Clarendon-Georgetown County ScArchives Wills.....DAVIS, Will Of Benjamin [Sr.] July 17, 1802 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Milisia Hanlin January 21, 2009, 9:59 am Source: South Carolina Department Of Archives And History. 8301 Parklane Road. Columbia, Sc. 29223. Tel: 803.896.6100; Fax: 803.896.6198. Http://scdah/ Written: July 17, 1802 Recorded: August 12, 1802 Will of Benjamin DAVIS, of Clarendon County, Sumter District, South Carolina [Formerly of Mount Hope Swamp, Georgetown District; Mount Hope Swamp, Williamsburg District, and later of Clarendon County, Sumter District, South Carolina....] “In the Name of GOD, amen, I Benjamin Davis of Clarendon County Sumter District planter being sick in body but of perfect mind and memory Thanks be unto God. and calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it ^ is ^ appointed for all men once to die.----- I do make and ordain this my last will and testament that is to say, Principally and first of all, I give and recommend my Soul into the hands of almighty God. that gave it, hoping it will not be rejected, and my body I recommend to the earth, to be buried in a decent Christain burial at the discretion of my Executors not doubting but at the Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the Mighty power of God.------And as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it has please God to blefs me in this life.---I give Demise and dispose of the same in the following Manner and form.--- First it is my desire that all my just debts be first paid. I give and bequeath unto my son Benjamin Davis all the tract of Land where now I live, and in case the Child my Wife is now pregnant with should be a son it is my desire that he shall have all that tract of Land that I am entitled to, granted to John Frierson and myself when divided, and it is my desire that my Executors will see it done shortly after my death. I likewise give and bequeath unto my son Benjamin Davis the half of that tract of Land I now own on Mount Hope Swamp, granted to James Nelson and myself, the other half to the Child should it be a son that my Wife is now pregnant with. should it be a Daughter it is my desire the two first Tracts Mentioned to fall to my son Benjamin Davis, and the Mount Hope tract sold by my Executors. and in case of the death of my son Benjamin Davis, or the death of the little Child that my wife is now pregnant with, and a son and neither of them of them married nor come of age it is my desire that the survivor of them may be entitled and enjoy all the said Lands, but if it should happen that both should die it is my will and desire that all my Lands be divided equally shared alike between my surviving Daughters, I give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife the choice of all my horses and my riding chatt and Harnefs. I give also to my son Benjamin Davis two Negro Fellows named Jemmy and Billy but should he die without…” [End of Page One] [Start of Page two] “… Lawful Ifsue before he arrives to the age of Twenty one years, it is my Will and desire that the said two Negro fellows shall devolve back to my other surviving Children it is also my desire that there shall be kept for the support and maintanance of my beloved wife and Children Fifty Cows and Calves and the remainder sold by my Executors. I give and bequeath all my moveable and personall Estate ofevery kind and nature whatsoever after what I have already disposed of as aforesaid to be equally divided share and share alike between my beloved Wife Mary Davis and my Children Lehnora Davis, and Benjamin Davis and Ann Eliza Davis and the child my wife in now pregnant with it is also my desire that if either of my Children should die before they arrive at the age of twenty one nor have lawful Ifsue in that case their part of my Estate to be returned back to the remainder Surviving Children share and share alike, it is also my desire also that all my Ft.k mares and young Creatures be soon after my decease sold by my Executors, it is my desire also that the whole of my Estate, except such part as I have already disposed and ordedered sold to be kept together and to raise Crops the support of my Wife and Children until they arrive at the age of Twenty one--at which Age they are to have their parts--- it is Likewise my desire that my Wife with her part to remain on my Plantation during her Widowhood.