Edgefield-Mccormick County ScArchives Church Records.....Horn's Creek Baptist Church Minutes 1824 - 1866 Copyright Date 1824-1866 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/sc/scfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Billie Jones billee@truvista.net July 1, 2007, 3:20 pm Horns Creek Baptist Church, Edgefield Co, SC, 1824 – 1866. MF#286.06 S724hc Furman University Library, Baptist Historical Collection The compiler, Billie Jones, read the Horns Creek minutes searching for information on my Rotton/Rauton line. As I did so, I tried to extract information that would be of genealogical nature such as death announcements, given and implied family groupings, given and implied marriages. It is my hope that this is helpful to others. Information in [ ] shows that this is my best interpretation of something very difficult to read. I have further genealogical information on some of these folks. If I can help, contact me at billee@truvista.net The church was constituted in 1768. The minutes and records were taken from the church in Nov. 1822, and have not been found. Therefore the early records most of us so desperately need are not available. Early members were noted in an explanation of the early church written in the beginning of the minutes book of 1823. Remember that these were written after 1823, so they are remembered information rather than recorded at the time, as would have been true if we had the original minute book that was taken. Early members listed: Benjamin Ryan and his wife were the first conversions of the church Lawrence Rambo Nathan White John Cogburn and wife – he was the first deacon ordained Joseph [Walker] and wife. Peter Youngblood, wife and son Jacob. Charles Bussey was an early Preacher. The church was called the “mother church of the greater part of the churches that compose the Edgefield Association”. Minutes begin in 1823. Feb, 1823 – ordered all names of members be recorded. John Landrum – Pastor Elias Blackburn – deacon Wm. Robertson - deacon Males Females Eleanor Dint-- Jesse Bettis clerk Rosannah Jester Thomas Adam - dead Rebecca Frazier John Swearingen Margaret Parkman Vann Swearingen Mary McDaniel John Styron Mary T. Blocker Ransom Hamilton Anne Mayer or Mayes John Frazier – [dead] Charlsey Mims Benjamin Frazier Elizabeth Mims William Blackburne Nancy Lowe [Moses] Swearingen Elizabeth Youngblood John Blocker [R]idley Gray William Lindsey – dead Phillis Whatley Drury Mims Margaret Dexter Matthew Mims Betty Tutt Henry [_] Lowe Polly Tutt Abner Whatley Sarina Blackburne Jesse [M] Horne Mary Burton Joseph Morris Mary Eddins Females Mary Perdue Frances Landrum Sarah Gray – dead Margaret Blackburne – [dead] Jamima Gallman Margaret Blackburne Jr. Anne S. Tillman – dead Beheathelou Mims Rebekah Low Rebecca Whittle – dead Mary Lucus – dead Elizabeth Lucus Polly White Sarah White Sarah Presley Sarah Nobles – dead Catherine Riddle Zelpha Nobles Mary Styron Elizabeth Reynolds Mary Youngblood Martha Drake [Tima] Lofton Frances Johnson Mary Mixon Sarah Morris Eliz Car__ Nancy Nobles Frances Day Rebecca Adams – dead Sarah [Gentry, Purley< ?] Blacks William Nobles’ Peggy B. Tutt’s Jo R. Williams’ Jenny H. W. Lowes’ Molley A. S. [__]’ George J. S. Glascocks’ Jesse H. W. Lowes’ Elzia E. B’s Tom J. Grays’ Fanny Watts’ Phyllis J. Grays’Isaac, Jenny, Belinda