York County PA Archives Military Records.....Kroan, John October 29, 1832 Revwar - Pension ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/pa/pafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Nancy Poquette npoq@hotmail.com January 15, 2007, 4:28 am Pension Application Of John Kroan, National Archives Microseries M804, Roll __, Application #S22348 York County, Pennsylvania On this 29th day of October, 1832, personally appeared…John Kroan…a resident in the County of York, Pennsylvania, aged 75 years…: That he enlisted on the 1st of July, 1776 in said County in Captain Dritt’s company and Colonel Swopes’ Battalion for six months and marched through Lancaster and Chester Counties to Philadelphia, from thence to Trenton in the state of New Jersey, and from thence to Princeton, Brunswick, and Elizabethtown and Amboy; from thence to Fort Lee, where he was stationed to work on the fort until Fort Washington was taken, at which time and place his captain with several of his company were taken prisoners, leaving Lieutenant ? Tome and the remainder of the company at Fort Lee, who remained there until after the battle of Fort Washington. The company was then commanded by Lieutenant Tome and marched to immediately to Elizabethtown, and from thence to Trenton, through the state of New Jersey, and passed over the River Delaware into the state of Pennsylvania, and remained in the state of Pennsylvania until the battles of Trenton and Princeton, at which time he was in Philadelphia, where he remained until the 15th of January 1777, when the time for which he had enlisted expired, and that he was honorably discharged by Lieutenant Tome in Philadelphia. That he is now 75 years of age and was born in the County of York in the state of Pennsylvania and has resided in York County ever since the Revolutionary War, and I further ____ that I have no documentary evidence in my possession, nor do I know of any person living whose testimony I can procure to prove my service except John Stable, and that I served at least six months in the army of the Revolution… Interrogatories 1. I was born in Helm Township, in the county of York. 2. I have no record of my age. 3. I lived in Helm Township in the County of York when I was called into service and have lived in said county since the Revolutionary War. I now live in York County. 4. I enlisted for six months. 5. I was well acquainted with Colonel Swope and Captain Ch. Donato, Captain Spangler, Captain Long and a number of officers of the Revolution whose names I have forgot. 6. I received a discharge from Lieutenant Tome, which discharge I have lost. My captain was a prisoner. This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/pafiles/ File size: 2.9 Kb