Edgefield-Greenwood County ScArchives Wills.....Harrison, Bemjamin January 2, 1828 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/sc/scfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Suzanne Ackert sgackert@netscape.com April 7, 2005, 11:41 am Source: Edgefield County-copy Of Original Will Written: January 2, 1828 Recorded: September 28, 1829 I, Benjamin Harrison, being of sound and perfect mind and memory. I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife, Mary Harrison, during her life, the tract of land whereon I now live, with the exception of the Hill tract, which I give to my sister, Sarah Harrison, with 35 acres of woodland joining the Hill tract, during her life time. I also give to my Wife, Mary Harrison, the following Negroes, Viz: Bob, Matilda, Pleasant, Ester and her children, Ellis, Arease, Louisa, Synthia, and Amey, during her life, also all my household and kitchen furniture, one yoke of oxen, two horses, farming and blacksmith tools, six cows and calves. To each of my chilren that is unmarried at my death, I give the sum of $800.00 each, or property of that amount. The residue of my property, I wish to be sold, and the proceeds equally divided amougst the children, except Edmund, whose aunt has left him, by will, six Negroes. I desire for Edmund to share the said six Negroes with his brothers and sisters, if he does not do it them I will ??? him the sum of $20.00 from my estate. I appoint my wife, Mary, and son John Harrison, as executrix and executor. Witness: Moss Swearingen, Benjamin R. Addison and James H. Mosley. Signed, Benjamin Harrison. Proved by the oath of James A. Mosley, this 28th of September, 1829 and same time approved Mary Harrison, executrix, and John Harrison, executor. Additional Comments: Benjamin Harrison (1769-1829) was the husband of Mary Polly Walpole (1777- 1854.) His parents were Benjamin Harrison and Nancy Ann Steward/Stewart, of Virginia, although I am still trying to find a record of their marriage. Many Edgefield men purchased items from the Harrison estate for years after the death of Benjamin. This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/scfiles/ File size: 2.3 Kb