J. Ryans’ Sophia No owners names for the following list of Blacks Daniel, Caly, Sarah, Judy, Abraham, Letty, Juda, Aga, Phebe Also listed down in this part is one Peter Hilliard. However, later in the minutes he is referred to as Brother Hilliard, so I don’t think he was a slave. The following dismissed in order to form a church at Village of Edgefield: M. Mims, Eliza Mims, Abner Whatley, H. S. Lowe, Nancy Lowe, Betsy Youngblood, Margaret [Pixtey], Phyllis Watley, Ridley Gray, Betty Tutt, Polly Tutt. March 1823 Miss Lucretia Barr joined; Sister Elizabeth Reynolds dismissed. July 1823 John Presley restored 8/1823 Drury Mims & his wife Char[line] dismissed. 9/1823 – Rebecca Adams, Catherine Riddle, Thomas Adams [looks like the word dead written in the margin by these names] 1/1824 – William Robertson dismissed by letter. 2/1824 – Sister Sarah White dismissed by letter 3/1824 – Recd – Joseph Morris and Sarah Morris by letter. Sarah Gray dead 5/1824 - Rebecca White Dead; Linia Lofton dismissed. 7/1824 – Sister Mary Nixon dism. By letter 2/1825 – John Frazier Dead 3/1825 – Lucretia Burr letter of Dism sent by mail. 5/1825 – Polly White applied for letter of dismissal – approved 7/1825 – Sarah White received by letter. 3/1826 – Elizabeth Lucas granted letter of dismissal 5/1826 – Rec’d Thomas Boothe by experience. 9/1826 – Dead Peggy belonging to William Robertson; Dead Sister Peggy Nobles 10/1826 – Dead – Sister Mary Lucas 11/1826 – Restored Sarah Harden; Rec’d by experience Elizabeth Robertson. 12/1826 – Joe, belonging to the estate of Tutt restored. 2/1827 – Andrew Herron restored, then dismissed by letter; John Pressley & wife dismissed by letter. New Members by Baptism listed in Association report: Elizabeth Robertson – Horns Creek Elizabeth Whitlock – Providence Maria Whitlock – Horns Creek Frances Whitlock – Providence Elizabeth Hamilton – Providence Sarah Wood – Mt. Gillead (sp?) 7/1827 Juda belonging to John Fox dismissed. 9/1827 – Dead – Sister Jemima (or Jenna) Callman 10/1827 – John Blocker & wife Mary R. Blocker granted letter of dismissal 12/1827 – Dead: Elias Blackburn & William Lindsey. John Styron mentioned – did not see name on membership list. 2/1828 – James Whitlock received by experience; Winfrey Whitlock received by experience. 3/1828 – Ordained Bro. Joseph Morris as a deacon of the church; Received by letter J. Bledsoe & his wife; [Hailey?] Johnson received by letter. 4/1828 – William Blackburn expelled 8/1828 – Bro. Bettis expelled. 9/1828 – restored Sister Elizabeth Matthews; sister Matheny granted a letter of dismissal; Sister Mary Andrews granted a letter of Dismissal. 10/1828 – Dead – Sister Margaret Blackburn. 12/1828 – Door opened for Experience. Rec’d William Samuel, George Whitlock, William Walker, Sarah Walker, Mary Whitlock, Elizabeth Horn. 4/1829 – Sister Margaret [Dinkins] granted a letter of dismissal. 5/1829 – Bro. Julius Bledsoe & wife granted a letter of dismissal. 6/1829 - Ansel Devore rec’d by experience; Thomas Booth applied for a letter of dismissal; Sarah White granted a Letter of dismissal. 7/1829 – Letter of Dismissal to Sister Carlisle. 9/1829 – Bro. John Cloud restored; rec’d Sister Elizabeth Cloud; Sister Nancy Murphy baptized at Mt. Gillied. 10/1829 – Rec’d by letter: Sister Elizabeth Hopkins, Elizabeth Adams, Barbary Murphy, Catherine Clark, Martha Kimbrel; Thomas Johnson restored. 