AIKEN CO., SOUTH CAROLINA - OBITUARIES - Beulah Esther Henderson LOTT ************************************************ SCGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE Copyright. All rights reserved. Contributed to the SCGenWeb Archives by: Beth Hemingway 12 Aug 2004 ************************************************ Augusta Chronicle, 7-28-1971, page 5 Mrs Beulah E.H. Lott AIKEN-Mrs Beulah Esther Henderson Lott of Pine Drive, Aiken, died Tuesday at the Aiken County Hospital after a short illness. Funeral arrangements will be announced by George Funeral Home. Mrs Lott was a retired nurse and a member of the First Baptist Church. Survivors are her step mother, Mrs Missouri Henderson, Warrenville, SC; a son, Lorrayne H Lott, Grand Rapids, Mich; a stepsister, Mrs Bessie Holland, Greenville, SC; a brother, G.N. Henderson, Seattle, Wash; a step brother, Estes Heath, Augusta; and a foster sister, Mrs Ruth Cox, Greenville, SC. 7-29-1971, page 8B Mrs Esther Henderson AIKEN-Funeral services for Mrs Esther Henderson Lott of 130 9 Pine Drive, Aiken, who died Tuesday, will be held at 2 p m today at George Funeral Home. Dr RL Cate will officiate. Burial will be in Aiken Memorial Park. Friends may call at the home or at the funeral home. Pallbearers will be Malcolm Walls, Gerald Copley, William Copley, James Price, Henderson Johnson and Louis Derriso.