Officers to command the several Trained Bands, or Companies of Militia, June 1775 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. These documents are made available free to the public for non-commercial purposes by the Rhode Island USGenWeb Project. Donated by April Coggins ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Records of the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations in New England. Printed 1862, volume 7, June 1775   ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Officers to command the several Trained Bands, or Companies of Militia in the Colony  [Note: All spelling is as written in the book.] •Portsmouth: first company---Burrington Anthony, captain; David Gifford, lieutenant; Stephen Borden, ensign. •Warwick: first company---Abraham Lockwood, captain; Sylvester Wickes, lieutenant; Job Randall, ensign. •Second company---Reuben Wightman, captain; Squire Milward, lieutenant; James Jarauld, ensign. •Third company---Thomas Rice, son of Thomas, captain; Anthony Holden, son of Charles, lieutenant; Stukely Stafford, Jr. Ensign. •Westerly: first company---Thomas Thompson, captain; Joseph Pendleton, lieutenant; Joshua Pendleton, ensign. •Second company---John Gavet, captain; Stephen Saunders, Jr., lieutenant; William Bliven, ensign. •New Shoreham company---John Sands, captain; Samuel Rathbun, Jr., lieutenant; William Littlefield, ensign. •North Kingstown: first company---Thomas Clarke, captain; John Manchester, lieutenant; William Reynolds, ensign. •Second company; Thomas Cole, captain; Charles Dyre, lieutenant; William Taylor, ensign. •Third company; Thomas Bissell, Jr., captain; Timothy Deane, lieutenant; Robert Potter, ensign. •South Kingstown: first company---Samuel Seager, captain; Gideon Babcock, lieutenant; Daniel Williams, ensign. •Second company---Abial Brown, captain; James Parker, lieutenant; Barber Peckham, ensign. •East Greenwich: first company---Nathaniel Gardner, captain; Ebenezer Spencer, lieutenant; William Hall, ensign. •Second company---Allen Johnston, captain; Michael Spencer, lieutenant; Stephen Greene, ensign. •Scituate: first company---Peleg Fisk, captain; Nathan Relph, lieutenant; Nathan Bates, ensign. •[No second company listed] •Third company---Stephen Kimball, captain; Joseph Davis, lieutenant; James Williams, ensign. •Fourth company---Jeremiah Davis, captain; Isaac Hopkins, lieutenant; Oziel Smith, ensign. •Fifth company---Samuel Wilbur, captain; Thomas Field, lieutenant; William Potter, ensign. •Glocester: first company---Benajah Whipple, captain; Simon Smith, lieutenant; John Eddy, ensign. •Second company---Samuel Mayes, captain; Ezekial Phettiplace, lieutenant; Daniel Mathewson, ensign. •Third company---Abraham Winsor, captain; Stephen Pain, lieutenant; Richard Lewis, ensign. •Fourth company---Stephen Winsor, captain; Aaron Arnold, lieutenant; Isaac Ross, ensign. •Charlestown company---Thomas Scheffield, captain; Jonathon Macomber, lieutenant; Caleb Crandall, ensign. •West Greenwich: first company---Eleazer Carr, captain; Abel Greene, lieutenant; Abel Mathewson, 2d., ensign. •Second company---Jeremiah Austin, captain; Benjamin Gorton, lieutenant; Joseph Weaver, ensign. •Third company---John Mathewson, Jr., captain; Josiah Mathewson, lieutenant; Samuel Reynolds, ensign. •Exeter: first company---Christopher Champlin, captain; Abel Fowler, lieutenant; Isaiah Wilcox, ensign. •Second company---John Hoxsie, captain; George Sweet, lieutenant; Eber Shearman, ensign. •Bristol company---Jeremiah Ingraham, captain; Stephen Smith, lieutenant; Hezekiah Munro, ensign. •Tiverton: first company---Christopher Manchester, captain; Isaac Cooke, lieutenant; Philip Manchester, ensign. •Second company---Benjamin Durfee, captain; Ebenezer Slocum, lieutenant; Jonathon Deval, ensign. •Little Compton company---George Simmons, captain; Samuel Gray, lieutenant; David Cooke, ensign. •Warren company---Amos Haile, captain; John Ormsbee, lieutenant; Smith Bowen, ensign. •Cumberland: first company---Enoch Weatherhead, captain; Elisha Waterman, lieutenant; Benjamin Wilkinson, ensign. •Second company---Levi Tower, captain; Elias Philbrook, lieutenant; Levi Ballou, ensign. •Cranston: first company---John King, Jr., captain; Anthony Potter, lieutenant; Josiah Potter, ensign. •Second company---Frederick Williams, captain; Nathaniel Carpenter, lieutenant; John Harris, ensign. •Third company---Edward Knight, captain; William Field, 2d., lieutenant; Joseph Potter, ensign. •Hopkinton: first company---Barker Wells, captain; Oliver Babcock, lieutenant; Elnathan Wells, ensign. •Second company---George Thurston, Jr., captain; Matthew Randall, lieutenant; Randall Wells, ensign. •Johnston: first company---Richard Thornton, captain; Richard Fenner, Jr., lieutenant; Daniel Sprague, ensign. •Second company---Emmor Olney, captain; Daniel Angell, lieutenant; Laban Waterman, ensign. •North Providence company---Job Olney, captain; Charles Olney, Jr., lieutenant; Eleazer Jenckes, ensign. •Barrington company---Thomas Allen, captain; Samuel Bosworth, lieutenant; Vial Allen, ensign.