11/1829 – Restored: Samuel Warner, Sarah Anderson. Dismissed Rutha Anderson, Mary Murphy, Elizabeth [Pharvors]; Restored Ellis Murphy. 1/1830 – Elijah Murphy received by experience. 2/1830 – Dism. Adam Pardue to join Mt. Guilliad; Thomas J. Gantt was restored & dismissed; Letter of dismissal to Sister [Syrane] Blackburn and Elizabeth [Cosnaham] 6/1830 – Dism. Brother Hamilton & wife. 8/1830- Restored John Gray 9/1030 – Letter of dismissal requested by John Gray. 11/1830 – Letter of Dismissal granter Margaret Parkman. 2/1831 – Letter of Dismissal to Bro. George Whitlock 3/1831 – Restored Bro. [Laburn] march. Gave him a letter of Dismission. 8/1831 – Received by experience: Wm. Frazier, Wm. Hagans Sr. & wife Rachael Hagans, Narcissa Landrum, Elizabeth Swearingen, Wm. Hagans Jr., John Mims, Stanmore Ryan. 11/13/1831 – Restored David Donaldson & gave him a letter of dismissal 12/1831 – Received by Experience Bro. [Seburn Randoll]; Ordained John Swearingen Deacon. 2/1832 – Expelled Vann Swearingen – drunk & inattendance (he is sited many times and visited often by members of the church.) 3/10/1832 – Received by Experience Sarah Robinson & John Mims. 4/7/1832 – Expelled David Johnson. 7/1/1832 – Experience by grace – Mary Metlock, Mary Cloud, Samuel Horn, Amelia Horn; Received by letter – Rebeker Landrum, Harriett Landrum, and [_]Landrum (possibly Mary?); Expelled Bro. J. Nobles for drinking. 8/1832 – Received by experience: Elizabeth Horn, Mica[jas] Dinkins, Absalom Horn, Pamela Horn, Phebe Randol, Emsley Lott; Restored Amelia Landrum [These occurred during one of the protracted “revival” meetings] 3/1833 – Sister Eliza Dinkins received in full fellowship by letter from the Republican Church; Letter of dismissal given to B. F. Landrum. 1/1833 - [don’t know why my numbers are like this?] Granted a letter of dismissal to Joseph Morris and his wife Sarah; to Bro. Stanmore B. Ryan and his family; Voted to call Thomas Norris as Pastor. 7/1833 – Pamela Horn now Gallaway granted Letter of dismissal. 8/1833 – Sister Mary Landrum now Mrs. Miles [-----] 9/1833 – Licensed Bro. James Whitlock to preach the Gospel. 10/1833 – Letters of Dismissal were granted to John B. Swearingen, Elizabeth Swearingen & Harriett, their servant. 1/1834 – Brother George & Nancy Whitlock received by Letter. 2/1834 – Letter of dismissal granted to Bro. Seaborn & sister Phebe Randol to Phillipi Baptist Church; Also to Bro. Absalom and Sister Permelia Horn. 3/1834 – Stanmore B. Ryan excommunicated for profane language, drinking too much wine, & horseracing (he was the former clerk of the church) 6/1834 – Douglas Robertson ordained Deacon. 7/1834 – Received by letter: Abner Swearingen, Polly Doby; Dead – Bro. John Bettis 7/24/1834 3/1835 – Received by letter: Moses Swearingen & wife. 4/1835 – Benjamin Marsh Expelled. 12/1835 – Letter of dismissal granted to Sister Mary Cloud. 1/1836 - Received by letter: Bro. Franklin Landrum. 5/1836 – Douglas Robertson & wife dismissed 7/1836 – Sister Rebecca Landrum received by letter from Mr. Zion Church. 8/1836 – Levi Hill difficulty. 1/1837 – William Colclazar mentioned. 3/1838 – Bro. James Whitlock formerly Oked to Preach, banned from Preaching on account of drinking to excess. 5/1837 – Bro. Emsley Lot (Lott) restored; Received by letter: Martin McDaniel 6/1837 – Bro. Landrum restored. 