ABBEVILLE COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA - OBIT - Nannie Othell Martin Davis June 30 1927 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in SCGenWeb Archives by: Martin Graves Old Newspaper Clippings Found In A Bible - Source Not Known, Approx July 1 1927 MRS L.J.DAVIS PASSES AT DONALDS ------------------------------- Mrs. Nannie Davis, wife of the Hon. L.J.Davis, of Donalds, passed to her eternal rest on the morning of Thursday, June 30th. The deceased lady had been a great sufferer for a long time, and everything that medical science and good nursing could do to alleviate her condition, proved unavailing to prolong her life. She had just passed her fifty-first birthday, which was celebrated a few weeks ago. The funeral of this esteemed and popular lady, took place at the Baptist church on the morning of Friday July 1st, and was attended by the largest gathering of people ever seen at a funeral here. Services were conducted by the Re. F.O.Lamoreux of Abbeville, assisted by Rev. L.K.Martin and Rev. J.M.Dallas. The latter delivered a short and touching address, paying tribute to the many fine qualities of head and heart of the deceased lady. The beautiful casket was covered with flowers, tokens of love from the many friends, inside and outside the church. Especially prominent was the wreath of the Baptist Missionary Association. Mrs. Davis was one of the most devoted and loyal workers in the Baptist church, being choir leader for a long number of years, and director of the young peoples societies with in the congregation. She was also president of the Baptist Association Missionary Society, and rendered valuable services to that body of women. She was well known and greatly loved not only by the people of her own church, but by the people of all the surrounding counties. Her place will be hard to fill in the local church where she never missed a service when in health and where every duty was undertaken with a smile and a devotion that will long be remembered. She had great influence with the young people, who will not be apt to forget the many fine lessons she had taught them. Mrs. Davis was a daughter of the late B. Jasper and Mrs. Martin, of the old Cedar Grove district of this township, and is survived by her husband and three sisters and two brothers: Misses Ena, Ella and Emma Martin, and Messrs. Milton T. and Hugh J. Martin. The favorite hymns of the late Mrs. Davis were used at her funeral by the choir she had led with such ability during her many years of office as choir leader. Many of her former friends were in tears as they realized that she had gone from the old place forever, to join the invisible choir in Heaven. The earthly remains of Mrs. Davis were interred in the family burying plot by the side of her father and mother and other kindred and near the church she loved and labored for so many years. May her sweet spirit rest in perfect peace in the presence of her Lord. Additional Comments: Old Newspaper Clippings Found In A Bible - Source Not Known. In possession of Martin D. Graves.