CHARLESTON COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA - WILLS - David HAIG, 1831 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ Contributed for use in SCGenWeb Archives by: Vivian Kessler 26 Mar 2006 WILL OF DAVID HAIG 18(?) Ms(?) No 36 Charleston South Carolina. In the Name of God Amen, I David Haig of the City of Charleston and State aforesaid Cooper, being in perfect health and sound mind do make this my last Will and testament in manner and form follow- ing viz 1st I recommend my soul to God and my body I commit to the earth to be buried in a plain decent manner and attended with as little parade and expence as possible 2nd My will and desire is that all my just debts and fun- eral expences be first paid and in order that my Executors or Executrix's may be enabled so to do they are hereby or- dered and directed to have all the debts due to my estate collected in as speedy a manner as possible after my decease 3rd I order and direct that my House and Lot in Meeting Street be reserved if possible for the mutual benefit of my widow and children as long as my Executors or Executrix's may deem it expedient unless they should be compelled to dispose of the same for the purpose of satisfying the just demands against my estate. But I leave the execution of this clause entirely to their discretion and management (unreadable word inserted) expedient. I do further order and direct that all other property whether real or personal which I may then be pos- sessed of or entitled unto or interested in at the time of my death be disposed of by my Executors or Executrix's at public or private Sale for Cash or credit as they may deem most advantageous and as soon as may be convenient after my decease, except such parts or portions thereof as they may find necessary for the use and benefit of my widow and children 4th It is also my will and desire that if my Son David be found willing and capable of carrying on the cooperage Business for the mutual benefit and support of WILL OF DAVID HAIG PAGE # 2 himself and the rest of the family and that he receives the support of my former firneds [sic] and customers (which I trust he will) then & in that case my Executor and Executrix's are earnestly requested to render him all the assistance which may be in their power for so continuing and carrying on the said copperage [sic] business for the mutual benefit of himself and the rest of the family. 5th I have always been of opinion that a good education was the best legacy that parents could bestow upon their children and and [sic] I so far carried this opinion into effectin [sic] giving all but my two youngest daughters as good an education as my cir- cumstances could afford I do therefore earnestly entreat my Executors or Executrix's to procure for my daughters as compleat an education as my (E?)state can afford (I mean for Jane and Margaret) 6th I do further order and direct that whatever may be remaining of my estate at time of the death of my widow, that the same be equally divided between my three daughters, Eliza Jane, and Margaret, share and share alike. My Sons David, George and John, I hope will then be able to provide for themselves. But should either of them from accident or unavoidable misfortune require any assistance, I trust that their Sisters will relieve them or either of them as far as their circumstances will permit 7th And lastly I appoint my beloved wife and my daughter Eliza Executors and Executrix's of this my last (w?)ill and Testament, trusting them to the aid assistance and advice of my old & faithful friend Mitchell (K?)ing Esquire, also to my brother in law Mr Thomas Price, and they my wife and daughter Eliza are hereby nominated and appointed for that purpose, hereby revoking and making null and void any other will or wills by me heretofore made declaring this to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal in the presence of these witnesses and WILL OF DAVID HAIG PAGE # 3 they in the presence of each other have subscribed this deed which I acknowledge to be my last Will and testament Dated at Charleston this Second day of June eighteen hun- dred and thirty one and in the fifty fifth year of Amer- ican Independence. David Haig (L.S.) Witness James English, William Cross, William O.(?) Car- rere(?). Proved before James D. Mitchell Esq. O. C. (??) March 22d 1832 at the same time qualified Margaret Haig Execu- trix. Exd J. D. M. Recorded in Will Book 1826 - 1834 Book G Recorded on Page 591 No. 1 -- as circumstances may render the same necessary and *********************************************************************** Copy obtained from: Charleston County (SC) Public Library Transcribed here from microfilm of typed copy South Carolina Wills, volume 39 (1826-1834) pages 1003 - 1005