Little Compton, RI, Cemetery Inscriptions File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Erin K. Peters, 2722 Jacqueline Dr. M-16, Wilmington, DE 19801-2042 © 1996 USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages are for the use of indivisual researchers, and may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ======================================= Cemetery Inscriþtions In Little Comþton, Newþort County, Rhode Island THE WILBOR CEMETERY The Wilbor cemetery south of the Commons on the east side of the road and opposite the Stuart Burchard place. William Wilbor died April 7, 1775 in his 88th year. (b. 1687) Jane the widow of William Wilbor died Jan 20th 1782 in her 90th year. (b. 1692) Walter Wilbor Esq. died Nov 25, 1839 in the 73rd year. Also Phebe Stoddard his wife died Feb 15, 1804 in her 34th year. (b. 1766, b. 1770) Lydia Wilbor daughter of Catherine and Walter Wilbor died Dec 9, 1847 in her 92nd year. Simeon Wilbor son of Walter and Catherine. He was born Sept 1764 and died Oct 20, 1810. Hannah Wilbor wife of Joseph Wilbor and daughter of Thomas and Priscilla Brown. Born in Tiverton Sept 14, 1771 died February 16, 1830. Mr. Joseph Wilbor was born June 26, 1758 and died Jan 9, 1838. Roba Wilbor daughter of Joseph and Hannah Wilbor. She was born Nov 19, 1791 and died Dec 31, 1798. Also of Catherine Wilbor daughter of Joseph and Hannah Wilbor. She was born Feb 5, 1807 and died Sept 22, 1808. Also Jonathan H. Wilbor son of Joseph and Hannah Wilbor. He was born June 10, 1810 and died July 16, 1811. Edgar Spencer PECKHAM 1858-1929. His wife Elma Barker Peckham 1858-1934. Rheba Sherman PECKHAM. Rhode Island Nurse Corps. March 22, 1886-Oct 3, 1942. Howard S PECKHAM RI Infantry. March 31, 1891-Feb 12, 1945. George W PECKHAM Dec 18, 1837-Jan 7, 1889. Rachel A his wife Jan 15, 1856-Sept 3, 1923. Henry I PECKHAM 1887-1951. Susanna wife of John S PALMER and daughter of Joseph and Hannah B. Wilbor b Nov 14, 1805 died Jan 23, 1881. Rachel W daughter of Jonathan (WARDELL) and Hannah BORDEN Wardell b. April 29, 1865 died August 18, 1886. Mary S WARDELL Walter Wilbor son of Joseph and Emlin Wilbor born at Little Compton October 24, 1722 died Jan 16, 1792. Also Catherine Wilbour wife of Walter Wilbour and daughter Eliphalet and Hannah DAVENPORT b 1728 d 1806. Susannah Wilbor daughter of Joseph and Emlin Wilbor born May 24, 1724 and died March 1773. Two twin children of Walter and Catherine Wilbor who were born and died 1752. Joseph Wilbor son of Joseph and Ann Wilbor. He was born at Little Compton Dec 30, 1689 and died 1754. Also Emlin Wilbor wife of Joseph Wilbor and daughter of Jeffrey CHAMPLIN of North Kinstown. She was born 1703 and died 1736. Joseph Wilbor son of William Wilbor of Portsmouth, RI. He was born about the year 1656. Emigrated to Little Compton in 1680 and died May 4, 1729. Ann Wilbor wife of Joseph Wilbor and daughter of Thomas BROWNELL. She was born about 1662 and died April 2, 1747. Oliver B PECKHAM 1828-1896. Julia A. his wife 1831-1911. Oliver PECKHAM died June 22, 1896 aged 68. Wilbor PECKHAM died July 14, 1871 aged 73 years 1 month and 17 days. Sarah L.A. PECKHAM 1855-1941. Priscilla wife of Wilbor PECKHAM died March 22, 1874 aged 73 years and 13 days. Caroline