AIKEN COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA - OBIT - Lott, Jacob (Jake) Calvin October 23 1926 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in SCGenWeb Archives by: Beth Hemingway 24 Aug 2004 Augusta Chronicle, 10-24-1926 GRANITEVILLE MAN DIED YESTERDAY. Jacob Lott, aged 50 years, died at the University Hospital in Augusta, GA, Saturday, October 2 at 2am after an illness of several weeks. Funeral services will be held at the W arrenville Methodist Church Sunday afternoon, October 24 . Rev. A.S. Ferguson officiating. Interment will follow in the Warrenville Cemetery. Mr. Lott is survived by three sons and two daughters. They are: Jakie, Offie, Claudie and Misses Bessie Mae and Evelyn Genell of Langley, SC. He is also survived by one brother, J.M. Lott, of Vaucluse, SC and two sisters, Mrs. John Richardson, of Langley, SC and Mrs. Ernest Jones of Augusta , GA.