10/1837 – Mrs. Harris was received by Experience; Bro. Anthony Lowe restored and granted a letter of dismissal. 3/1838 – Expelled James Whitlock for drinking and horseracing. 5/1838 – Restored Sister Snipes. 10/1838 – Received by Experience: Winfrey Whitlock & Pamela Whitlock; Received by letter: Margaret Miles & Amelia Mims. 1/1839 – Expelled Amos Landrum and E. Lott. Membership listed here. No dates given; ( gives information written in margin beside name) Males Females Rev’d J. Landrum Frances Landrum Wm. Robertson Elizabeth Whitlock Jas. Whitlock (xed out – expelled) Maria Devore (dism) Wm. Whitlock Frances Whitlock Wm. [Waltter] Mary McDaniel (dism) Ansel Devore (dism) Mary Burton (dead) Elij_ Murphy (dead) Mary Whitlocke Peter Hilliard (died) Anna Mays (dead) Wm. Frazier (dism) Zilpha Nobles Dennis Lowe Elizth Horn Franklin Landrum Nancy Nobles Miles Radford Sarah Marsh Samuel Horn Frances W. B. Mayson H. H. Mayson Frances (struck thru-then wrote Teresa) Wise. Edward ? Mays Mary Landrum Xed out so good I can’t read (expelled for dancing) Amelia Horn (dism) Sampson B. Mays Eliz Horn Winfrey Whitlock Eliza Dinkins (dism) Wm. Colclazier (exp) Elizth Colclazair (dism) ? Whitlock – xed out (expelled) Margaret Miles (dism) Martin McDaniel (dism) Martha A. May_ G. Whitlock (xed out – expelled) Amelia Whitlock Mikajah Dinkins – stuck thru Eliz. Mathis Wm. Doby Mary Mathis Jno. J. May (expelled) May Styron Maryan Doby (dism) Amy Harris (dism) Jane Horn (by letter) 4/1839 – Sampson B. Mays appointed Clerk; Received by letter: Elizabeth and Mary Mathis 3/15/1839 – Henry [H.] Mayson elected Deacon. Ordained May 17. 5/17/1839 – Received by letter William Doby Jr. and Mrs. Mary Ann Doby from Mr. Zion. 11/1839 – Letters of dismissal were granted to: Miss Margaret Miles, Mrs. Elizabeth Dinkins, Mrs. Mary McDaniel, Martin McDaniel, and Amy Harris. [Note by compiler - these people are listed in the membership list found prior to the entries of April – Nov, 1839; therefore the list was made at a later date on an empty page left in the journal. Probably the membership was a list of all members at the end of the year 1839] 3/1840 – Bro. James Whitlock restored. 12/1840 – Mikajah Dinkins Expelled for drunkenness. 2/1841 – Wm. Mays – Cited for dancing – Expelled for dancing. 5/1841 – Ordained Elijah Horn Deacon. 11/1841 – Letters of dismissal given to Chany, Lavinia & Miriah belonging to the estate of William Nobles dead. [Water damage to minutes of 1842 – very difficult to read] 6/1842 – L. B. & J. E. Mays expelled [they had requested earlier to be removed from the rolls due to a disagreement with the church] 7/1842 – Bro. Calclazier Expelled for intemperance. 8/1842 – Miss Talitha Monday and Miss Virginia [Gilland] received by experience. 1/1843 – H. Mayson received a letter of dismissal for he and his wife. 5/1843 – Received by Experience – Mr. E. Ransom; Letter of Dismissal granted to Sister Colclazer. Very Short minutes by B. P. Tillman, Clerk in 1844. Difficult to read. No minutes 1845 – 1847. 2/1848 – Bro. Winfrey Whitlock letter of dismissal through H. Mayson. 2/1849 – Bro. H. H. Mayson & sister Lovely Mayson received letter of dismissal. 10/1849 – Bro. Wm. Culclazier restored. 2/1850 – L. B. Mays restored. 3/1850 – Dead – Mrs. George Whitlock. 