A. Wilbor wife of Larkin C TOLLES b March 13, 1833 died Jan 13, 1905. Joseph OTIS son of Thomas and Prudence Wilbor born Nov 22, 1830 died April 21, 1832. Ardelia M. daughter of Thomas and Prudence S Wilbor born Feb 26, 1822 died Jan 7, 1908. Thomas Wilbor died Sept 12, 1853 aged 58 years 6 months. Prudence S wife of Thomas Wilbor died March 23, 1889 aged 93 years and 6 months. Emma E. wife of William R CHASE died Dec 5, 1879 aged 31 years. Isaac S BROWNELL died Feb 3, 1895 aged 69 years and 8 months. Jane Wilbor his wife died Dec 11, 1898 aged 75 years. Major Luther C WARNER died July 3, 1889 aged 67 years. Lydia J BROWNELL his wife died Jan 15, 1920 aged 66 years. Otis Wilbor died Jan 15, 1859 aged 56 years and 3 days [It was he who made a transcription of the vital records of the town.] Mary S wife of Otis Wilbor died August 2, 1882 aged 75 years and 14 days. Willie C son of William B. and Hannah B Wilbor died Nov 20, 1861 aged 2 years, 4 mos., and 20 days. Fannie W. Wilbor daughter of William and Hannah B Wilbor died Oct 6, 18Äaged 5 years and 4 months. George Walter Wilber June 17, 1856-Sept 14, 1944. His wife Harriet MERRIAN Wilber May 18, 1856-June 22, 1918. Maria Louisa Wilber wife of George Walter Wilber April 8, 1856-Jan 12, 1898 Children: William James Wilber Sept 13, 1879 Alice Randall Wilber Sept 5, 1886-May 7, 1887 Mildred Beatrice Wilber June 18, 1894-Sept 9, 1895 William Brown Wilber. Last of New England Associated California Pioneers August 10, 1827-Oct 24, 1919. Hannah Brown Wilber April 13, 1831-August 29, 1922. Ella L. Wilber wife of Samuel W. WILEMAN Oct 2, 1854-May 13, 1922. Adeline C. Wilber died March 29, 1901 aged 79 years and 7 months. Mary Otis Wilber died March 8, 1895 aged 58 years and 6 months. Monument in the center of the Cemetery This monument erected to the memory and by the bequest of George Wilbor son of Joseph Wilbor and Hannah Wilbor, designates the spot where repose his mortal remains. He was born at Little Compton, state of Rhode Island February 25, 1797 and died at the city of New Orleans, state of Louisiana Oct 27, 1835. His remains were interred in this place November 26, 1835. His aged Father and si× of his surviving brothers share the fruits of his munificence this burial place of his ancestors and his beloved mother, is enclosed and suitable monument erected, to their memories. His ancestors whose remains are deposited in this place are as Follows: Joseph Wilbor his Father was b. June 26, 1758 died Jan 9, 1838. Hannah BROWN his mother was born Sept 14th 1771 and died Feb 16, 1830. Walter Wilbor his Grandfather was born October 24, 1722 and died Jan 16, 1792. Catherine DAVENPORT his Grandmother was born in 1728 and died 1806. Joseph Wilbor his great Grandfather was born December 30, 1689 and died 1754. Emlin CHAMPLIN his great Grandmother was born 1703 and died 1736. Joseph Wilbor his Great Great Grandfather was born 1656 and died May 4, 1729. Ann BROWNELL his Great Great Grandmother was born 1662 and died April 2, 1747. [End.] Joseph the son of Walter and Lydia Wilbor died July 12, 1844 aged 1 year and 3 months. Lydia Irish wife of Walter Wilbor died Sept. 15, 1877 aged 78 yrs 5 mos and 27 dys Walter Wilbor died Nov 13, 1868 aged 75 yrs 2 mos and 13 dys