AIKEN CO., SOUTH CAROLINA - OBITUARIES - Elizabeth (Bettie) Holston LOTT ************************************************ SCGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE Copyright. All rights reserved. Contributed to the SCGenWeb Archives by: Beth Hemingway 11 Aug 2004 ************************************************ Augusta Chronicle, 9-29-1920, page 7A Mrs Bettie A Lott Called by Death Mrs Bettie A Lott, widely known and beloved Augusta woman,mother of M.H. Lott, of the shoe department of Swan Edwards store, died yesterday afternoon at her home, 202 Fifth Street. Her death came after an illness of only four days. Mrs Lott was one of Augusta's most noble women. A member of the Baptist church since early childhood, she remained until her death faithful to her church and its teachings. She always took a deep interest in all religious work, and her long life was made singularly beautiful by many deeds for the good of Christianity and the betterment of humanity. Mrs Lott was born and reared near Monetta, SC, and at the time of her death, was 75 years of age. She was the widow of John M Lott, and came with him to Augusta about 15 years ago. Mr Lott's death occurred shortly after he located in Augusta. A short funeral service will be conducted at the home this morning at 10 o'clock. At the close of the service, the body will be sent to Monetta, where the funeral services will be conducted at the Bethel Baptist Church, near Monetta. Burial will follow in the church cemetery. Besides her son, Mrs Lott is survived by one daughter, Miss Sallie Lott; one granddaughter, Mrs Olive Hill, both of Augusta; one grandson, Albert Ramsey of Monetta; two sisters, Mrs Laura Seigler, of Aiken, and Mrs FB Smith of Batesburg, SC; two brothers, JM Holstein of Ridge Springs, SC and HP Holstein of Gainsville, Fla.