------ And I do constitute make and appoint my beloved Wife my Excecutrix with my friend and relation John R. Richardson, and my Brother James Davis, my Executors, recommending to their care the Education of my Children, out of my estate and I do hereby make void, disallow, revoke and disannul all and every other Will, and testament by me at any time heretofore made and do ordain, confirm and ratify this only to be and stand for as my last Will and Testament, In, Witnefs hereunto I have set my hand and Seal, this Seventeen^th^ day of July in the year of our Lord One Thousand eight Hundred and two------- Benj Davis- (SEAL) Signed Sealed and delivered in Presence of------- John Rowlett— Nubor [Nabor] Davis Jane Muckhaneys (Recorded in Will Book A Pge 19) (Recorded August 12th 1802) Wm. Taylor Ordy Bundle 27 Pkge 8” Source Citation and Source Information: Series: S108093: South Carolina Will Transcripts (Microcopy No. 9). South Carolina Department of Archives and History. 8301 Parklane Road. Columbia, SC. 29223. Tel: 803.896.6100; Fax: 803.896.6198. http://scdah/ DAVIS, Benjamin of Sumter District, Will typescript (2 Frames) (MSS Will: Will Book A, Page: 19; Estate Packet; BDL. 27, PKG. 8). Series: S108093; Reel: 0025; Frame: 00098; Item: 000. 8/12/1802. Description: DAVIS, BENJAMIN OF SUMTER DISTRICT, WILL TYPESCRIPT (2 FRAMES) (MSS WILL: WILL BOOK A, PAGE 19; ESTATE PACKET: BDL. 27, PKG. 8); Names indexed: BILLY (SLAVE); DAVIS, ANN ELIZA; DAVIS, BENJAMIN; DAVIS, JAMES; DAVIS, LEHNORA; DAVIS, MARY; DAVIS, NABOR; DAVIS, NUBOR; FRIERSON, JOHN; JEMMY (SLAVE); MUCKHANEYS, JANE; NELSON, JAMES; RICHARDSON, JOHN R.; ROWLETT, JOHN; TAYLOR, WILLIAM; Locations: CLARENDON COUNTY; MOUNT HOPE SWAMP; SUMTER COUNTY; SUMTER DISTRICT; Document type: WILL (TYPESCRIPT); Topics: SLAVES, NAMED. Sumter County, [South Carolina], County Wills Index. Volume I: 1774-1849. Additional Comments: ~ “DAVIS, Benjamin, Sr. Plat for 200 Acres on North West Side of Little PeeDee River. Georgetown District. 1784 C.” Names Indexed: DAVIS, Benjamin, Sr.; DAVID, David; Savage, Charles; Locations: Georgetown District; Little Pee Dee River. Document Type: Plat. . South Carolina Department of Archives and History. . 8301 Parklane Road. Columbia, SC. 29223. Tel: 803.896.6100; Fax: 803.896.6198. http://scdah/ Series: S213190; Volume: 0004; Page: 00212; Item: 000. RecordId=179209. ~ “Benjamin DAVIS and James Nelson, Plat for 710 Acres on Mount Hope Swamp, George Town District, Surveyed by John BURGESS. Names Indexed: BURGESS, John; DAVIS, Benjamin; NELSON, James; Young, William. Locations: Georgetown District; Mount Hope Swamp; Santee River.” 1/17/1786. South Carolina Department of Archives and History. . 8301 Parklane Road. Columbia, SC. 29223. Tel: 803.896.6100; Fax: 803.896.6198. http://scdah/ Series: S213190; Volume: 0013; Page: 00004; Item: 00; Document Type: Plat. RecordId=184855. ~ “Christopher MEACHAM, Plat for 1,000 Acres on Mount Hope Swamp, Williamsburgh District. Surveyed by William N. RICHBOURG. 5/4/1820.” Names Indexed: ATKINSON, Stephen; CORD, Frances; DAVIS, Benjamin [probably Benjamin, son of Benjamin]; JONES, Samuel; MEACHAM, Christopher; RICHBOURG, William N.; STIGGERS, George; Locations: Mount Hope Swamp; Santee River; Williamsburg District; Document Type: Plat. South Carolina Department of Archives and History. . 8301 Parklane Road. Columbia, SC. 29223. Tel: 803.896.6100; Fax: 803.896.6198. http://scdah/ Series: S213190; Volume: 0039; Page: 00207; Item: 001. 5/4/1820. RecordId=205420. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 8.7 Kb