Aiken County ScArchives Obituaries.....Hahn, Helena Dorothea March 26, 1886 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Angie Rapids March 24, 2023, 12:36 pm The Aiken Recorder 30 March 1886 Death of an Estimable Lady. Died, on Friday, the 26th day of March, 1886, in the 49th year of her age, Mrs. Helena, Dorothea Hahn, wife of Mr. Henry Hahn, of Aiken, S.C. This estimable lady was born in the province of Hanover, Germany, and came to this country in company with her brother at the early of 16, taking up her residence in Charleston, where she remained up to the time of her marriage nineteen years ago. She was a member of the Lutheran Church, but in the absence of a house of worship for that denomination in Aiken, she had for many years been a constant attendant of the Presbyterian Church. Those who knew her best could not fail to be impressed by her consistent walk in life as evinced by her gentle deportment and her many acts of unostentatious Christian charity. Her pastor, The Rev. T.P. Hay, bore high testimoney to her many Christian virtues in the beautiful sermon which he preaced at her funeral on Saturday afternoon, which was attended by a large concourse of sympathizing friends, including many from Augusta and Charleston. The funeral services were performed at the Aiken Baptist Church by the Rev. T.P. Hay, assisted by the Rev. Lucius Cuthbert, and her body was laid to rest in the cemetery of the church, where three of her children are buried. A devoted wife, fond mother and gentle Christian woman has been laid to rest, peace to her ashes. May that merciful God whom she so delighted to serve and whom she was so ready to meet, pour the balm of his sweet consolation into the wounded spirit of the stricken husband and the two motherless boys who survive to mourn her loss, is the heartfelt wish of the writer of these lines. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.3 Kb