CHESTER COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA - WILLS - McCULLOUGH, Mary, 1824 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ Contributed for use in the SCGenWeb Archives by: Wes Phinney, Jr. Formatted and uploaded by Victoria Proctor. -------------------------------------------------------- Source: S.c. Archives Chester Co. Wills Vol. 2, Bk J, P. 4 Written: October 22, 1824 Recorded: February 4, 1828 In the Name of God Amen I Mary McCullough of Chester District and State of South Carolina being in my Ordinary State of health but sound in mind and memory thanks to God for all his Mercies but Calling to mind the mortality of my body and that it is appointed once for all men to die In the first place I restore my soul to God Who gave it and my Body I recommend to earth from Whence it Came to be buried in decent burial Order at the discretion of my Executors and respect to what worldly Estate it hath pleased God to bless me with after payment of all my legat Debts I demise and bequeth in the following manner (Viz) 1st I leave and bequeth to my son James the plantation I now live on and one Bed and Bed Cloths and Two Cows and also to my Son Hugh three dollars and also to Patrick Fenney three dollars and also to John Lynn Three dollars and also to William McCay three dollars and also to my Son John one Bed and Bead Cloths and also to my Daughters Rosey and Ann one horse or the value of it to each of them and their Beads and Bead Cloths and Cows in proportion to Polly when married and it is also my will that those who to take care of myself is to be Reasonably paid If there is any thing and also to mary Simonton Daughter of Patrick Fenney and also to Mary Peggy Linn Daughter of John Lynn my Bead and bead Cloths to be equally Divided betwixt them they having pointed out all that I remember if any thing has Escaped my memory 1st it be divided equally amongst my legal heirs Lastly I Constitute and ordain Robert Simonton and James Strong executors of this my last Will and Testament and hereby revoke and disanull all Former bequests or Wills heretofore by me made and Ratify and Confirm this my last will & Testament and None other Witness my hand and seal this twenty second day of October 1824 Witness James Strong her John Strong Mary McCullough Martha Strong mark Probated Feb. 4, 1828 Recorded in Book J Page 48 Apartment No 48 Package No. 772 Comments: Mary McCullough was the mother of Margaret (Peggy) Phinney, the wife of Patrick Phinney (Fenney, in will). Mary McCullough was married to William McCullough, who died in 1797.