Abbeville County ScArchives Court.....Maddox, Mary December 21, 1884 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Melba Jarvis Miller January 28, 2007, 7:25 pm Source: Abbeville S.c. Courthouse Written: December 21, 1884 Recorded: February 19, 1900 Taken from original documents in Abbeville S.C. courthouse 2005. By: Melba Jarvis Miller First Return on APC of the estate of Mary Maddox minor made. By: M.L. Bonham 1884 1884 Receipts Dec 21 From rent of Land $130.90 “ “ M. Irvin $145.47 _______ $276.37 Expenditures Dec 2 Paid C.C. Maddox Board $109.13 “ “ “ White Bros APC 5.15 “ “ “ R.M. Haddon & Co $ 1.87 “ 3 “ H.D. Wilson $ 1.82 “ 11 “ Probate Court Fees $ 5.50 “ 31 “ B. H. Grier Tuition $ 3.00 “ 29 “ For Preparing Contract $ 5.00 “ “ Probating .20 “ “ Cost of Return $ 4.10 ________ $135.82 Sworn before me Feb 21, 1885 } I swear the above J Fuller Lyon } return is just and true. J Pro: Cl } M.L. Bonham Jr. ******************************************** Return on APC of the estate of Mary Maddox minor. Made by: M.L. Bonham 1885 1885 Receipts Jan 22 From A.M. Dodson-Adm $ 383.97 Oct 30 “ James Maddox on Rent $ 35.49 Nov 6 “ J C. Klugh Master $ 275.58 Dec 7 “ James Maddox Bal Rent $ 102.50 ________ $797.54 Expenditures Jan 19 Recording Contrat $ 1.00 For preparing contract 1.50 “ recording “ .75 June 11 “ Work on Race 2.50 July 10 “ “ “ “ 5.00 “ 25 “ Cash for RR fare 1.25 “ Lorick & Loriasce 17.18 Aug 17 “ Work on Race 1.50 Nov 6 “ White Bros APC 9.69 “ “ “ R. M. Haddon APC 2.80 Oct 6 “ State & Co Taxes 22.17 Dec “ Steve Broson 36.05 “ 14 “ Findley & Shirley 1.50 “ “ Mrs M.M. Miller Board 7.50 *********************************** Return on APC of the estate of Mary Maddox Minor, Made by: M.L. Bonham Jr. Guardian Receipts 1886 From Proceeds of forms $ 254.74 Minors share of will re_____ ________for board By Mrs. Maddox Expenditures Paid L.H. & T. N. Brock 133.58 “ Expenses for wages of laborers 163.00 “ For G__________ 67.20 “ State & Co Taxes 21.00 “ “ “ “ ½ interest 13.13 “ L.A. & T.N. Brock 1885 5.27 “ “ “ 1886 20.93 “ White Bros 8.74 “ For Corn 10.00 “ “ Cotton seed 5.00 “ Stephen Brown services 10.00 “ Well digging & Fixtures 16.25 “ Cost of return and C______ 2.15 ______ $476.25 Sworn before me } I swear the above Feb 14 1887 } return is just and true J Fuller Lyon } M. L. Bonham Jr. J Pro Ct } ************************************* State of South Carolina } IN THE PROBATE COURT COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE Exparte M.L. Bonham } Guardian } Final Settlement and Discharge In Re Est Mary Maddox } Minor } BY R. E. Hill Judge of Probate Having examined and passed the final return and settlement in the above stated case, and it appearing that M.L. Bonham has fully administered said estate. It is ordered that said M.L. Bonham Guardian as afore sis be and he is hereby discharged from all further accounting as said Guardian. GIVEN under my hand and seal of office the 19 Feb 1900. R.E. Hill J P ac File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.7 Kb