Edgefield County ScArchives Bibles.....H. W. & Elizabeth Franklin Jackson Bible ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/sc/scfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Mary Flaws Jackson flawsjackson@yahoo.com May 11, 2006 I received a copy of the records from Mina Jackson (my husband, Richard Jackson's grandmother). I have no information about the Bible. The Jackson and Franklin families lived in Edgefield County, South Carolina [Front page] This is to certify that H. W. Jackson and Elizzabeth Franklin were united by me in Holy Matrimony at the bride's house on the 18 day of July in the year of our lord 1886 in presence of the family and friend. Signed Dr. W.H. Timmerman "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh." Gen. II. 24 [Gen. 2:24] MARRIAGES Miss Olive Elizabeth Jackson & Eulery L Strom were married Nov 24th 1911. John Edward Jackson and Mina Everett Garrett were married Dec. 21 1922 Elizabet Smith & Milledge Franklin was married Nov 6 1875 Henry W. Jackson & Marina Franklin was married December 25 1871 Henry W. Jackson & Elizabeth Franklin was married July 18 1886 Kella Franklin and Joseph Clark were married May 15 1898. Ardella Franklin was married to Jesse Derrick Dec 20 1898. Minnie Bell Franklin and George Roden was married Dec 18 1898 Thomas B. Franklin and Sallie Woodward was married Feb 25 1899. Miss Cornelia Jackson and Mr Edd Pardue ware married February 18, 1904 Anie Bell Jackson and Erstin [or Ernin] Reamo was married May 20 1917 Letha Jackson and George Esortelidge was married Dec 25 1916 BIRTHS Maryann Smith was borned Jan 25 Henry W. Jackson was borned Sept 29 1851 Annie Jackson was borned Ja 10 1859 Jessie H. Jackson was borned Sept. 21 1873 William H. Jackson was borned July 24 1875 Robbert G. Jackson was borned March 18 1878 Auseer C. Jackson was borned June 19 1880 Mary C. Jackson was borned October 30 1882 Murseann E. Jackson was borned Sept 23 1887 Letha Estell Jackson was borned Feb 3 1889 Olive Elizabeth Jackson was borned May 13 1890 Johnnie Edward Jackson was borned Aug 15 1892 Kella E. Franklin was borned Aug 2 1876 Thomas Butler Franklin was borned Mar 15 1878 Ardella Franklin was borned July 30 1880 Minnie Bell Franklin was borned July 29 1882 Ethel AnieBell was borned July 11 1894 Normie Lee Jackson was born June 24 1898 Colie Jackson was born June 24 1898 DEATHS Olive Elizabeth Jackson died Dec 3, 1961 Mr Jesse Franklin departed this life March 12 1887 Mrs Lena Franklin departed this life Jan 18 1892 Mr Milledge Franklin departed this life June 12 1884 Mrs Marina Jackson departed this life April the 4 1885 Merseann Elizabeth Jackson departed this life Nov 15 1888 Manda Franklin departed this life July 6 1889 Colie Jackson departed this life July 29 1898 Normie Lee Jackson departed this life May 21, 1899 Mr Jacob L Smith departed this life Sep 22 1905 Mrs Elizzabeth Jackson departed this life June 22 1916 Henry William Jackson departed this life July the 30 1922