Newberry-Fairfield County ScArchives Deed.....Coate, Marmaduke - Coate Latham Milling, David T. & Maria May 27, 1818 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Rachael Mai October 8, 2016, 5:01 pm Newberry Village Written: May 27, 1818 David T. Milling and Maria Coate Latham Milling Walker Deed book M, pg. 114-115, Newberry County Courthouse The State of South Carolina Know all men by these presents that we David T. Milling and Mariah Milling his wife, late Mariah Coate Latham, of Clinton Jones County in the State of Georgia in consideration of the sum of three hundred and fifty dollars to us paid by Marmaduke Coate of Newberry District in the State of South Carolina have granted bargained sold __ ___ and by these presents do grant bargain sell and Release unto the said Marmaduke Coate all that Lot or parcel of land containing one acre situated on the North Side of Newberry Village in the State of South Carolina on the waters of Scotch Creek a branch of Bush River bounded on the East North and West by the said Marmaduke Coate’s land and on the South by Isaac Jones’ Lott which said Lot is laid out agreeable to the plan of the said Village with the privilege of a Street of thirty three feet in width on the South and East sides of said Lot. Together with all and singular the rights member ________deed ____ away to the said ____ belonging or in any _ire in ____ or ascertaining. I have ____ allowed singular the ______ unto the said Marmaduke Coate _____ deed _____ assigns forever _____ bind ourselves to warrant ____ forever defend all and singular ____ unto the said Marmaduke Coate deed heirs said any other or pursuer lawfully declaring or to claim the __ or any part thereof. …. And Sealed this twenty seventh day of May in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and eighteen in the year of our Lord…… in the forty second year of the Independence of the United States of America. Signed sealed and secured in the presence of …… A. Belton DT milling Maria Milling Additional Comments: *It is possible that Maria Coate Latham's maiden name was Coate not Latham. Latham could be the last name of her first husband. There is a Susannah Coate Latham that also owned an acre in the Village of Newberry. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.8 Kb