Georgetown District, SC - Daniel Pipkin Revolutionary War Record ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Source: South Carolina Archives "Claims Growing out of the American Revolution, 1775-1856" Series Number: S108092; Reel: 0118; Frame: 00375 [This is believed to be the same Daniel Pipkin who left a will in Horry County, SC in 1824] The State of South Carolina To Danell Pipkin Feb'r 19th 1784 Agust 24th 1782 30 Days Dutey in Generall Merrians Bregaid as Lieutenant at 5£ £7:10 Decr 16 1782 22/52 days dutey in Ditto 5:10 as Lieutenant 13 Personally apired befor me James Johnston one of the State Justices for Georgetown District Mr. Danell Pipken who swear the above account is true and that he has received no part of the same Jas Johnston JP July 26 1785 Daniel Pipkin 52 days duty as Lieut't in the Militia from 24th Aut't to 16 Decem'r 1782 Amo't £13 " " Thirteen pounds sterling South Carolina Pursuant to an Act of the General Assembly passed the 16th of March 1783, We, The Commissioners of the Treasury, have this day delivered to Mr. Daniel Pipkin this our Indented Certificate, for the sum of thirteen pounds sterling for 52 days Militia Duty as Lieutenant in 1782 as per account and the said Dan'l Pipkin his Executors, Administrators, or Assigns, will be entitled to receive from this office the sum of eighteen shillings & two pence on the demand for one years interest on the principal sum of thirteen pounds and the like interest annually The said Dan'l Pipkin his Executors, Administrators, or Assigns will be entitled also to receive and shall be paid if demanded the principal sum of thirteen pounds on the twenty sixth of July 1787 and the said Daniel Pipkin his Executors, Administrators or assigns may make any Purchases at any Public Sales of Confiscated Property, (except such as shall be ordered by the Legislature for special Purposes;) and this Indent shall be received in Payment. For the true Performance of the several Payments in Manner above-mentioned, the Public Treasury is made liable, and the Faith of the State pledged by the aforesaid Act. Given under our hands at the Treasury Office in Charleston, the twenty sixth day of July one thousand seven hundred and eighty five. J. Mitchell Commissioners of the Treasury ______________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Guy Potts - ______________________________________________________________________