AIKEN COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA - OBIT - Lott, Minnie Bryant March 5 1925 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in SCGenWeb Archives by: Beth Hemingway 24 Aug 2004 Augusta Chronicle, 4-7-1925 FUNERAL TODAY OF MRS. MINNIE LOTT Interment Yesterday in Warrenville Cemetery. Mrs. Minnie Lott, 42 years old, died very suddenly Sunday night at the residence of her sister, Mrs. Leora (Leola) Eubanks, in Graniteville, SC. The funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at the Graniteville Methodist Church, Rev. A.B. Ferguson, Jr officiating. Interment followed in the cemetery at Warrenville. Survivors are: Husband, J.R. Lott, Vaucluse, SC; three sons, Jacob Lott, Graniteville; Offie and Claude Lott, both of Vaucluse; two daughters, Miss Bessie May Lott, Graniteville, and Miss Genelle (Janelle) Lott, Vaucluse; mother, Mrs. Ella Bryant, Graniteville; four sisters, Mrs. Jessie Reeves, Augusta; Mrs. Lula Cochran, Hamlet, NC; Mrs. Effie Toole, Warrenville, SC, and Mrs. Leora (Leola) Eubanks, Graniteville; and two brothers, Tyler Bryant, Greenwood, SC and C. C. Bryant, Graniteville. Couch and Timmerman, Graniteville in charge.