Alexander Brown Wilbor March 31, 1827-April 27, 1896. Ida Littlefield Wilbor his wife June 12, 1858-Jan 31st 1942 Their Children Ida Sherman Wilbor May 25, 1875- Alexander Brownell Wilbor May 8, 1877- Rufus Littlefield Wilbor Sept 9, 1879- Otis Wilbor April 2, 1881- Roger Sherman Wilbor August 11, 1888- THE CHURCH CEMETERY This cemetery is back of the school house at the foot of Adamsville Hill. At this place stood a church at one time. Later a school stood here, but at the present time both buildings are gone. Wright PEARCE died Dec 1, 1883 aged 65 yrs and 10 mos. Julia A PEARCE d Sept 4, 1900 aged 76 yrs and 10 mos. Lucy wife of Ezra BROWNELL died August 21st 1866 in her 74th year. Lucy W daughter of Ezra and Lucy BROWNELL died October 4th, 1832 aged 9 mos. Elizabeth daughter of George and Elizabeth BROWNELL died August 28th, 1864 aged 61 yrs 1 mo and 9 dys. Elizabeth wife of George BROWNELL died Dec 29, 1824 in her 63rd year. George BROWNELL died Feb 16, 1831 aged in his 75th year. Ezra BROWNELL died April 22, 1879 aged 87 years 4 mos and 27 days. Infant son of Ezra and Lucy BROWNELL died June 7, 1864 aged 18 days. Elizabeth A daughter of Daniel and Hannah BROWNELL died May 23, 1836 in her 18th year. Hannah wife of Daniel BROWNELL died Dec 29, 1848 in her 69th year. Daniel BROWNELL died May 6, 1833 in his 52nd year. Priscilla W BROWNELL daughter of Ezra and Lucy BROWNELL died Dec 26, 1838 ae 19th year. THE HOXIE, TABOR, MANCHESTER CEMETERY On the road to Westport from Little Compton and ne×t to the Herbert Grinnell place. Peleg MANCHESTER April 23, 1778-Dec 27, 1863. Mrs Frances wife of Peleg MANCHESTER died March 27, 1845 aged 63 yrs 6 mos. Christopher H. son of Peleg and Frances MANCHESTER died Oct 17, 1823 aged 19 years. Eunice wife of Christopher HOXIE died Dec 30, 1882 84 yrs 2 mos. Christopher HOXIE died Dec 7, 1873 aged 77 yrs and 5 mos. Christopher Jr son of Christopher and Eunice HOXEY died March 3, 1844 age 18 yrs 4 mos. George RICHMOND son of Edward (RICHMOND) and Mary Ann OSGOOD died Sept 1835 aged 3 yrs and 5 mos. William PALMER 1794-1876. Mary TABOR his wife 1797-1860. John B. PALMER son d Sept 30, 1858 aged 31 years. Susannah, daughter 1832-1833. Peleg HOXEY died Nov 16, 1834 aged 80 yrs 7 mos. Mary wife of Peleg HOXEY and daughter of John and Mary WATE of Tiverton died Sept 5, 1834 aged 78 yrs. Nellie L. HOXIE 1855-1915. John HOXIE 1827-1911. His wife Harriet DYER 1829-1914. Benjamin TABOR died Nov 2, 1864 age 90 yrs 8 mos. Abigail wife of Benjamin TABOR died March 9, 1835 aged 58 years. Philip TABOR died Dec 13, 1891 aged 82 years. Infant daughter of Christopher and Eunice HOXIE died Feb 12, 1823. HEAD CEMETERY On the east side of Maple Avenue, on the Jirah Case place in District #9. Palmer HEAD died Nov 16, 1872 aged 76 years. Abigail HEAD wife of Benjamin Head died April 19, 1860 aged 83 years Benjamin HEAD died Dec 20, 1837 aged 67 years. Benjamin son of Henry Head and Elizabeth his wife aged 30 years and dyed August 6, 1717. Henry HEAD aged 69 years and died July the first 1716. [Many unmarked stones.] THE OLD WILBOR CEMETERY This cemetery is in back from the Main West Road and on the place now owned by the Little Compton Historical Society or Wilbor house. Daniel Wilbur died