York County, Pennsylvania--Pension Records--Depew/Depuy, Isaac Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Dave Wilson, davwilson@worldnet.att.net USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. The following are the pension records of Isaac Depuy. Pension#W2769 He enlisted at the the age of sixteen years, "about forty miles up the North River" in New York State, and served six months as a private in Captain James Taller's Company, Colonel Grime's New York Regiment: he then went out on a second tour and served one month as a private in Captain Porter's New York Company and was at the taking of Fort Independence. He was allowed pension on his application executed August 20, 1832, while living in Fairview Township, York County, Pennsylvania, aged seventy-two years. He died in said York County, April 15, 1839. Soldier married April 15, 1791, Catherine Ketterman. Soldier's widow, Catherine, was allowed pension on her application executed November 15, 1843, while living in York County Pennsylvania, aged seventy-one years. State of Pennsylvania York County On this the 15th day of November 1843 personally appeared before me, George Dare, a Judge of the court of Common Pleas in and for said county, Catherine Depuy, a resident of York County, age 71 years who having first become duly affirmed according to law doth on her solemn affirmation make this following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provisions of the Act of Congress passed July 7, 1838 granting pensions to the widows of pensioners who served during the Revolutionary War. That she is the widow of Isaac Depuy, formerly of Dauphin County in said state, that -------- his residence in Dauphin County, he was placed on the pension roll of the United States at the rate of twenty three dollars and thirty three cents per annum which he continued to draw up to the time of his death which took place on or about the 15th day of April 1839 in York County, to which county he had changed his residence from Dauphin County less than three years before his death. That said pension was granted for service -------------during the Revolutionary War. That her maiden name was Catherine Ketterman, that she was lawfully married to the Isaac Depuy on the 15th of April 1791 by Robt. H.-------, a justice of the peace in and for said Co. That her husband, Isaac Depuy died (in an accident) on or about the 15th day of April 1839, that she was not married to him previous to his leaving the service but the marriage took place prior to the 1st of January 1794 at the ------ above states that she still continues as his widow of Isaac Depuy, that from bodily infirmity, she cannot actively come to make her declaration, that she has no income of her marriage, but that Magdalena Ketterman was a witness to it. Affirmed and subscribed this Catherine Depuy 15th day of November1843 before me. George Dare State of Pennsylvania York County On this the 15th day of November, 1843, personally appeared before me, George Dare, a Judge of the Court in and for said County, Magdalena Ketterman, age 67 years, who being by me first duly affirmed, doth swear that her residence is in York County, Pennsylvania., that she was present when Catherine Ketterman and Isaac Depuy were married, that this marriage ceremony was performed by Robt. Har--- in his position who was then a Justice of the Peace in and (there is no further for this paragraph DW) Dauphin County, Pa. Before me the -------- one of the Justices of the Peace for the County of Dauphin, personally came Isaac Depuy, the ------- applicant who being duly affirmed according to law---- ----- that he is a ----olde man and by reason of olde age has forgotten many circumstances which took place during the revolution, but can testify positively that he served six months as a private soldier under the command of Capt. James Teller and that he served another tour under the command of Capt. Porter. But in the -------- stated can not tell how long he was out as a private under Capt. Porter. But says that at the least one month for which services he claims a pension. The applicant has not the certificate of a clergyman living in different parts, many of which there --------- clergyman. Knows of no clergyman who has known him for any length of time that is within his reach at this time. The applicant has been attached to the Methodist Church himself whose ministers only remain one year on the same circuits. Affirmed and subscribed Isaac Depuy this 13th day of December, 1832 X John Davies his mark The State of Pennsylvania and County of Dauphin On this 20th Day August, AD 1832, personally appeared in open court before Calvin Blythe ---------- ----------- Judge and his associates holding their regular term of Common Pleas and ------ sessions in and for said county, Isaac Depuy, a resident late of Halifax Township in said County, but now of Fairview Township in York County and State aforesaid. Aged about seventy two years who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his solemn oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7th, 1832. That he enlisted in the service of the United States at the age of sixteen years about forty miles up the North River in the State of new York for six months under the commands of Capt. James Teller in Col. Grime's Regiment, Commanded by General Heithe-after the Battle of White Plains the army marched off and took up their quarters at a place called Peeks Kiln and remained there until the time of the six months ------ have expired. The company which he belonged to was in the Battle of the White Plains, but the applicant lay sicke with the camp fever closeby. Then went on a second tour under the command of Capt. Porter's and was at he taking of Fort Independence, but was beaten by the British, can not tell how long he was in the service the last time but both tours did not exceed one year. The last tour that he was out was in the militia-the applicant has no documentary evidence in his possession, and that he knows of no person living whose testimony he can procure who can testify to his service. He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any State. Affirmed to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid. Isaac Depuy ------ Roberts X his mark