AIKEN CO., SOUTH CAROLINA - OBITUARIES - Walter Tolbert TIMMERMAN ************************************************ SCGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE Copyright. All rights reserved. Contributed to the SCGenWeb Archives by: Beth Hemingway 10 Aug 2004 ************************************************ Augusta Chronicle, 8-2-1939, page 2A TIMMERMAN-Entered into rest at an Augusta infirmary, July 31, 1939, at the age of 60 years, MR WALTER TOLBERT TIMMERMAN, beloved husband of Mrs Minnie West Timmerman of Graniteville, SC. Funeral services will be conducted at St John Methodist church, Graniteville, this (WEDNESDAY) afternoon at 5 o'clock with Rev MK Medlock officiating. Interment, Graniteville cemetery. Posey's Funeral Home, Graniteville. W. W. Timmerman's Funeral Services To Be Held Today Graniteville, SC, Aug 1-Funeral services for Walter Tolbert Timmerman, retired insurance company representative, who died at an Augusta infirmary yesterday after an illness of two months, will be held tomorrow at St John Methodist church here at 5 o'clock. The Rev MK Medlock will officiate and interment will follow in the Graniteville cemetery. Active pallbearers will be Archie Dean, Benny Wingard, Wade Samuels, Claud McCray, Charles Kenney and Jimmie Parker. Honorary pallbearers will be the staff of the Metropolitan Insurance company of Augusta. Mr Timmerman, who was 60 at the time of his death, was a member of the Graniteville Methodist Church and the Knights of Pythias. He is survived by his wife, Mrs Minnie West Timmerman, two daughters, Mrs MM Wilke, and Mrs TC Giles, all of Graniteville, three sons, Audley Timmerman, WL Timmerman and Gerald Timmerman, Graniteville; a sister Mrs Ollie Boysworth, Columbia, and several grandchildren.