Feb 11, 1841 aged 80 years. Deborah wife of Daniel Wilbur died April 21, 1850 in her 80th year. Mr Hervey Wilbour died July 29, 1827 in the 35th year of his age. Hon William Wilbor born Jan 1, 1760 died March 21, 1843 aged 83. Jonathan Wilbour died Dec 11, 1874 in his 71st year [Moved to Four Corners, Tiverton, RI] Rosetta YOUNG wife of Jonathan Wilbur died Feb 12, 1890 aged 71 years 11 mos. Lois Wilbour died Sept 17, 1844 aged 92 years and 3 mos. Deborah daughter of Clarke and Luranna T Wilbour died Oct 8, 1903 aged 74 years and 8 mos. Lurana T Wilbour wife of Clarke Wilbour died Dec 2, 1860 ae 60-10-1. Clarke Wilbour died Dec 17, 1855 aged 59 years 3 mos and 27 days Willard GRAY born July 27, 1798-died April 17, 1874. Judith W. GRAY March 12, 1798-Oct 10, 1840. Oliver H. Wilbor Nov 20, 1830-August 5, 1906 [Moved.] Abby H. Wilbor wife of Oliver H. [Moved to Old Commons Cemetery] William A. Wilbor died May 22, 1886 aged 59. Susan B SIMMONS wife of William A. Wilbor died Feb 17, 1883 aged 49. Abby Catherine GRAY wife of Alexander C. Wilbour died March 31, 1895 aged 64 years 10 mos. Alexander C. Wilbour died Dec 11, 1899 aged 75 years, 5 mos. Ethel Arnold Wilbour aged 1 year 11 mos. Maggie 10 mos. Florence G. Wilbour Oct 14, 1852-Feb 1, 1915. Albert C., son of Thomas and Dorcas B Wilbour died Sept 22, 1846, aged 4 weeks and 2 days. Caroline G. wife of Thomas Wilbour 5th died April 16, 1839 aged 21 years. Thomas Wilbour 2nd died April 29, 1875 aged 56 years 11 mos. THE NEW WILBOUR OR SEACONNET CEMETERY In District #2, east of the Main West Road, near Betty Alden place. Mary Wilbour died Oct 24, 1845 in her 80th year. Philip Wilbour died Feb 22, 1846 aged 75 years. Mercy wife of Philip Wilbour died Oct 17, 1848 aged 72. Father. Benjamin F. Wilbour died July 11, 1877 aged 75 years 5 mos and 11 days Mother. Abby M. TAYLOR wife of Benjamin F. Wilbour died Feb 8, 1887 aged 75 yrs 11 mos and 13 days [These two last stones were moved from the old Wilbour cemetery nearby] [Monument] 8 Hon Benjamin Franklin Wilbour Oct 31, 1840-Jan 21, 1899. Clara Augusta BROWNE his wife March 21, 1861-Feb 27, 1913. Their children. Benjamin Franklin Wilbour Sept 8, 1887. Louise Retan Wilbour Nov 30, 1891. Ernest Warren Wilbour July 9, 1895-May 13, 1922. Co. A. 115th Infantry. [On back of monument] 2 William Wilbore. 1630-1710. His wife Martha (--). Of Portsmouth, RI. 3 Samuel Willbor 1664-1740, his wife Mary POTTER. 4 Dr William Willbor 1695-1774, his wife, Esther BURGESS, 1696-1760. 5 Daniel Wilbur Esq. 1729-1803, his wife Mary SOUTHWORTH, 1728-1799. 6 Daniel Wiilbour 1761-1841, his wife Deborah TAYLOR, 1770-1850. 7 Benjamin F. Wilbour, 1802-1877, his wife Abby M. TAYLOR, 1811-1887. [End of monument.] Mary T. Wilbour wife of Ezra Wilbour d April 19, 1911 aged 90. Ezra Wilbour died Feb 2, 1883 aged 70. Mary Louise wife of Jere B Wilbur, 1862-1913. Jere B Wilbur 1860-1928. Lester E Wilbur 1886-1945. Charles Wilbur August 15, 1805-June 4, 1882. Sarah Soule Wilbour May 9, 1804-May 17, 1891. Elizabeth Wilbour b July 8, 1829-d April 26, 1832. Charles Edwin Wilbour b March 17, 1833 d Dec 17, 1896. Charlotte Beebe Wilbour wife of Charles Edwin Wilbour b March 2, 1833-d Dec 25, 1914. Zoe Wilbour b August 18, 1864 d April 4, 1885. Jeremiah