making garden and working at (Sam'l's). Father brought a load of wood in. Paid Christ Burg $30.00 on lumber. Was very warm all day. Old Dan Gehley was here for dinner. FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1862 Was in town all day piling lumber or sorting lumber. Joseph Kauffman commenced piling today. Was very warm all day, had thunder storms. Owe Sol Sorbaugh $1.00. SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 1862 Was in town all. Was working at lumber. Jo Kauffman was piling. I was helping to sort. Was pleasant all day. Was at home in the evening. Rec'd of Benjamin Strickler $43.14, balance of school money. Old Hiddleson was lathing office. Mary was in Columbia. Dan'l was here in eve. SUNDAY, APRIL 20, 1862 Easter. Rained most all day. Was out home in afternoon. Jacob Leber went along out to Christ Dosch. Had supper at home old Folks. Got $700.00. Was at Dosch's in eve or after supper a few minutes. Rude & Christ went came with me down the RailRoad (ofsis) Harpper's boy was drowned today. MONDAY, APRIL 21, 1862 E a s t e r. Was in town all day. Was working at house (scribing) of white wash. Wrote a letter in eve to Wm Oberdorff. Was in Gohn & Sloat's Store till nine o'clock. Rained all day, fast, east wind, very ugly to be out. Old Hiddleson was plastering office. It is now past nine o'clock and it is raining very fast yet. TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 1862 Was in town all day. Was pleasant. Dan'l was here, was fixing garden. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 1862 Went to York in morning, me & Mary & Harry. Rec'd of D. Strickler $9.23. Paid York Pennsylvanian. Was in (Gilberthope) Store to see paper. Also at Dennis' to see furniture. Came down in evening train. Mary staid all night at Stine's, got Harry vacinated. THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1862 Mary came home from York in 12 o'clock train. Christ Dosch got cross about lumber today. Send 5071 ft Hemlock fencing to Jno (Isbrect), paid freight on same, $6.50. Was clear all day, was piling lumber. FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1862 Was in town all day, was working at lumber. Was cool all day. SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1862 Was in town all day working at lumber. Was warm in afternoon. Sold some lumber to Franklin (Montler), 1845 ft. Rec'd on it $16.00. Bot a raft of fencing. Paid in evening (Guiles) for half raft of fencing, 22,658 ft Hemlock fencing, 573 ft (tonoy), 23,231 Total @ 8¼ per un. Paid my own money $177.00. Mary went out to Dosch's & Levi's in afternoon with little ones. Father was in in afternoon. Rec'd from York 3 kegs of white lead, paid freight on, 25 cts. Paid for fetching from RailRoad 25 cts. Got oil & turpentine send by house. SUNDAY, APRIL 27, 1862 I went out home in morning with A. B. Sloat. Was cool all day. Dosch was at our house too, and Rude. Had some apples. Went home in eve, had little carriage with us. Rude & (Jeck) Leber, Mrs. Bahn & Daughter were here in evening. MONDAY, APRIL 28, 1862 Was in town all day. Jacob Hans commenced painting house this morning. Paid 18 cts for putty. Send carload of lumber to George (S. Enson Sparkswith) this morning. Was cool all day. Bot for house 3 gallon Turpentine, 162½, 5 B. oil 112½, 150 lb white lead @ 10, 2 lb burnt umber 12½, 3 lb English red @ 6, 2 cans @ 50 a/p. Had Mrs. Budding to wash of Frames & c. Gohn bot a raft today. TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1862 Was in town all day. Rained in morning. Bot a few rafts. Was down at dam for some fish in afternoon. Mrs. Dosch was here in afternoon. