FAIRFIELD CO., SC - Indenture 1775 - James Marr ********************************************************************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES(tm) COPYRIGHT NOTICE: All documents placed in the USGenWeb Archives remain the property of the contributors, who retain publication rights in accordance with US Copyright Laws and Regulations. In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, these documents may be used by anyone for their personal research. They may be used by non-commercial entities so long as all notices and submitter information is included. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit. Any other use, including copying files to other sites, requires permission from the contributors PRIOR to uploading to the other sites. Contributed to The USGenWeb Archives by: William Marr ********************************************************************** State of South Carolina Know all men by these present that the John Kennsan plantation in the district of Chester and the state aforesaid of the one part and James Marr of the state and district of the aforesaid of the other part ________that the said John Kenen for and in consideration of sum of five hundred dollars to me in hand paid have granted bargained sold and by these present doth bargain & sell unto the said James Marr one certain planatation one track of land containing one hundred & twenty five acres of land long side of one hundred & seventy acres orginally granted to Assin Mc Dowl date the seventh of March 1775 ______ his Excellancy the Govenor Arnoldus Vander Horst the land being in the District of Fairfield and state aforesaid the waters of Wateree on the road leading from Winnsborough joins ______one Ann Kaels land ___one Jonathan Belton _____one Jean Cardins land __ on James Marr land and hath such shape ___ Mark as reference being had to a plat hereunto ________ more fully and at large appear To have and to hold all and ________ the _______ before mentioned unto the said James Marr his heirs assigns forever and __ the said John Kenen do hereby bond myself my heirs and assigns to warrant and forever defend all & singular the premis before mentioned unto the said James Marr his heirs & assigns against myself my heirs and assigns and ever perform or ____ Claiming the ____ or any part. In witness where of I have set my hand and seal the 28 th day of October 1803, Signed sealed and delivered In presence o Hugh Lagendaar Jelka Hares South Carolina I David Kead Evans one of the officials of the commission of Fairfield District do certify unto all whom it may concern that Ame Kinen wife of the witness Kinnen did this day appear before me & being privately separately examined by me did declare that she does freely voluntarily without any ______ from dread or fear of any person or persons whommsoeverrenounce relerase & forever relinquish unto the ___ named James Marr his heirs & assigns all her interest and estate & ____ all her right and claim of Dower __ or to all and singular the presences withinmentioned released. Given ______hand and seal This 28th of October 1803 Assae Kenen (her mark) (signed) David K. Evans J.P. Fairfield District Before me appeared Jess Harris and made oath that he saw John Kenen sign seal & delivery the written title to James Marr for the use & purposes therein mentioned & Hugh Lavender performed as a whitness with him________ this 2 day of November 1803. (signed ) Jess Harris Included was a drawing showing the signs of the boundaries of the property in the Indenture. Transcribed Dec 2002 from the hand written original Deed Book O, page 321 by William J. Marr wjmarr@att.net