BAILEY d May 24, 1866 aged 60. Miss Lydia Ann daughter of Oliver H. and Sarah B ALMY d March 8, 1844 aged 20 yrs and 5 mos. Sarah B. wife of Hon Oliver H ALMY d Nov 18, 1864 aged 67 yrs and 21 dys. Capt. William R DAVENPORT d March 21, 1865 aged 76 years 7 mos 15 dys Angeline wife of Capt William R. DAVENPORT d July 29, 1859 aged 63 yrs and 9 mos. Lydia daughter of William and Angeline DAVENPORT d Nov 6, 1834 aged 14 mos. Lorinda A daughter of William and Angeline DAVENPORT d April 22, 1855 in the 27th year of her age. William E. son of William and Angeline DAVENPORT died at San Francisco Feb 28, 1850 in his 23rd year. Louisa M. wife of Joseph L. DAVIS d Fairhaven Oct 24, 1865 aged 34 years 1 month and 29 dys. Harry M JACKSON b Jan 10, 1825 d May 19, 1870 aged 45 years 4 mos and 9 dys. John W. DAVENPORT b. Nov 22, 1834 d June 4, 1872 aged 37 years 6 mos and 12 dys. THE QUAKER MEETING HOUSE BURIAL GROUND Elizabeth the wife of Peter TAYLOR who died May the 24th 1714 aged 45. Susan ye wife of Thomas Wilbur died April ye 18th 1729 in ye 26th year. Jeremiah AUSTIN died 12 month 20 1815 aged 85 years 8 mos. and 26 dys. Margaret wife Jeremiah AUSTIN d 1st mo 29, 1812 aged 86 years 3 mos and 20 days. Elizabeth FISH wife of Preserved FISH daughter of Jeremiah and Margaret AUSTIN died 2d mo 1818 [?] Lydia daughter of Joshua and Dianna AUSTIN died 2d mo 13 1839 aged 27 years 11 mos and 1 day. Joshua AUSTIN died 8[?] mo 20 1852 aged 73 yrs and 10 mos. Dianna widow of Joshua AUSTIN died 11 mo 30th 1857 aged 78 yrs 8 mo and 7 dys. William HOWLAND died 8 mo 22, 1857 aged 78 yrs 8 mos. and 7 dys Innocent wife of William HOWLAND died 3 mo 12, 1856 aged 78 yrs 3 mos and 20 dys. John B. HOWLAND died 8 mo 10, 1871 aged 67 years 6 mos and 22 dys. Lydia W HOWLAND widow of John B. Howland died 8 mo 3, 1880 aged 75 yrs 4 mos and 5 dys William I. HOWLAND died 10 mo 28, 1872 aged 34 yrs 6 mos and 10 dys. Thomas HOWLAND 2 mo 14th 1831 2 mo 14, 1859 aged 28 years Edward W. HOWLAND 1833 5th mo 26th-1903 8th mo 25th. Ruth WOOD b August 1758 died Sept 1793. Reuben WOOD born Feb 1752 died August 1810. [There are several unmarked stones.] Mehitable HICKS wife of Charles W. HOWLAND 1st mo 18, 1875 aged 61 yrs 22 dys. THE IRISH CEMETERY This is across the road from the Friend's Meeting House. Elizabeth Irish wife of John Irish dyed March ye 8th 1707 in ye 53d year of her age. John Irish dyed Febry ye 21st 1717 in ye 76 year of his age. [There are said to have been other stones here at one time.] THE WOODMAN CEMETERY On the Main Road south of Windmill Hill and opposite the Philip W Almy place. Mary ye daughter of John Woodman and Elizabeth his wife. She died in ye 12th month of her age Sept 1st 1710. John Woodman died May ye 8th 1733 aged 51 years. John Woodman who deceast April the 24th 1713 aged 77 years Hannah ye wife of John Woodman who deceast May 3d 1713 aged 58 Enoch Woodman died July 14th 1736 in his 22d year Robert Woodman died August 2d AD 1757 in his 81st year Sylvia Woodman died Feb ye 9, 1741-2 in her 44th year Mr Constant Woodman died Dec 4 1780 in his 71st year Priscilla wife of Capt Edward Woodman died June 30, 1827 in her 81st year Captain Edward Woodman died August 29, 1839 aged 96 yrs and 10 mos Humphrey Woodman