AIKEN CO., SOUTH CAROLINA - OBITUARIES - Marshall H. LOTT ************************************************ SCGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE Copyright. All rights reserved. Contributed to the SCGenWeb Archives by: Beth Hemingway 11 Aug 2004 ************************************************ Augusta Chronicle, 11-6-1933, page 2A LOTT: Entered into rest in Augusta, GA, October 31st, 1933 in the 65th year of his age. MR MARSHALL (JACK) LOTT. Funeral services will be conducted from Platt's Funeral Home this (Monday) afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev EC Sheridan officiating. Interment Family Cemetery Monetta, SC. Drowning caused Augustan's Death, Inquest Reveals Funeral services Held Yesterday Afternoon for Marshall (Jack) Lott Marshall (Jack) Lott, 64, Augustan whose body was found in the Savannah River near the foot of East Boundary Sunday afternoon, came to his death by drowning, a coroner's jury decided after an inquest yesterday morning. The coroner said there was no evidence sufficient to warrant any qualifying statement as to the manner in which he was drowned. Mr Lott, who was a widely known and popular Augustan, disappeared from his home Tuesday morning, and when he had failed to return by Thursday, his sister, with whom he lives, notified the police. Investigation revealed that he was seen several times during the day Tuesday. John J Sullivan, believed to be the last person to see Mr Lott alive, testified at the inquest that he saw him late Tuesday afternoon on the south side of Broad street near Washington street, walking in the direction of East Boundry. Was In Shoe Business He was said to have been despondent because of his unemployment and financial condition. He was for years connected with the Edwards Clothing company, where he worked in the shoe department until that firm discontinued business some time ago, and since that time he had, it is said, been unable to obtain regular employment. Officials said that from the condition of the body, it had been in the water for several days when found by three boys, "Doc" Garner, of 12 Ellis Street; Grover Jenkins, of 13 Ellis Streets, and Reynolds Daniels, of 412 Second Street, Sunday afternoon near the dock of the Pure Oli Company. Funeral services for Mr Lott were held at Platt's Funeral Hom yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Rev EC Sheridan, pastor of Curtis Baptist Church, officiated and interment was in the cemetery at Monetta, SC. Mr Lott is survived by his sister, Miss Sally Lott; one niece, Mrs JO Hill, both of Augusta, and one nephew, AJ Ramsey of Monetta.