Anderson County ScArchives Wills.....Gaillard, A L June 14, 1900 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Loretta Aldrich September 21, 2012, 2:55 pm Source: South Carolina, Probate Records, Bound Volumes, 1671-1977, Family Search ( Accessed 20 Sep 2012), Anderson Wills, 1899-1907 Pg 82 Image 61 Of 347 Written: June 14, 1900 Anderson County ScArchives Will Records.....Gaillard, A. L. (Jun 1900) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Loretta C. Aldrich 21 Sep 2012 The State of South Carolina I the undersigned Alethea Louisa Gaillard do hereby make and declare the following to be my last Will and Testament and all former wills by me made are hereby revoked. I I desire that my body shall be decently buried and a suitable Tombstone shall be erected over my grave also over the graves of Dr. C. L. Gaillard and J Palmer Gaillard. II If I should have any just debts unpaid I desire that they shall be paid in full. III I have already disposed of all my personal property except my wearing apparel and I bequeath that to my daughter Alethea Ann Jenkins who now resides in Texas. IV I desire that my Executors shall make a deed of conveyance of my L....Lot in Pendleton now occupied by Rev. J. F Singleton to my daughter Pauline Britt now residing in Florida and this shall be in full of her share in my estate subject to Art VII herein. V I have given to my son William F. Gaillard and have conveyed to him Forty acres off my Tract of land in Broadaway Township Anderson County SC which is in full for his interest in my estate subject to Art VII herein. VI I desire that the remainder of my Tract of land above named in Anderson County shall be sold by my Executors and the proceeds of such sale applied 1st to the directions in Art I & II herein, 2nd to the expenses necessarily incurred by my Executors in the settlement of my estate and 3rd to equal division between my sic children viz (1) Sallie C. Stribling, (2) Louis Leroy Gaillard, (3) Alethea Ann Jenkins, (4) Hammond Gaillard, (5) Louisa Carolina Osborne, (6) Jane Harvey Robinson. VII If any of my six children last named or my daughter Pauline Britt shave have died before my death then I desire that the portion of such child or children shall go to the child or children of such deceased ones and in case such deceased one shall leave no child surviving him her or them, I desire that such portion shall be divided equally between all my children. VIII I hereby constitute and appoint my friends J J Sitton and W W Watkins Executor of this my last Will and Testament. Witness my hand and seal this 14th day June 1900. A. L. Gaillard We the undersigned hereby subscribe our names as witnesses to this last Will and Testament of Mrs. A L Gaillard in her presence at her request and in presence of each other. L. Caldwell E Stribling J W Stribling File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.7 Kb