died Feb 23, 1868 aged 75 years and 5 mos. Here lieth interred the body of Alice CHURCH, late wife of the honorable Col. Benjamin Church Esq. She deceast March ye 5th AD 1718/19 in ye 73d year of her age. Here lyeth interred the body of the Honorable Col. Benjamin CHURCH Esq who departed this life Jany the 17th 1717/18 in ye 78th year of his age. [Tomb.] Edith the wife of Thomas CHURCH Esq. who departed this life June ye 3d, 1718 in ye 33d year of her age. [Tomb.] Thomas CHURCH Esq. died March ye 12 AD 1746 in ye 73d year of his age. [Tomb.] Sarah widow of Thomas CHURCH Esq. died April ye 22d AD 1768 in ye 74th year of her age [Tomb.] Thomas son of Thomas CHURCH Esq. and of Sarah his wife dyed August 21st 1718 aged 14 yrs [Tomb.] Thomas son of Thomas CHURCH Esq. and Sarah his wife died July the 4th 1720 being near 5 weeks of age. [Tomb.] Benjamin son of Thomas CHURCH Esq. and Sarah his wife who died October ye 24th 1723 aged 17 days. Thomas CHURCH 4th son of Thomas CHURCH Esq. and Sarah his wife who dyed October ye 5th 1722 in ye 10th week of his life. Benjamin son of Thomas CHURCH Esq. and Sarah his wife died August ye 4th AD 1749 in ye 18th year of his age. This tablet erected by the Rhode Island Society of Colonial Wars in recognition of the e×ceptional services rendered by Colonial Benjamin CHURCH. His peerless leadership and effective command during King Philip's War. 1675-1677. Gerald D son of Douglas and Elizabeth BODINGTON 1921-1930. BODINGTON. Hon. Frederick A.H. 1873-1938. His wife Florence A. 1870- Children. Douglas E. Frederick M. Helen M. Alfred H. Albert J. TAYLOR 1866-1943. His wife Sarah J. CARTON 1873-1936. Walter O BROWN 1879-1941. Catherine J. his wife, 1875. Sigvard KORSWIG July 19, 1867-Oct 20, 1941. Sarah D. his wife July 8, 1873- SWARTZ, Clinton A. Swartz Nov 7, 1878-Jany 6, 1950. Lillian K. his wife, Oct 27, 1886- 36th Row and the last row ne×t to the Congregational Church. Rev Mase SHEPARD born May 28, 1759 d Feb 14, 1821. John Haskins SHEPARD his son born Sept 3, 1789 died Sept 16, 1807. John Haskins SHEPARD son of the Revd Mase Shepard and Deborah his wife died Sept 16, 1807 in the 19th year of his age. Benjamin son of Richard and Abigail BILLINGS died August ye 9th 1743 aged 5 mos and 7 days. Richard GRINNELL died March 15th, 1789 in his 73rd year [pirate Dick Grinnell] Mrs. Comfort, widow of Mr. Richard GRINNELL, who died Feb 23rd 1802 in her 86th year. Mr. Benjamin COGGESHALL of Newport died in this town May 15, 1821 aged 65 years. Mrs. Ann Mercy HILLIARD wife of Col. Dave Hilliard who died April 10, 1806 in her 79th year. Col. David HILLIARD died July 27, 1816 in his 90th year [S.A.R.] Mrs Deborah WHEATON relect of Capt Isaac Weaton died April 6 AD 1777 aged 77 years. Mrs Susannah HILLIARD wife of Capt Jonathon Hilliard. She was born Oct 5, 1762 and died Jan 30, 1846. Capt Jonathan HILLIARD who died March 7th 1810 in his 48th year. Hannah S. WOOD wife of Capt Charles Wood died [broken]. In Memory of Benjamin PALMER who died December 9th 1849 in his 48th year. Amey Ann daughter of Edmund and Priscilla BROWNELL died July 25, 1807 aged 6 mos and 12 days. Richard B. son of Edmund and Priscilla BROWNELL died October 30, 1824 aged 11 years. Harriet B. wife of James D. PECKHAM