History of Block Island, RI, 1877; Sarah Sands, widow of Captain James Sands USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, *and* permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. -------------------------------------------------------------- Livermore's History of Block Island, RI, 1877 Bridgewater, MA Pages 268 to 286 continued MRS. SARAH SANDS This lady had virtues and culture which entitle her to more than a passing notice. Although at this distant day we can give but a few outlines of her character, yet these may indicate to some the beauty of the portrait had it been properly delineated in due season. There is also incidental, collateral information obtained from the biographical fragments of her no w presented. In speaking of Captain James Sands, one of the first settlers, his grandson, Rev. Samuel Niles, says: "His wife was a gentlewoman of remarkable sobriety and piety, given also to hospitality. She was the only midwife and doctress on the Island, or rather a doctor, all her days, with very little, and with some and mostly, no reward. at all. Her skill in surgery was doubtless very great, from some instances I remember she told me of. One was the cure of an Indian, that under disgust, as was said, he had taken at his wife or squaw, shot himself, putting the muzzle of his gun to the pit of his stomach, and pushing the trigger. The bullet went through him, out and opposite at his back. He instantly fell, and one of the spectators who happened to be in the field at the time, and heard the report of the gun, told me, after he was fallen and wallowing in the blood, he saw the blood and froth issue out of his back and breast as often as he drew his breath. He was perfectly healed, and lived a hearty, strong man even to old age; whom I afterward knew, and often saw the scar at the pit of his stomach, as large or larger in circumference than our ordinary dollars passing among us." "Another signal cure she told me God made her an instrument of making, was on a young woman that was struck with lightning through her shoulder, so that when she administered to her by syringing, the liquid matter would fly through from the fore part to the hinder, and from the hinder part to the foremost, having a free and open passage both ways, yet was cured, and had several children, and lived to old age. I also knew her long before her death. She had also skill, and cured the bites and venomous poison of rattlesnakes." Her husband, in his last will, made her the sole executrix of his estate which, after his death, was inventoried as follows: James Sands' Estate, March 13, 1694: "About 400 acres of land; Fifty-six head. of cattle, small and great: Three horses - mare, colt, one horse: Thirty swine, old and young: About 300 sheep: A negro woman - house and barn, and mill. Sundry household goods not appraised." Mr. Sands died. in March, 1695, and in March, 1699, Mrs. Sarah Sands, his widow, had a lawful record made of the following emancipation of her slaves: "Know all men by these presents that I, Sarah Sands, of Block Island, alias New Shoreham, in the Colony of Rhode Island, Providence Plantations, in New England, Wife to Mr. James Sands, of Block Island, and made sole executrix by my said husband, James Sands, at his death, and having three Negro children born under my roof and in my custody, being left to my disposing by my above said. husband." "Know ye therefore that I, the above Sarah Sands, do hereby and voluntarily give and bestow of them as followeth, that is to say: "First: I give to my granddaughter, Sarah Sands, daughter to my son, Edward Sands, one of the Negro girls named Hannah: The other Negro girl I give and bequeath unto my granddaughter, Catharine Niles, daughter to my son-in-law, Nathaniel Niles, of Point Judith in the colony above said - the two Negro girls I freely and voluntarily give to my two grandchildren above named until the said Negroes come to the age of thirty years, and then I do by these presents declare that they shall be free from any service, and be at their own disposal - the Negro girl given to my granddaughter, Catharine Niles, is named Sarah. The other negro above said being a boy named Mingo, I freely give and bequeath to my grandson, Sands Raymond, son to my son-in-law, Joshua Raymond, of Block Island above named, which I give freely until that he the said Negro boy comes to the age of thirty-three years, and then to be free and his own man and at his own disposal forever after that he shall arrive to the age of 33 years; for I Sarah Sands do by these presents freely declare that I have made a promise that no child whatsoever born under my service and care shall be made a slave of any longer than is above specified, and for the confirmation and ratification of this my free and voluntary act, I have under set my hand, and affixed my seal this ninth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and ninety-nine." Signed in presence of SAMUEL NILES. SARAH SANDS. Two years and a half passed away and Mrs. Sands, conscious of her approaching end, in her last will, left a preamble to it that speaks well for her character, revealing a faith which was her brightest ornament through her long