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 1862 Was in town all day. Was middlen nice day. Bot 2 shad. Hans was painting here. Father was here in morning. Got vaxinated today by Rewalt. Sold some lumber to George (Paff). Girl came from York today. Miss Fisher. Send her down to be maid. THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1862 Rained in forenoon and part of afternoon. Bot watch chain of Sam'l Weil for $2.50. Bot some paint for house. Paid paint & oil bill at (King) & (Klinefelter's) $26.85. Was loading lumber on car in afternoon. Paid Bart Gohn store bill in full, 87 cts. FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1862 Was in town all day. Wrote letters to Stoner, G. Rider, Wash Burg, and C. S. Trimble Bill. Rained in (morning) afternoon or eve. Dan'l was down. Hans was here painting. SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1862 Was a nice day. Was out home in evening. Mary Roth, Mrs. Roth, & C. Dosch and wife were here for supper. Gave Jno Gohn $275.00 to pay lumber. Sold three thousand ft to Abraham (Heistandt). Rude was here in evening. Hans was painting today. SUNDAY, MAY 4, 1862 Was out home in afternoon, was in town in forenoon. Rude was here in forenoon. Mary Gehley was at Christ's. (Seen) Jno (Paff) at Strickler's Mill. Came home in eve, Rude came along. Was clear all day. MONDAY, MAY 5, 1862 Was in town all day. Loaded one car for Wm Dennis, York. Sam'l Weil was here. I traded watches with him, gave him Eighty dollars to boot. He was here all night. Was clear. Dan'l was here, brot some money, about $2,000.00. TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1862 Was in town all day. Was clear all day. Hans was painting here. WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1862 Was in town all day. Was cloudy and windy. Mary was in York in forenoon. Bot carpet for (pares). Cordie was along. Paid Mr. (Truges) $49.50 on carpet. THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1862 Was in town or York today. Bot 1 carpet, 26 yds at 25 cts a yard; 15 yds stair carpet @ 62½ a yard. Bot 15 stair rods for $1.55 and 12 for $4.00. Got circulars printed by Albright, paid for 300 $3.00. Got envelopes, paid 35 cts for 8-pack. Was clear all day. Went to York in morning and came down in evening. Put $9.00 in York County Bank. FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1862 Was in town all day. Got 25 shad of Brubaker at $16.00 a hundred, cleaned them in afternoon. Was clear all day. SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1862 Was in town all day. Paid Merriman one thousand dollars of my own money on lumber. Paid Joseph Kauffman on piling $30.00. Paid George Zeigler $8.00 on drawing. Sold lumber to George Deitz, rec'd payment $10.75. Sold to Andrew Miller lumber, rec'd payment 9.70. William Strickler was here in eve and all night. My wall paper came from York. Subscribed for the Lancaster Express today. SUNDAY, MAY 11, 1862 Was at (Wind) Island today, saw them catch 18 shad. Wm Strickler was along with me, was down in forenoon. Wm was here all last night & for dinner today. He went out home with me in afternoon, took supper with me at Father's, came down with me again to the Pike. Was clear all day, warm. MONDAY, MAY 12, 1862 Was in town all day. Was clear all day. Em Flory came here as maid. Was working at lumber, loaded two cars for Trimble & Benson. Paid last weeks freight on cars, $26.51. Got (?) owe (Miller or Weller) for table for office, $3.50. Bot rocking chair for office of Sam'l Smith, 1.50 paid. TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1862 Was in town all day. Worked at lumber, loaded three wagons in afternoon. Was very warm all day. Hans commenced painting. Paid 50 cts for glue to (gild) house. Rained in evening. Jno Gohn rec'd pay for three wagon loads of lumber from (Forry) near Hanover. WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1862 Was in town all day. Was working at lumber yard. Hans was at papering house. Was nice all day. THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1862 Was in town all day. Sol Zorbaugh sold about 30,000 ft of lumber for us today. Jno Gohn gave me back $175 I gave him some time ago & 40 dollars besides of Mike Rudy. Was nice all day. Paid Weller for table in office, $3.50. Minnich was here putting knobs behind doors. Sold lumber to Jo Detwiler & Mike Rudy & (Liphart). Paid Hubly $1.00 lent to Mary a few days ago. FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1862 Was working at lumber yard. Was