died March 17th, 1847 aged 43 years. James E. PECKHAM March 6, 1839-June 3, 1923. Hannah B. SOULE his wife May 2, 1839-Jan 10, 1939. Mother. Mary B. PECKHAM wife of Borden WORDELL born Nov 2, 1829-died March 9, 1891. Richard S. BROWNELL born Little Compton, RI April 19, 1826 died New Bedford, MA August 24th, 1895. Priscilla B widow of Edmund BROWNELL born January 10, 1785 died December 1, 1869 aged 84 years 10 mos and 21 days. Edmund BROWNELL born Nov 7, 1775 died February 1, 1840 in the 65th year of his age. Eliza L. BROWNELL born Little Compton, RI April 9, 1829 d New Bedford, MA Nov 4th, 1810. Lydia BROWNELL born Nov 16, 1783 died July 1832 in the 49th year of her age. In memory of Mr Pardon BROWNELL who died July 24, 1799 in the 55th year of his age [S.A.R.] In memory of Mrs Prudence BROWNELL widow of Mr Pardon Brownell who died January 9, 1823 in her 79th year. Joseph D. ALLEN born August 18, 1831 and died June 28, 1888. Mary ALLEN June 18, 1829-August 13, 1917. Jennie Isabel BROWN daughter of Thomas M. and Julia E. Brown Dec 21, 1868-April 10, 1937. Mary B. Wife of William F. ALLEN died Nov 21, 1870 aged 72 years 1 mo and 25 days. William F. ALLEN born May 15, 1794 d Feb 19, 1869. Lydia, wife of John IRISH, died November 20, 1877 aged 75 years 7 mos. John IRISH died December 19, 1832 aged 29 years 3 mos and 15 days. Nancy wife of John IRISH died March 23, 1854 in the 80th year of her age. John IRISH died December 24, 1859 aged 84 years. In memory of Samuel T. IRISH who died August 30, 1843 aged 26 years. Sarah A daughter of P.F. and Martha LITTLE died November 4, 1847 aged 4 years. Mother. Martha wife of Philip F. LITTLE born March 22, 1812. Died May 17, 1883. Father. Philip F. LITTLE born March 23, 1807, died March 23, 1900. Capt Daniel BEEBE drowned on the coast of Africa April 6, 1800 aged 48 [S.A.R.] Mary his wife died September 8, 1810 aged 44 years. Lydia A. daughter of Ephraim and Lydia A. SOULE died June 17, 1866 aged 20 years, 4 mos, and 14 days. Lydia A. wife of Ephraim SOULE died November 23, 1877 aged 61 years 6 mos and 1 day. Ephraim SOULE March 13, 1842-Jan 26, 1925. Ephraim M. SOULE died October 2, 1885 aged 66 years 9 mos and 29 days. John Luce CROSBY 1824-1916. Sarah COWEN his wife 1829-1896. 6th row. In memory of George W. SIMMONS son of Benoni and Nancy Simmons supposed to have been lost at sea September 9, 1814 aged 21 years. Also his brother Jeremiah who died March 12, 1790 aged 3 mos and 11 days. Nancy wife of Benoni SIMMONS died October 20, 1855 aged 88 years. In memory of Mr Benoni SIMMONS who died June 15, 1835 aged 79 years [S.A.R.] Mother. Phebe wife of Josiah S. PEARCE died April 30, 1880 aged 60 years 3 mos and 24 days. Josiah S. PEARCE died November 16, 1867 aged 49 years 6 mos and 24 days. In memory of John T. PEARCE who departed this life July 24th, 1843 in the 19th year of his age. Eliphal T wife of Thomas PEARCE died Feb 1, 1868 aged 77 years 10 mos and 16 days. Josiah S. P. COBB 1889-1907. William E COBB 1887-1928. Children of George and Isabel M. COBB. In memory of Thomas PEARCE who died July 24th, 1847 in the 63d year of his age. Isabel M. wife of George E. COBB and daughter of Josiah S. and Phebe PEARCE died May 19, 1899 aged 44 years 11 mos and 25 days.