AIKEN CO., SOUTH CAROLINA - OBITUARIES - Sheppard S. LOTT, Jr. ************************************************ SCGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE Copyright. All rights reserved. Contributed to the SCGenWeb Archives by: Beth Hemingway 12 Aug 2004 ************************************************ Augusta Chronicle, 9-19-1970, page 3A Shep Lott Jr WILLISTON, SC-Funeral services for Shep Lott Jr, 57, who died Thursday will be held today at 11 am at the Folk Funeral Home Chapel with Rev LG Corder officiating. Burial will follow at the Williston Cemetery. A lifelong resident of Williston, he had been Magistrate of Williston for a number of years. He was a member of the Williston Baptist Church, Hope Lodge 126 and the Woodmen of the World. Survivors include his widow, Mrs Evelyn Garvin Lott; a daughter, Mrs Robert L McAlhaney Jr of Williston; a son Andy Lott of Williston; three sisters, Mrs Albert Koon of Williston, Mrs Frank White of Atlanta and Mrs George Patterson of Columbia, SC; and two brothers, Rufus Lott of Panama City, Fla, and Wallace Lott of Meadows Den, Va. Active pallbearers will be Ralph Keel, Hugh Birt, Clyde Porter, JB Stallins, Russell Nix and Bubba Snipes.