and eventful life mostly spent among her fellow-Islanders, many of whom she had seen in their barbarous state, and all of whom, with her devoted companion, she had labored to improve both socially and religiously. HER WILL. "In the name of God, Amen. I Sarah Sands of Block Island, alias New Shoreham, in the colony of Rhode Island, and Providence Plantations, in New England, being aged and weak in body, but of sound and perfect memory - Praise be given to Almighty God for the same - and knowing the uncertainty of this life on earth, and being desirous to see that things in order be done before my death, Do make this my last will and Testament in manner and form following: "I being wife to Mr. James Sands deceased, and. made sole executrix by my said. husband., as by will bearing date June the 18th, 1694, may plainly appear, That is to say, First, and Principally; I commend my soul to Almighty God my Creator, assuredly believing that I shall receive full pardon and free remission of all my sins, and be saved by the precious death and merits of my blessed Saviour and Redeemer Christ Jesus; and my body to the earth from whence it was first taken, to be buried in such decent and Christian manner as to my executor hereafter named shall be thought most meet and convenient: And as touching such worldly estate as the Lord in mercy hath lent me, my will and meaning in the same shall be implied.... [Things specified for each.] That they shall be equally divided. amongst my five children, viz.: John Sands, James Sands, Samuel Sands, Sarah Niles, and Mercy Raymond..... Signed in presence of SARAH SANDS. SAMUEL NILES, and HANNA ROSE, Oct. 17th, 1703." In Sept., 1704, she gave her negro woman to her grandson, Rev. Samuel Niles, to be kept by him ten years, at the expiration of which time she was to be free for ever thereafter. MR. SANDS’ STONE HOUSE, AND THE SANDS’ GARRISON. Their location is established, in the writer’s mind beyond a doubt, by the following circumstantial evidence, to have been nearly where Mr. Almanzo Littlefield’s residence is now standing. THE HOUSE. That Captain James Sands had a stone house, used as a garrison and hospital, in times of necessity, is admitted, and shown by Mr. Niles’ History. 1. His sixteenth of the Island - nearly all of it, as seen in the original plat, a copy of which is in the possession of Col. S. Ray Sands, embraces the house lot, and mill-pond now owned by Mr. A. Littlefield. 2. Rev. Mr. Niles, grandson of Capt. J. Sands, lived some years with his grandparents in the stone house, arid he says the mill-pond was "near the house." He speaks of that pond as having a "flume." 3. He says that house was "not far from the Harbor," which then was the "Old Pier." 4. The house wss within musket shot of a French privateer lying at the Pier. After the French had plundered it and returned to their vessel they "fired many pens at the house," says Mr. Niles, and adds: "I heard several bullets whistling over my head." 5. When the French took the stone house they "set up their standard on a hill on the back side of it" [the house]. After it had stood there some hours an English vessel hove in sight, which "put the Frenchmen into a great surprise," whereupon: 6. They were seen "running up to their standard on the hill, then down again, and others doing the like." 7. Mr. Niles, when the French landed, was "in fair sight of the house," and at the same time "saw them coming from the water-side," while just behind him was a "large swamp." 8. The outlines of a cellar still visible between the present old water-mill and Mr. Almanzo Littlefield’s house, and he states that part of a cellar-wall is there covered up. 9. No other mill-pond on the Island could have had a "flume," and a flume implies the presence of a mill. 10. The mill-pond now there has been there from the Most ancient traditions. 11. Mrs. Sarah Sands, widow of the above James Sands, in her will transmitted to her son the "mill," and the "mill" was in the inventory of her husband’s estate soon after his death. 12. The stone house of Mr. Sands was "garrisoned." This implies the presence of a body of soldiers. 13. That garrison existed when the men of the Island were only "sixteen and e boy." 14. The mill-pond and mill were near the house and garrison when Mrs. Sands had "but one little child, a girl, just able to run about and prattle a little" when she was drowned in said mill-pond. 15. Said garrison was established in the time of "Philip’s War," as a protection against the Block Island Indians. 16. The earth work of an ancient garrison that commanded said stone house on three sides, is now seen, directly east of the spot where said house stood, and within pistol-shot of it, with a sharp hill back of it or east of it, and adjacent from which the whole region around. was visible to a sentinel. 17. The "upland in a great swamp" to which Mr. Niles fled the first time the French came to Mr. Sands’ house, was a convenient place of concealment, lying a short distance northwest of the location of said house. The upland and swamp remain, and are easily pointed out, lying a little distance west of Erastus Rose’s house. 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