AIKEN CO., SOUTH CAROLINA - OBITUARIES - Laura Holston SEIGLER ************************************************ SCGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE Copyright. All rights reserved. Contributed to the SCGenWeb Archives by: Beth Hemingway 11 Aug 2004 ************************************************ Augusta Chronicle, 1-28-1923, page 8C Mrs Laura H Seigler Dies At Aiken Home Funeral From Residence at 3 O'clock The funeral of Mrs Laura Holston Seigler, who died at her home in Aiken, SC, at 9:05 o'clock Friday night, after an illness of eight days, will take place this afternoon at 3 o'clock from the residence, with Rev McLean, pastor of the First Baptist church, of Aiken, officiating and interment will follow in Bethany Cemetery. Mrs Seigler, who was the widow of the late Edward Seigler, had many relatives and friends in Augusta, and her death comes as a distinct shock to all who knew her sterling character. She was 75 years old at the time of her death and her entire life had been devoted to charitable acts and to the love for her church. For many years she had been a devoted member of the First Baptist church, of Aiken, and her absence will be marked through the years to come. The survivors are: Three sons, Robert Seigler of Aiken; Gary Sigler, of Aiken, and Quilla Seigler, of Augusta; four daughters, Mrs Charles Week, Mrs Summers, Mrs Henry Hendrix, and Miss Wiley Woodward, all of Montmorenci; two brothers, HP Holston, of Gainesville, Fla; and JM Holston, of Ridge Springs, SC; One sister, Mrs FB Smith, of Batesburg, SC, Fourteen grandchildren and two great grandchildren.