clear all day. Paid 3.50 for ledger & cash book. Was in Columbia. Was working at books in evening. SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1862 Rec'd of Abraham Kline for J. C. Dosch 14.75. Paid Wm Thompson 2.25 for chest for office and fixing up sign. For sign, 1.62. Was working at lumber all day. Thompson was fixing up old kitchen, paid him 62½ cts. Hans was papering. Got a letter from Washburg. Dan'l was in town. SUNDAY, MAY 18, 1862 Was out home all day. Mary and little ones and Em Flory were along out. Came home at dusk. Dave Strickler (Jr) came in with us from Kinard's. Was clear all day. MONDAY, MAY 19, 1862 Was working at lumber yard all day. Was loading car in afternoon. Was clear all day. Paid car freight. TUESDAY, MAY 20, 1862 Was in town all day working at yard. Was loading car in forenoon, in afternoon posting books and loading wagon. Paid Gohn & Sloat for bill, files, and hatchet, 93 cts. Dave Strickler was here for dinner. WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1862 Was in town all day. THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1862 Went to York in afternoon. Put an advertisement in York Pennsylvanian of our lumber for 1 year paid $10.00 including 1,000 cards. Bot some books of (Dave), paid six dollars. Was very warm all day. Got supper at Dave's. Was in circus in evening, was crowded. FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1862 Was all night at Dave's. Came down in morning train. Was working 'round the house in fore & part of afternoon. Was clear all day. Gave Christ Burg to Williamsburg. SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1862 Was working at lumber all day. Have to pay (Fahringer) for some tins for stove pipe. Paid woman for white washing office. SUNDAY, MAY 25, 1862 Was out home most all day. Was fishing with gillnet in afternoon, caught a mess, came home in eve. Heard the Rebels chased back McDowell once, were coming on to Richmond. Was clear all day, cool. Jno Stoners' were here in afternoon. TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1862 Loaded a car for Joseph Davis. WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1862 Loaded a car for Joseph Davis. Was in town all day. Sold lumber to Freight on First, 29.70 " " 2, 18.77 Shipped one car load lumber to Davis. Freight on it is $18.77. THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1862 Rec'd of Dan'l Oberdorff (for) Christ Burg, $50.00. Shipped 1 car load lumber to Joseph Davis. Freight on is 29.70. Paid Jno Shetter 1.00 for making irons for sign. SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1862 Sold lumber to two men of Maryland, Mr. (Allen) & (Wilhelm). SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 1862 Went over to Reich's in afternoon. Was very warm in afternoon, rained in evening. SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 1862 Was cool all day. Was at Reich's all day. MONDAY, JUNE 9, 1862 Came home from Reich's in eve. WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1862 Jno Gohn paid me $125.00 on $307.38. MONDAY, JULY 14, 1862 Paid Gohn & Sloat for sugar, 9.77. The page after Wednesday, December 31, 1862 is headed "MISCELLANEOUS." On it, Beidler wrote: There are some flooring sold to Mike Rudy, not charred. Must see him and ask him how much he got. I paid on lumber of (Herdix) lent (T. White) more than we got. I must have credit for what Kauffelt got on H. Merriman raft drawn by George Zeigler. (Zeigler) (dated) in book Merriman a/c May 24, to 6 platforms > 7.50. I don't know if Gohn paid it but gave him credit for it. Must see to it. Found it all right. ------------------------------------------------------------------- CASH - FEBRUARY PAID REC'D School Salary 3 Mo. 75.00 Jno A. Weiser 20.00 Fleurer Tailor 12.00 Grandmother (Present) 10.00 Father (Present) 5.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------- BILLS PAYABLE - MARCH DUE AM'NT Jno A. Weiser 54.04 Sam'l Wile 63.00 Rudolph Strickler 40.00 Tailor Flurer 1.50 B. Beidler 45.00 B. " 10.00 D. Beidler 5.00 David Strickler 72.00 B. Beidler 25.00