AIKEN COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA - OBIT - QUINBY, Mrs. James L. 1908 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ Contributed for use in the SCGenWeb Archives by: Darlene Brookins-Brooks The Augusta Chronicle Died of Hear Failure Mrs. James L. Quinby, Wife of Graniteville Merchant Special to the Chronicle- Aiken, SC, March 21, - Mrs. James L. Quinby, wife of Mr. James L. Quinby, Sr., one of the leading merchants of Graniteville, died yesterday at her home in Graniteville. Death was the result of heart failure. She is survived by her husband, two children, Miss Nellie Quinby, and Mr. J.L. Quinby, Jr., one brother, Mr. F.P. Purser and one sister, Miss Stansfield. The funeral services were conducted this morning at the Graniteville Methodist Church by Rev. Mr. Wright, of which church she was a consistent member. The sympathies od the entire community are extended to the bereaved family.