8/1850 – Miss Elizabeth Whitlock received by experience. 5/1851 – Miss Mary Whitlock d/o James Whitlock received by experience. 9/1852 – Protracted meeting held. Received by experience: Miss Rebecca Griffin. Miss Lucinda Brunson, Mrs. Mary Ann Mays, Mrs. Elizabeth Sullivan, Misses Martha Roper, Sophia Lipscomb, Anna Butler, Mary Butler, Sarah Mathis, Sarah Ann Mims, Mrs. Emma Addison, Mrs. Harriett Hughes, Benjamin [F] Mays, Wm. W. Miller, Robert Mims, ___ H. ___, Miss Unity Swearingen, Mrs. Mary Miller, Mrs. Augusta [Shaw], John [V] Tillman, & Mrs. Martha Cartlege. 10/1852 – Received by letter: Stanmore B. Griffin. 12/1852 – Received by letter: Jackson Mathis & wife Sally, Wm. H. Mathis and wife [--]abry. 1/1853 – Dismissed by letter: Monroe Ransom & wife Edney, Sisters Tabitha Monday and Frances Mundy, Lucretia Brunson. 2/1853 – Dismissed by letter: Edward L. and wife Martha Mays and sister Frances Mays. 3/1853 – Sister Rebecca Griffin dismissed by letter. 6/1853 – Sister Nancy Mathis received by letter from Hardy’s Church; Bro. Stanmore B. Griffin expelled for frequent intoxication; Bro. Wm. H. Mathis requested letter of dismissal for Mrs. Elizabeth Sullivan, Miss Anna Butler, & Miss Emma Butler. 10/1853 – Letter of Dismissal granted to Robert Mims and sister Sarah Ann Mims. 11/1853 – Restored Benj. Marsh. 2/1854 – Letter of Dismissal granted to Miss Sophia Lipscomb. 5/1855 – Eldred Swearingen received by letter. 6/1855 – L. B. Griffin restored ; Letter of dismissal granted to Mr. L or T. Adams & Mrs. E. Addison. 7/1855 – Protracted meeting – added the following to the membership: J.B. M., F. & Sally Ham (or Horn); Simon Fayette and Angeline Harris; Wm., Sarah, & Robert Williams, B. Bryan, B. Gill, Wm. Cloud, Wm. Swearingen, J. [Warner], L. B. Bryan, Mrs. A. Boyce; Walker, Jordan & Miss [Ryan]; Miss [Samuel], __ Samuel, Dr. W. Samuel, Jr., J. Wise, E. Wise, B. Coleman, J. Coleman, W. B. Mays. 12/1855 – Bro. L. b. Griffin expelled; Bro. James Horn, wife and son granted a letter of dismissal. 1855 & 1856 saw large groups of slaves joining and being baptized 5/1856 – Bro. John Wise expelled. 5/11/1856 – Preaching to White Congregation, dismissed and them preaching to the negroes. [This is the first time I have ever seen a reference to a separate service.] 6/1856 – Benj. Coleman & W. B. Mays both expelled by their own request; W. W. Miller and Simeon Harris restored. 3/1857 – L. B. Ryan Expelled. 8/1857 – Application made for Letter of Dismissal for Sister Frances Mays. 6/1858 – Sister Margaret Harrison received letter of dismissal. 10/1858 – Joseph Samuel expelled by request. 11/1858 – Sister Catherine Rambo received letter of dismissal. 4/19/1859 – Bro. W. W. Miller Expelled. 5/1859 – Martha Swearingen received by letter. 6/1859 – [Dr.] Walker Samuel Expelled. Next page unreadable. END Additional Comments: This extraction was done to help others find their ancestors. Feel free to forward it to others and other lists. The original microfilm may be ordered from Southern Baptist Historical Library & Archives - Baptist archives ... Carolyn Lancaster Special Collections Assistant 864-294-2194 carolyn.lancaster@furman.edu File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/sc/edgefield/churches/hornscre7gbb.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/scfiles/ File size: 17.3 Kb